Black Mesa
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[Outdated] Black Mesa : Full French subtitled version
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14 Tem 2016 @ 10:36
11 Mar 2020 @ 16:31
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[Outdated] Black Mesa : Full French subtitled version



Through the work of our team and the help of the entire community, we have the pleasure to propose to you, after an initial release in 2013 for the free version, the Steam version of the French translation of Black Mesa.

In all, it is more than 7000 lines of dialogue that were translated and hours of test who were performed. In addition to translating in french the subtitles, we have also translated several aspects of the game that were not intended to be translated (at this state) by the game developers This includes in particular:

• The main menu of the game including the new interface implemented, and the achievements.
• The in-game texts and the booting sequence of the H.E.V suit.
• The loading screen texts of the game and the multiplayer tips.

It's with a great pleasure that we provide the results of this work and we hope you will be as pleased as we are.

As always, we hope that many of you will give us opinions and suggestions to improve our translation.

The french translation team


03/12/20 : Release of a first patch for the french translation of Black Mesa 1.0. This patch is only available on the workshop for the moment and will be soon be available on the net

08/02/17 : Adding of a subjet dedicated to the French translation of the mod Black Mesa: Hazard Course. This translation only works on the free version of Black Mesa.
Adding of a second subject, dedicated to the different French translations and the different versions of Black Mesa.

09/05/16 : Release of the french translation on the Steam version, initially released in 2013 for the free version.


Black Mesa - Free version : Lien
French translation of the Free version : Lien

Black Mesa - Steam version : Lien
French translation of the Steam version : Not available for now. Use the Workshop version.


Warning: This patch may need to be installed again, after any update of Black Mesa by the developers, because of the changes it can bring to the files who enabling the translation to work.

So if the translation is not working any more after an update, just reinstate the patch to fix the problem.

First, make sure to install the Steam version of Black Mesa, and do not hesitate to start the game one time before installing the translation. This 1.0 version of the translation is designed for the Steam version of Black Mesa. The "No Steam" version is not supported. About the mod (free) version of the game, please download the translation patch we have made for this version by clicking here.
Second, be aware that the Steam version has two types of installation, an installation with the workshop, and an installation with an installer, which is not available for now.

About the workshop version, go on the translation page of Black Mesa on the workshop and subscribe:

Then go through your file browser to the file location of the translation which is by default: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\362890\724466386".

At this location you'll find a "Black Mesa" folder. Copy/Paste this folder to the original location of the game on Steam which is by default: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\common", then crush and replace all the files requested during the copy/paste to finalize installation.

Finally, once the game started, make sure that the french subtitles are enabled. For that, go to the "Options" menu of the game, then in the "Audio" submenu. Once in this submenu, be sure the field "Captioning Languages" has "French" selected.


To uninstall the french translation of Black Mesa, go to the following location: "C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Black Mesa\bms". Then delete the "custom" folder.

Repeat the same operation at the following locations "C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Black Mesa\platform" and "C: \ Steam\SteamApps\common\Black Mesa\hl2\" to complete the uninstallation.


Because perfection does not exist, if you encounter a bug, an issue or a translation error, please report to us on this page. You can aso talk to us on the Black Mesa forum of website by clicking here[].

Finally, note that some bugs in the translation are already known by our team. Indeed, despite the release of the new captioning file by the Black Mesa team, some dialogues and scenes from the game still does not have subtitles. The current list of missing subtitles in the game is just below:

• Rocket Launch Scene
• Explosive Ambush Scene


• Edouard Benauw "Bananana"
• Maurice Berne "Nekoid"
• Alexy Duhamel "Tikuf"
• Guillaume Fortunier "Troufiniou"
• Martin Lenglet "Ulrik"
• Jérémie Meyer "coolman756"
• Christophe Minet "DeanR01"
• Olivier Mouren "OLIX"
• Johan Nagy "Lerenwe"
• Alexandre O. "Alex156000"
• Nicolas Schiena "R4ptou"
• Merrick Simms "Merrick Simms"


We thank the Crowbar Collective for allowing us to work on their creation during all these years. Despite the problems encountered on the way, this experience was exceptional.

We thank all those who helped us in the translation, whether through suggestions on the translation itself, or advices on the adaptation of the translation on Steam.

Finally we thank all members of the French Half-Life community for their support and patience.
Popüler Tartışmalar Tümünü Görüntüle (3)
11 Mar 2020 @ 16:56
SABİT: Sortie de la traduction pour la version 1.0 de Black Mesa
Merrick Simms
2 Ağu 2017 @ 5:16
Les différentes versions et traductions de Black Mesa
Merrick Simms
29 Tem 2017 @ 13:09
Black Mesa : Hazard Course - Traduction Française [Version Gratuite]
Merrick Simms
133 Yorum
Sternjaeger 8 Kas 2023 @ 15:31 
Ah, en fait je viens vous trouver car je joue en Français : sauf que les sous-titres FR en marchent pas. Seuls ceux en Anglais fonctionnent..

Merci pour ces éclaircissements cela dit, et pour votre travail.
Merrick Simms  [yaratıcı] 8 Kas 2023 @ 12:58 
Merci ulrik, je pensais l'avoir dit, la fatigue me gagne. J'ai mis à jour la page du workshop, j'aurais du le faire depuis un bail. :2019smile:
ulrik  [yaratıcı] 8 Kas 2023 @ 12:45 
Salut, il y a maintenant une traduction directement intégré au jeu sans besoin de passer par le workshop. Il suffit d'avoir Steam en français et d'activer les sous-titres en français dans les options
Sternjaeger 7 Kas 2023 @ 6:40 
Super ! Par contre, où dois-je la télécharger ? Car ici la dernière mise à jour date de.. 2020, c'est pour la 1.5 ou je dois la télécharger ailleurs ?

Merci !
Merrick Simms  [yaratıcı] 7 Kas 2023 @ 1:01 
Hello, j'ai pas mis la page à jour mais oui la traduction a été refaite depuis par nous et la communauté.

La page existe toujours pour corriger les rares défaut encore presents et d'éventuelles traductionde mod.
Sternjaeger 4 Kas 2023 @ 19:20 
Hello, la trad est complète du coup là en 2023 ? Je vois que le jeu est en 1.5 désormais.
Garry :з 17 Tem 2023 @ 3:20 
@VieuxBrie après il n'ont pas pu avoir des voix VF car ce n'est pas un remake officiellement fait par Valve
Ce sont des fans qui ont fait un mod qui à pris une très grande ampleur au point d'arriver sur steam donc c'est compréhensible qu'il n'y ai pas de nouvelle VF
VieuxBrie 8 May 2023 @ 5:01 
"Traduire s'est trahir l'oeuvre originale, mais ne pas traduire c'est trahir son propre peuple"
(citation d'un inconnu sur un forum)
VieuxBrie 8 May 2023 @ 5:01 
Avant tout chose, merci pour ce travail !

Je suis fan de jeux anciens mais je regrette de constater que tous les remakes ignorent les voix françaises pourtant présentes dans l'original (Ex Homeworld). Sur une production numérique le débat VF/VO habituel part directement à la poubelle, il ne reste alors que les raisons économiques et d'hégémonie culturelle Anglo-saxone.

D'une façon générale j'aimerais que mon fils puisse vivre pleinement sa propre culture et non pas la sous-culture américaine à la place (Oui c'est possible sur des contenus d'origine US grâce à la traduction et l'adaptation culturelle). Et d'une façon particulière, j'aimerais que mon fils puisse profiter de ce jeu d'anthologie comme moi j'ai pu le faire étant jeune :) .

Si les Russes et les Suédois on pu le faire, alors il y a surement une solution technique pour y arriver.

De nouveau, merci pour ce travail.
Panzersturm 11 Şub 2023 @ 13:37 
j'avais eu un gros probleme les STF de s'affichait pas, donc si des gens on eu le meme probleme j'ai tout desinstallé et supprimé le dossier BM et tout réinstallé et ca fonctionne