

Archotech+ (Continued)
Mlie  [author] 28 Jun @ 10:15am 
@Your Dad Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
nako 7 May @ 9:07am 
There's something in anomaly that will create duplicates of colonists, but it's not supposed to duplicate the implants in them. But these get duplicated (at level 1).

I tried a variety of tags that I saw other modded implants using that don't get duplicated, but I couldn't figure out how to prevent this from happening in this mod. Maybe Anomaly checks if it's possible to uninstall the implant in order to disable it. If so, I don't think there's a good way to fix it (because these implants can't be uninstalled).

So, don't worry about it I guess! Kind regards.
Mlie  [author] 6 May @ 6:41am 
@nako I have no experience with Anomaly. Not sure what you mean
nako 6 May @ 6:36am 
These get duplicated but set to level 1 during the anomaly obelisk duplication. Might want to stop them from duplicating.
lil kitty girl 1 May @ 3:55pm 
Sorry about breaking the mod yall. Found the issues and submitted a fix.
lil kitty girl 1 May @ 2:48pm 
Just looked at my pull request. The xml changes weren't included. Woops!
Pvt Okosan 1 May @ 11:23am 
Having the same issue as @sashakiller33, just can't install the regenerator for whatever reason
sashakiller33 1 May @ 1:47am 
Checked Archotech+ without any mods only dlcs. No error logs. Archotech regenerators cannot be installed on a pawn. Everything else work as intended. Probably mistake in installation code for them.
Mlie  [author] 29 Apr @ 10:17pm 
@Asteyr Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
lil kitty girl 29 Apr @ 7:53pm 
Seems to work for me.. Did you check if the implant was fully charged?
Asteyr 29 Apr @ 6:50pm 
Just a heads up, the last update broke the Archotech Regenerator item for me.
Ros[É] 28 Apr @ 2:45pm 
Ros[É] 28 Apr @ 2:45pm 
Also all other implants show a level along side severity in character editor
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 2:44pm 
Very weird, this is in 1.5 right?
Ros[É] 28 Apr @ 2:43pm 
I did both and tried to add it to a pawn in a new game and in character editor it still shows up as "severity [1-3] and putting it at 3 does nothing
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 1:25pm 
Oh and one more thing, you may have to remove the implant and add it again. It could be stuck on the old state.
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 1:22pm 
That's super weird. Try unsubing the mod and resubbing :3
Ros[É] 28 Apr @ 12:35pm 
After the update the regenerator still can't be edited with character editor
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 7:03am 
Okay, check your pull requests! :3
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 5:51am 
I'm attempting to fix it myself. I'll create a pull request if all goes well ^^
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 5:43am 
I think all you need to do to fix this is to inherit Hediff_Level instead, and remove the level property and instead use the base property.
lil kitty girl 28 Apr @ 5:30am 
Looked into the source code with Linux's version of DNSpy, and found out why the issue happens. It's because the class Hediff_LevelWithComps inherits HediffWithComps, when it should instead inherit Hediff_Level, since that's a type that specializes in level comps. The way levels were adding to the Hediff_LevelWithComps, was a hack that is no longer required.
Mlie  [author] 27 Apr @ 12:06pm 
@Kitty Yes
lil kitty girl 27 Apr @ 11:50am 
Skimming over the xml, I don't think its this one. There must be another mod interfering with this one. I'll see if I can find out..
Mlie  [author] 27 Apr @ 9:59am 
@Kitty Again, never used the mod so cant say
lil kitty girl 27 Apr @ 9:51am 
Its weird that it only happens with the regenerator tho.. thought maybe it was a bug here..
Mlie  [author] 27 Apr @ 9:38am 
@Kitty You may need to report that to the author of that mod, Ive never used it
lil kitty girl 27 Apr @ 9:33am 
I cant change the level of the regenerator of pawn editor, but I can with the bioadapter..
nako 21 Apr @ 7:52pm 
Thank you for keeping this mod updated after all this time. Would you consider adding operations for these so we can install them on our ghouls?
Tellurium 17 Jan @ 3:49am 
@Mlie I figured I had a mod that also does about the same thing, after removing it solved the problem, aparently it was just a mod conflict, sorry.
Mlie  [author] 13 Jan @ 11:49am 
@Tellurium Can you show a log of this happining with only this mod loaded? It does not happen in my tests.
Tellurium 12 Jan @ 7:33pm 
The archotech regenerator is not working, it's trhowing a "HediffClass is null" error on launch and if I try to use it on anyone it does't apply, disappears and throws a JobDriver exception.
Mlie  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 2:24pm 
@Homar I see, I dont think its a good idea to have multiple ressurect items active on one pawn.
Homar 23 Dec, 2023 @ 2:21pm 
@Mile It's called [RH2] Faction: V.O.I.D. the most popular one. There's a few implants that start with the phrase neuro, it's the one labelled v4 that ressurects.
FlareFluffsune 10 Dec, 2023 @ 8:48am 
Prepare Carefully is pretty bad and has incompatibilities with many mods and functions. Use Character Editor instead.
ShivKnight 10 Dec, 2023 @ 8:17am 
Thanks for updating these. I love that I/ my pawns are able to use these again.
I noticed the archo implants like the cortex are absent from the initial options in prepare carefully while the previous versions were present. Is that a known issue?
Mlie  [author] 9 Dec, 2023 @ 9:11am 
@Homar Can you perhaps link to the mod you are referring to?
Homar 9 Dec, 2023 @ 7:55am 
The ressurector doesn't seem to be working properly with the voidtech neuro upgrades, they instantly come back to life leaving a mist that never dissipates. Is there any way of removing these unending mists?
Taz 24 Oct, 2023 @ 3:28am 
Mlie  [author] 24 Oct, 2023 @ 12:50am 
@Taz Please post the link to mods you want updated on the Discord server
Taz 24 Oct, 2023 @ 12:19am 
Any chance you can update the Archotech ++ version as well?
Mlie  [author] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 2:48pm 
@FlareFluffsune No idea, but I guess you could try to patch the recipes
FlareFluffsune 19 Oct, 2023 @ 1:19pm 
Is there anything I can add to the XML to let me install these on my animals at all? I thought Xenobionic Patcher would let me but it doesn't appear to be working lol
Draxiss 16 Oct, 2023 @ 8:30pm 
Actually scratch I fully forgot how the Ageless and Non-Senescent genes work. I guess there's just no good solution. Heck.
Draxiss 16 Oct, 2023 @ 3:43pm 
An issue with age reversal is that neither biological age or chronological age adequately represent a character's age in terms of accumulated experience, but the game does not track a pawn's experiential age. This has a mechanical impact in both base and modded gameplay that I find fairly frustrating. As such, I suggest that instead of age reversal, the Archotech Regenerator simply make the recipient non-senescent (like the Archite Gene) and regenerate senescence-related hediffs instead.
Mlie  [author] 13 Oct, 2023 @ 11:32am 
@NotVeryProductive Should be added now
NotVeryProductive 10 Oct, 2023 @ 6:30pm 
Could there be a debug mode action to instantly add a healing/resurrection charge? Even when I set the time to generate a charge to 1 hour, it takes a long time to completely charge the reseurrecter
Mlie  [author] 15 Jun, 2023 @ 12:08am 
@Ericus1 Missed that, thanks for the info
Ericus1 15 Jun, 2023 @ 12:04am 
Arcotech regenerators reverse aging. They are in the mod.

You can set the age they deage a pawn to in the mod config, then they stop deaging. So no, they aren't going to turn your whole colony on zygotes.
Mlie  [author] 14 Jun, 2023 @ 11:56pm 
@spec02alex There is no age reversal in this mod