WorldBox - God Simulator

WorldBox - God Simulator

Gunsmith Book (Discontinued!)
Any idea? Post here.
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115/43 megjegyzés mutatása
Can you add Power Box please
grenades would be AWESOME!!!
lukt eredeti hozzászólása:
grenades would be AWESOME!!!
Probably in the future, Dynamite and Hand bombs already sets the grounds
Alex n' Italy eredeti hozzászólása:
lukt eredeti hozzászólása:
grenades would be AWESOME!!!
Probably in the future, Dynamite and Hand bombs already sets the grounds
could you make it so techs like gunpowder and gunnut no longer give a research speed bonus?
Cyrogenic eredeti hozzászólása:
could you make it so techs like gunpowder and gunnut no longer give a research speed bonus?
Yeah that's a fair enough balancing, while i think Gunpowder only needs a research nerf (so still a bonus, but smaller), i should prob. remove the gun nut one since it buffs a lot weapon production.
Could there be something like an industrialization tech or techs that increases production of things like food, wood, stone and common metals?
Cyrogenic eredeti hozzászólása:
Could there be something like an industrialization tech or techs that increases production of things like food, wood, stone and common metals?
While industry/factories are reasonable, this mod only focuses on military advancements, not on the entire industrial revolution.

Therefore there will be simplified extra tech for things like quarrys for extra resoursce production, but ill never care about the development of farms for example.
Can you make bandits have guns?
ATNP Gaming eredeti hozzászólása:
Can you make bandits have guns?
Not out of the question, but not happening soon either
Alex n' Italy eredeti hozzászólása:
ATNP Gaming eredeti hozzászólása:
Can you make bandits have guns?
Not out of the question, but not happening soon either
Just some questions, 1. how far will this mods tech tree go in the future
2. what would the vehicle progression look like(if any)
3. i think firearms should be produced in higher quantity, so bigger armies stop using unarmed swarms
Cyrogenic eredeti hozzászólása:
Just some questions, 1. how far will this mods tech tree go in the future
2. what would the vehicle progression look like(if any)
3. i think firearms should be produced in higher quantity, so bigger armies stop using unarmed swarms
1. No clue, ill keep expanding as much as i want to, but for now i'm basically covering everything until 1870-1880, next step is ww1, then if want interwar then ww2, so on and so fourth
As long as i have will and time, when i want to, i add ontop the mod and expand, i'll probably stop when i dont care anymore or when there's nothing to add.
2. first of all i need to figure out how to get one working, then i'll see.
3. Im currently trying to get with key a system working where if (X) tech is researched, then a kind of weapon is no longer built, therefore if (Flintlock) is researched, bows are no longer produced for example, so next update should cover that.
yo alex, could you like add a way to turn off some guns because for eample i do agree with crossbows cannons and flintlock but i dont really want winchesters and stuff, its too modern
you really needed to post that twice huh.

andreinfp eredeti hozzászólása:
yo alex, could you like add a way to turn off some guns because for eample i do agree with crossbows cannons and flintlock but i dont really want winchesters and stuff, its too modern
Other than that seek of attention, it's not a particurally bad idea, i'll sign it in the list of things to do, but it won't come in the next update, know that.
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