124 valoraciones
Шикарная сборка для друзьяшек Kenshi на русском [Rus] [Обновлено 14.12.2024]
Основная информация о сборке для друзьяшек
  • Моя стабильная сборка для последних версий Kenshi 14.12.2024]
  • 99% всех модификации на русском языке.
  • Добавлены моды для оптимизации игры.
  • Добавил новые анимации для стояния, бега, боя.
  • Порядок модов оптимизирован с помощью "Kenshi Mod Manager" []
  • Улучшен искусственный интеллект персонажей в игре, больше оружия, протезов, брони.
  • Упор сделан на улучшение графики ванильной игры, увеличение фпс, расширение и оживление игрового мира Кенши.
  • Упростил те игровые моменты которые кажутся слишком сложными и наоборот усложнил те аспекты игры в которых раньше не было сложности.
  • Боевая система ванильной игры отвратительна, поэтому была немного изменена.
  • Добавил анимаций, диалогов, больше возможностей при построении своего поселения, так же теперь когда вы только поселяетесь в новом месте вас не могут так быстро найти и начать уничтожать разные налетчики но по мере роста риск увеличивается.
  • Больше сотни новых доспехов, оружия и их классов, протезов, арбалетов, встречающихся среди НИП, от бомжей до дипстатусов.
  • Улучшение основных фракций и расширение минорных.
  • Куча новых лиц, не только людских, но и прочих рас.
  • Legendary of Kenshi усложняет игру делая всех НПС опаснее в целях продлить и разнообразить ваш геймплей.
  • Усилил святую нацию так как в большинстве моих прохождений я их воспринимаю как враждебную фракцию и начинаю её пытаться уничтожать, и чем быстрее она будет побеждена тем быстрее может быть утрачен интерес к игре потому она была пробафана, чтобы не возникало такое желание на слишком раннем этапе игры, да женщины и не кожанные ублюдки должны страдать больше, даже в мире, где итак все друг друга разрубают катанами при встрече.
  • Торговать теперь стало интереснее, но и прибыли 300% больше нет. Открываем лавочку и отыгрываем торговца и люди будут покупать за шекели ваше барахлишко, в отличии от ванилы, где все это криво работает.
  • Добавил много приятных мелких свистоперделок, без мелких мало заметных мелочей мир будет всегда болеее мертвым чем с ними, главное не переусердствовать и не снизить этим фпс в 0..
  • Новые загрузочные экраны
  • Больше 100 новых боевых анимаций.
  • Моды регулярно обновляются до последних версий, устаревшие моды удаляются или заменяются на актуальные.
  • Возможность вербовать к себе рекрутов из своих пленников через клетку.
  • Большой пак новых волос и бород.
  • Оживление городов (больше населения, посетителей баров, событий, более интенсивная торговля между городами)
  • При создании своей базы увеличена зона в которой нпс не могут пролезать через ваши стены (в отличии от ванильной версии теперь ваша база может быть больше и при этом изолирована от незванных гостей)
  • Мои скриншотики в Кенши ;)
Как установить сборку:
  1. Нажать на "подписаться на все" или выборочно выбрать нужные модификации
  2. Перейти в папку с игрой Steam/steamapps/common/Kenshi/Data
  3. В этой папке найти mods.cfg (открыть можно с помощью блокнота) и вставить туда порядок загрузки указанный тут
Добавил ссылку на файл порядка загрузки модов, чтобы вам было проще []

Если в порядке загрузки будут моды без галочки, это либо ваши моды, либо моды, которые я уже удалил из коллекции, но они у вас остались, галочки на них не ставим.

Как рекрутировать захваченных персонажей

Если не нравится стиль Borderlands либо отпишись от мода Native Stylise либо поставь такие настройки в игре.
Но лучше настроить его по своему усмотрению, так как кому то какой то эффект может нравиться, а кому то нет.

Дополнительная оптимизация: Optimization for Nvidia GPU in Kenshi [] В моем случае этот метод принес наибольший прирост фпс, так как игра очень не оптимизирована то даже на моем не слабом пк требуется подкрутить настройки видеокарты для игры.

Скачать сборку модов [] (7гб, архив с краткой инструкцией по установке) Последнее обновление было 23.08.24

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Artículos (346)
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 [RUS]
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Backpacks Expanded 2.0 Оригинальный мод не требуется. Поддержать юного моддера Рюкзаки: -Рюкзак искателя -Темный рюкзак искателя -Кожаный рюкзак (ранее известный как «Импровизированный кожаный рю...
Dustless Interior
Creada por MARH
This mod reduces the amount of dust on floors and furniture drastically. Dustless Interior does not affect the dust on rooftops or other outdoor objects because I consider outdoor dust as finishing touches. Also, it is intentional that ash accumulate indoo...
Less Buggy Bughouse
Creada por Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description What it Changes New building colliders! Should fix ...
Shinobi Armor
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Decently strong medium stealth armor that provides good protection, lots of buffs but kinda heavy and difficult to find. Includes: - Shinobi Hood - Shinobi Gi - Shinobi Clothpants - Shinobi Sandals Best place to buy the set would probably be either the Shi...
Shinobi Armor - RUS patch
Creada por r-c.b
Перевод мода - Shinobi Armor (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в порядке загрузки) Довольно прочная стелс-броня среднего класса, которая даёт хорошую защиту, усиление сопосбностей, но при этом тяжелая и труднодоступная. Включает в себя: - Кап...
Stackable Items
Creada por Kaptan Klavye
- Tried to keep the numbers reasonable to not break the game. - Items with durabilities, armours, weapons, clothes cannot be stacked. - Rare or expensive items are left untouched. I have played Kenshi for only 8 hours and this is my very first workshop con...
Cheat Training Dummies rus
Creada por SchwarzJ(変態)
это перевод основного мода: основной мод для работы не нужен пользуйтесь наздоровье...
Data Analysis and Development RUS
Creada por Azazellz
Анализ Данных и Разработка С помощью этого мода вы сможете создавать расходные материалы для ваших исследований. Перед тем, как приступить к созданию материалов, нужно произвести необходимые исследования. Все материалы производится на одной крафт-станции, ...
Fixing Clipping Issues
Creada por timor1234
Fixing Clipping Issues What this mod does: The mod attempts to remove/reduce clipping in game in two ways: 1)By introducing slimmed down meshes for pants, skirts and some headgear that the game uses when you put a cloak on in combination with them. The mod...
Creada por Gyropilot
This simple mod allows you to level buildings without development tools or having to carefully drag it. Buildings have a natural and realistic look and play very well. Doesn't take anything off from the vanilla game flow, balance or difficulty. It's intend...
Smithy fix
Creada por blot
Ever wanted to build a smithy inside the most advanced building you can construct? Yeah, me too so I made this quick mod. Reduces the size of the Heavy Armour Smithy & the Weapon Smith I, II & III so it fits inside Outpost s-IV....
[FIX] Unleash the Hair
Creada por Pautau
This mod allows to turn your hair on (doesn't work if you are bald) when wearing an Armoured Face Plates or a Bandana. Because of clipping, I only did this fix for the both hats. If you have any requests or questions, do not hesitate to contact me. _______...
Weapons look metallic
Creada por besthsq
Gives a metallic shine to ALL melee weapons. I've always hated how my Meitou weapons looked like they were made out of some sort of white PVC tubing. Here's a mod that aims to fix that (and all of the other weapon grades). This mod makes the more "metal" p...
Weaklings Give XP
Creada por ( * )
Fighting weak enemies gives XP, contrary to vanilla. In Vanilla, a high level character has a 90% XP malus, when fighting an enemy with 25 levels less than him. With this mod, the same 90% malus only applies, when facing an enemy 50 levels below you. Enjoy...
Sensible Spider Range
in the base game, blood spiders have a weapon reach of SEVENTY. for comparison, a naginata has 28, and a MUCH BIGGER skin spider has only 35. if that sounds like some ridiculous nonsense to you, good, you are sane. this mod lowers the blood spider weapon r...
Full Refund
Creada por Enrico
Get all materials back when dismantling. Nothing more, nothing less. Great for moving around single objects or even entire bases. Works with every mod out there as long as you put the Full Refund mod at the very bottom of your mod loading order. No import ...
Limb Icons FIX
Creada por SCARaw
This mod is mine because i made it. i mean this mod fix all the limbs severed limbs and prosthetic limbs FIX FOR STEAM BEING BAD fix for icons Theft and Steady arms - i think i deliberetly used wrong icons to make them stand out? - im not satisfied with pr...
Vanilla Hair Fix
Creada por Cattrina
This is a total overhaul of the vanilla hairs. Where I saw any issues with the hair mesh, I fixed it. So, no more odd holes in the meshwork. My aim was to maintain as much of the vanilla styles as possible. What comes to style changes, they are my personal...
No Despawning - Bags
Creada por Teirdalin I know I said I was leaving forever, but.. Shhhhh, I don't have an addiction to Kenshi modding, I can quit when I want.. So anyways, I finally made an actual upgrade that works to my FCS, and here is one of the results of my...
Mediocre Hairstyles - version 2
Creada por oi__io
VERSION 2 - THE GREAT BEARD UPDATE 21 new beard and facial hair now available for male human. ABOUT THIS MOD Lore friendly hairstyles, beard and facial hair. WHAT'S INCLUDED 8 hairstyles and 21 beard/facial hair for Greenlander and Scorchlander. Male and f...
Mediocre Faces
Creada por oi__io
WHAT'S NEW - Version 3 - Tinted face textures for Greenlander and Scorchlander female. Smokey face textures for Greenlander and Scorchlander, male and female. ABOUT THIS MOD This mod adds a number of mediocrely done face textures that will blend well with ...
Break any lock with strength!
Creada por Bizwaf
(IMPORT REQUIRED) In vanilla in order to break a lock with strength you would need 3x the strength of the lock "hardness" in order to crush it. Lock hardness is the health of the lock when breaking it with tools divided by 10. A safe has a health of 900 eq...
Copper Ore Drills
Creada por Erei
Did it never bothered you that you could unlock iron drills, but apparently you had to keep mining copper with a pickaxe forever ? Not anymore ! Add the copper drill (1-2-3) to the game. Unlock through the same research than iron drills. They are similar t...
Loading Screens
Creada por CloudsInTheSky
24 nicely crafted loading screen that have been uploaded separately as a request from the original mod: UI Beautify - If you want to remove the Loading Screen Tips to see the entire backgrou...
Portrait Enlargement
Creada por Missile
No import required インポート不要 Very simple mod. Enlarges and tweaks the portrait.That's all. This mod is for all races in vanilla, including Cannibal and Fishman, but it does not affect races added by other mods. The no-head skeleton will now show the body ins...
Swamp Turtle FIX
Creada por ikahurula
The data prepared in vanilla, which was supposed to be set in Swamp Turtle, is firmly adapted. What was once an invisible attack turns into a stomp-like attack, with a significant increase in attack power and reach. This was the data provided for vanilla, ...
Useless Node Deleter -Crafting Station-
Creada por Flandre Mayor
This is a simple MOD for delete useless usenode. This mod will make it difficult for your crafter to work in the "CORNER OF A LARGE TABLE"! Crafting Station & Some Exterior Only. Storage is no change. Only for vanilla crafting station. --------------------...
Useless Node Deleter -Storage-
Creada por Flandre Mayor
Description: This MOD brings the following changes. -Delete the craftable vanilla storage's useless usenode. -There will be only one usenode for vanilla storage. -New storage "ND" added. ND is non-usenode version. -ND can build with vanilla storage researc...
Wooden Sandals Retexture
Creada por Sinxar
A retexture of the Wooden Sandals. Changes 3d art and the icon. No import needed. -- Created by SSMajin and originally uploaded to Nexusmods, reuploaded to the Steam Workshop with permission. Combined both files into a single mod so no need to overwrite th...
Creada por MARH
This mod replaces corpse flies with light particles. This mod does not change the sound of flies. So I use this mod with the "Flies Are Muted" mod. Import is not required. You can remove this mod safely whenever you need. -Note- The corpse fly effect appea...
Water Optimizer
Creada por SCARaw
Mod improve performance of water and water effects in the game of kenshi, mod use technology of PSO and adapt it for Water :) Mod also adapt the references its important to note that results of the mod are humble due to majority of files involving water wa...
DialoguePlus+ [RUS]
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- DialoguePlus+ Оригинальный мод не требуется. Поддержать юного моддера Приветствую на странице русской версии мода DialoguePlus+ Этот мод направлен на то, чтобы добавить больше вариации в диалоги,...
Fun merchant life(Shopping AI MOD)
Creada por Missile
Requires a import. (Use machine translation) -This mod does not add new characters, squads, items, dialogs. So strange English will not be added to the game. There are various shopping mods in this game. But I was not happy with them and created this mod. ...
Extended Campsite Rus
Creada por WolfGunt
Перевод мода Extended Campsite by saftsuze Оригинальный мод не требуется Зайдите и оцените оригинальный мод, если понравился. Оригинальный мод - Описание мода: Добавляет хранилище, забор, ст...
Hive Robotics Expanded rus
Creada por zkda
перевод мода: Hive Robotics Expanded Оригинал не требуется. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ оригинал: --------------------...
Game Starts + [RUS]
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Game Starts + Оригинальный мод не требуется. Поддержать юного моддера Описание Короче говоря, этот мод добавляет кучу новых стартов игры. Очевидно, что перенос данных не требуется. Новые Старты: ...
Make Holy Nation Great Again RUS
Creada por Azazellz
Сделаем Святую Нацию Снова Великой! Братья Святой Нации! Возрадуйтесь! Наши кузнецы, под предводительством святого Лорда Феникса, вдохновленные Отцом Нашим Окраном, снабдили вас новой экипировкой! Теперь ваши руки, ноги и головы будут хорошо защищены! Пуст...
Make Holy Nation Great Again
Creada por Azazellz
Brothers of the Holy Nation! Rejoice! Our blacksmiths, led by St. Lord Phoenix, inspired by Our Father Okran, have provided you with new equipment! Now your arms, legs and heads will be well protected! Let heretics and skeletons tremble, now they cannot es...
Stop shouting at your allies / Better guards [RUS] patch
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Stop shouting at your allies / Better guards Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки) ----------------------------------------------------------...
Stop shouting at your allies / Better guards
Creada por wickylinn
This mod fixes a bug when you, being an ally of a faction, enter one of their personal buildings, they try to attack you. Now, in this case, the guards will first try to politely drive you away, and then one of them will start watching you so that you do n...
Improve relationships by Healing [RUS] patch
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Improve relationships by Healing Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки) Поддержать юного моддера Автор мода подумал, что когда вы лечите кого-...
Improve relationships by Healing
Creada por Missile
MODname:Fix Relation(Healing)EN これは英語バージョンです。日本語版はこちら When you heal someone and save his life, I thought they should thank you more. This mod modifies the relationship with them ...
Expanded Lighting
Creada por Wunkay
This mod adds several new light sources suitable for early base building. I will be adding to this mod periodically with new lights and other furniture. Research and build categories may change in the future. Items located in the LIGHTS build category. New...
Dread Gear
Creada por MoreDread
2 sets of armor made by combining pre-existing pieces Assassin's Coat and Hood Sleeveless Dustcoat + Assassin's Rags Took the coats stat as a base and added the stat boosts from the rags, then increased part coverage Heavy Coat Sleeveless Longcoat + Dark P...
Patch for Fixing Clipping issues and Dread’s Gear
Creada por timor1234
Patch for Fixing Clipping issues and Dread’s Gear This is a patch that makes pants use slimmed down meshes from “Fixing Clipping Issues” when using coats from “Dread Gear” mod. Both mods are required “Fixing Clipping Issues”
Copper Ore Drills RU
Неужели вас никогда не беспокоило, что для железа есть рудный бур, а для меди его нет? Пора это исправить! Добавьте в игру медный бур (1-2-3). Разблокируйте с помощью тех же исследований, что и железный бур. По характеристикам они похожи (мощность, произво...
More Combat Animation
Creada por AGO
このMODをマージしないでください。した場合は削除を求める場合があります。 MCAの互換性が失われるためマージしないでください。 マージしたい場合は許可を求めて下さい。 マージした場合はMCAと互換性がない事と、不具合報告を私の所へお送らない事を明記してください。 Do not merge this mod. If you do, we may ask you to delete it. Do not merge this mod as it will result in MCA incompatibili...
Minor Mesh Fixes
Creada por oi__io
UPDATE FEB 15 Change: - Armoured Hood M/F - Bucket Zukin M/F - Haircut15-roughpony2 F UPDATE FEB 9 Change: - Paladin's Heavy Hachigane M - Swamp Ninja Mask M - Turban M/F UPDATE FEB 8 Removed hammer mesh and revert all the changes made to crafting benches ...
Martial Arts Fast Dodger
Creada por ( * )
Martial Artists dodge animations are 40% faster, so he won't dodge dance during the whole fight. The dodge move animations, compared to a blade block, take forever to be executed. This mod makes your character dodge faster, so he'll be able to attack in la...
Martial Arts No Matrix Dodge
Creada por ( * )
Martial Artists don't use the very long "matrix dodge" animation anymore, only the step back one. This animation takes almost 1 full second to be executed, so it's not uncommon to have your character stuck in a dodge-dance, when fighting multiple opponents...
Flies Are Muted
Creada por ^1Ruby
Flies don't make any sounds with this mod. I'm not 100% sure about that ,but my tests proved positive....
Travelling, Talking Civilians RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation for pnciampo's Travelling, Talking Civilians 4.0. All credit goes to pnciampo. You need the original mod to use this translation. Place the translation below the original in your laucnher. Это русский перевод для мода pnciam...
Travelling, Talking Civilians 4.0
Creada por pnciampo
This mod is aimed toward making the general game world feel like it's filled with living, thinking real people. Adds travelling squads with characters talking to eachother. 1.0. Added 2 Civilian Homeless Squads to the HN lands. Squads typically have one co...
Bandits Steal Your Money RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is just the Russian translation for Bartrach's Bandits Steal Your Money mod. All credits goes to Batrach. This translation requires the original mod. Place the translation below the original in the laucnher....
Bandits Steal Your Money
Creada por Batrach
Most of the bandits in the game will now steal fixed amounts of money from fallen players. It can make battles much more punishing, and provides a greater risk-factor for traveling alone. Pairs well with mods that add money-items to fallen enemy inventorie...
Minor Faction Pacifiers RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for Shidan's Minor Faction Pacifiers. All credit goes to Shidan. This translation requires the original mod to work. You need to place the translation below the original in your laucher. Это русский перевод для мода Sh...
Minor Faction Pacifiers
Creada por Shidan
This mod adds a fully functional global pacifier to the game. He is capable of resetting any of your faction relations to 0, for a price of course. He can be found in nearly any bar in the game (if you think I missed one, say something and I can add him ea...
Lore Books Expansion RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for RustledJimm's Lore Books Expansion. All credit goes to RustledJimm. Это русская версия мода RustledJimm Lore Books Expansion. Все права на мод принадлежат RustledJimm. Я являюсь лишь автором перевода. Нововведения ...
256 Recruitment Limit
Creada por Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256 A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of squads from 10 to 20 Instructions: Simply subscribe ...
Stronger Barkeepers
Creada por Jäger
This mod gives a slight stat boost and adds some minor gear upgrades to our local barkeeps. Most barkeeps aren't equipped well enough to handle the trains of bandits we like to pull into their establishments. I've noticed the barkeeps often get killed or K...
Remove Progress/Training Bar
Creada por Zheyron
This mod simply removes the Training/Progress bar from vanilla training dummies to make the game more immersive. It's compatible with all mods that don't touch vanilla dummies functionalities. For the others, just place this mod above so it doesn't interfe...
SCAR's Pathfinding FIX
Creada por SCARaw
latest version of my pathfinding fix original upload with entire description (please consider reading) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Important stuffs Mod works better when your game load fast (you might wanna check my optimization ...
Retexture of robotic limbs
Creada por Woullak
Replaces "yellow" textures with a gray texture. WARNING! This mod replaces existing textures with other existing textures, the result is not perfect and close it can miss details. Mods used for screenshots: Myths and Legends
No Raids for Small Bases
Creada por Shidan
Disables most territorial raids for bases that are at the minimum size (the small X on the map). This gives a slight reprieve for newer bases, preventing you from getting overrun by taxes, tribute, and attack raids. If you build up the outpost much at all ...
Portrait Enlargement (for Animals)
Creada por Missile
No import required インポート不要 I created this mod because I got sick of animal portraits that only show half or not at all. Mod to enlarge and tweak animal portraits. The mod for humans is here. 人間用MODはこちら。 The only problem Portraits of spiders, blood spiders,...
NPC enjoys more shopping
Creada por love-tea
*Required import* In vanilla setting, NPCs who are shopping buy foods, alcohols and first aid kits. They never buy weapons, armors, books and so on. This mod adds drifting NPC who can buy many items. Their races are random, and sometimes have a hiring dial...
Swamp Turtle Harness
Creada por JaxiPaxi
A harness for the Swamp Turtle. This is a "bare bones" mod, if you want to use it in a pack, or as a part of your mod, go ahead. Feel free to share where you used it in the comments! Sold in swamper clothes shops. Feedback on stats are apreciated, I've not...
Dropped in Style - Custom Ground Models
Creada por JaxiPaxi
New ground models for all vanilla armour, clothes, backpacks, crossbows and replacement limbs. It is purely a graphical mod, not adding anything new to the gameplay. All cloth has been realistically simulated to be on the ground using Blenders cloth simula...
Hydraulic Knight Equipment
Creada por KEM26
日本語化パッチ : 油圧式の騎士に独自の装備を配布します。 Log-Head MKII専用のベルトスロット装備と、バックパック装備の大盾です。 盾はバランス調整がイマイチ納得できてないので、アクセサリーみたいなものと考えてください。修理キットを収納する程度は出来ます。 それぞれの装備は、ボロ小屋が新品・アーマーキングが錆びた物を売っています。 ソルジャーボットには残念ながら装備...
Masks [RUS]
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш великий и могучий. Оригинал мода: Оригинал мода НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ, но надо обязательно зайти по ссылке и нажать “оценить”. ОПИСАНИЕ МОДА Взято со страницы...
Shek Ranch and Hunters Rus
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода Shek Ranch and Hunters от jbra1 Оригинал: Оригинал НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ Добавляет ранчо шеков близ Адмага, а также лагеря и отряды охотников. Королевству Шек серьезно не хватало...
Mood Weather
Creada por crunk aint dead
Made some tweaks to the Vanilla weather system to be more beautiful and varied! Recolored clouds and fog, added varying amounts of clouds to most weathers, wind and clouds in Arm of Okran, ground sand effects to dust storms, changed deadlands rain to black...
Metal Framework for Construction
Creada por RadarTruck
Everything in this world looks real, but the architectural blueprints are so strange. Does the wasteland have holographic projection or nano-robot technology? Obviously it's quite unreasonable. After subscribing to this mod, the architectural blueprint wil...
Radiant Building Texture Tweaks
Creada por Shirohô A simple mod that adds new building textures to more easily discernate the upper tier upgrades. It plays with new colors and addition/lesser/suppression of rust, be reassured I tried to work very close to vanilla textures an...
Better Night Sky and Planet Textures
Creada por Black-Heart
The title says it all, just new night sky and planet/moon texture I recommend using a darker night/ darker shadows mod or reshade to make it look even better There are more sky textures in the file you can choose from....
Blue Nebulosity
Creada por Paint Thinner
Changes the starfield to have a blue nebulous appearance,...
Calm Ambient Sound
Creada por SCARaw
Mod adapt noises of industrial machines and fire, flies to player position by doing so mod improve feeling of moving around your own base, towns or just camps with camera, character and squad Nexus mirror if you prefer it:
Shut the Fog Up
Creada por Brother Gerblin
*gurgle* If like me you've ventured into the dreaded Fog Islands, the terrifying sounds of gnawing, tearing and bones snapping will be all to familiar. If like me you've set up base in in the Fog Islands the terrifying sounds of gnawing, tearing and bones ...
Great Animations Mod
Creada por wickylinn
This mod adds 56 new combat animations, each one taken from Mixamo, for which many thanks to their developers. Each weapon type has its own unique animations. There are also new taunt and blow animations, which are rarely played. Custom races will require ...
Realistic Blood ReTex
Creada por Vere Dictum
Finaly! After many hours of testing and working with these strange DDS files... Introducing the most close to real retexturing of Kenshi blood decals!.. Well, I think so. Works perfectly with blood recolouring mods, load order doesn't matter (but you can l...
Realistic Hiver Blood
Creada por Grabbles
Realistic blood overhaul for hivers inspired by the race blood mods. I realized there's no reason for any races to have colorful blood besides hivers. So I looked up on the interwebs what insects have for blood and it turns out they have a substance called...
Craftable Edge type 3 weapons
Creada por Schmidt
No import needed. This mod adds new research "Edgewalkers 2" that allow you to craft Edge type 2 weapons, which can crit to Edge type 3. And also increase the cutting damage of the crafted weapons by 10%, which will make it identical to the crafted by Edge...
Radiant Robotic Limbs Expansion
Creada por Shirohô This mod overhauls the prosthetics field in multiple manners. Firstly by adding the precious missing container to store and auto-haul the nice stuff you find or craft, secondly by enhancing all prosthetics icons in the sake ...
Dark UI
Creada por Eldryn
Dark UI changes majority of the UI to a darker and cleaner look. Optimal resolution: 1920x1080, borderless window. Alternative download links Nexus mirror. Known issues Problem: Parts of the UI appear stretched or illegible. Solution: Try a different resol...
Dark Leather Shirt is Dark Gray
Creada por Sulyvahnn
Description Changes the dark leather shirt's base color to a dark gray instead of a dark green. Goals Better fashion. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with any other mod. Notes On males, the dark leather shirt seems to have lost its gritty textu...
Enhanced Shopping Economy
Creada por Matvey Traveller
Mod to rebalance economy to make in-town shopkeeping more viable and more interesting. Everyone wants to run a comfy inn, right? Now you can do it without every single peasant in town going broke from buying a single rice bowl and not regenerating money, b...
Moisture Farming
Creada por Trinimac
Ever want to set up a hydroponics lab inside a town but were dissapointed you couldn't get water from the town well without micromanaging every click? Or perhaps you just want a way to get water in your desert base? Introducing the Moisture Collector! Gath...
Skeleton clipping fix
Creada por Milkyway
Adjusted meshes to fix armour clipping for Skeleton, MK I, P4 and Soldierbot. Not sure if there is a mod already available, so I just want to fix it for myself. I am very new in Kenshi and I never used Blender before, so I am not sure if there will be issu...
Crossbow Expansion Rus
Creada por WolfGunt
Перевод мода Crossbow Expansion by Circumsoldier Оригинальный мод не требуется. Понравился мод? Перейдите и оцените оригинал. Расширение доступных арбалетов, которое добавляет 6 новых видов ...
StepJoe's Limbs Overhaul - RUS patch
Creada por r-c.b
Перевод мода - StepJoe's Limbs Overhaul (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в порядке загрузки) -- Информация о моде: -Добавляет в игру более 30 новых конечностей с новыми значками, статистикой и описаниями. -Изменяет значки всех ванильных и но...
StepJoe's Limbs Overhaul
Creada por StepJoe
Mod Details -Adds over 30 new limbs into the game with custom icons, stats and descriptions. -Changes the icons for both vanilla and modded limbs to face a certain direction if its a left or right oriented. -Low tier Robotics Shops have a low chance of sel...
Nomad Pants RUS
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода Nomad Pants от Miliika Оригинал: требуется оригинал (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в списке загрузки)...
Nomad Pants
Creada por Miliika
This mod adds a new pair of pants to vendors and NPC equipment lists. It's a light pair of pants with cut-outs in the side for ventilation in the desert. The stats are similar to the samurai cloth pants but more tailored for desert with 10% sandstorm prote...
Armor; Nomad Cape
Creada por Acord
uppdate: 2019-07-30 Nomad Cape exist as an chest piece now, Nomad faction will now be using it as well. ____________________ this is the Nomad Cape, my first armor for the kenshi workshop. there are some cliping issues, it was very hard to paint weight the...
LessStun™ for more Attack Slots
Creada por Skharr
No more you get ganged by a group of starving bandits, even if you wear full masterwork Armor. Now you can get hit, without everytime getting fucking annoying stumble & stun. You still can, but less like. As a note, NPC get same bonus. So now you cant gang...
Random Joiners
Creada por Cattrina
Ever wondered why you won't get random people asking shelter from you? Wonder no more! You shall receive! By public request. This Random Joiners mod adds a random joiner caravan to several vanilla factions. It uses the wandering trader AI, but it has a ran...
Random Furniture RUS
Creada por Jill
Перевод мода Random Furniture на русский язык. Оригинал для работы не требуется. Ссылка на оригинальный мод - Вдруг кому нужен в английской версии, ну и можно сходить и лайкнуть оригинал, ду...
Security Spider Shop | RU
Creada por Asur
Приветствую тебя в моей мастерской робототехники, человек! Желаешь прикупить себе парочку пауков для охраны? Мод добавляет локацию Мастерская охранных пауков, где вы сможете покупать себе для отряда охранных пауков. English translation: https://steamcommun...
More RUS Names - Больше имён
Creada por wickylinn
Этот мод добавляет около 70-100 новых женских и мужских имен. МужскиеАдам,Алан,Арнульф,Бенедикт,Бернард,Валдуин,Вальтер,Вильгельм,Генри,Герард, Давид,Джон,Иоанн,Исаак,Карл,Мартин,Николас,Ральф,Ричард,Роберт,Роджер, Симон,Томас,Уильям,Уолтер,Филипп,Флавий,Х...
Creada por KOZ
A list of languages is available. (Sorry, machine translation.) ja 設備一覧 en Equipment list ch 设备清单
Immersive non-combat animation
Creada por SCARaw
Thank you for showing interest in my mod INCA is a collection of Animation sets and poses for Kenshi Goal of the mod is to provide immersive animations to player characters and NPCes to uphold immersion when game has less action and players are more likely...
Tents RUS
Creada por Jill
Редактура перевода и интеграции в игру модов Tents от oi__io и Tents от Glitch. Оригинал и предыдущая версия перевода не требуются. Оригинал: 1-ая версия перевода: https://s...
Greedy Merchants
Creada por ( * )
Vendors buy your items 3X cheaper, money is harder to get. Getting money in Kenshi is very easy. I get it so fast, I don't even have to look at my money balance, when recruiting or buying items. This mod divides by 3 the price of items, bought by vendors. ...
Fun merchant life Patch(AI)
Creada por Missile
Requires a import. The game's original AI settings aren't perfect and there seems to be a small mistake. Fix a few small mistakes I discovered when creating a mod. This is a correction mainly related to the resident AI of the town. This mod will reduce the...
Short Wall Ramp
Creada por MARH
This mod adds compact ramps for vanilla Defensive Walls. The new ramps are listed below: For short wall ・Defensive Wall II Short Ramp ・Defensive Wall III Short Ramp ・Defensive Wall IV Short Ramp For regular wall ・Defensive Wall II Short Ramp Center ・Defens...
Lively Bars
Creada por rxwr
I wanted the bars in the game to feel a bit more lively and like actual bars, so this mod adds 4 variants for basic furniture pieces (Stool, Sitting Box and Bench) that have different drinking animations. This furniture is placed in the bars of the main fa...
Weight Bench - Strength Training [RUS]
Creada por Cypher
RUS translation by SljusarD Перевод мода Weight Bench - Strength Training на великий и могучий Особенности: - Исследование и сама постройка упакованы в соответствующие категории, мод не дублирует категории - Сохранен ванильный стиль перевода и написания - ...
Training swords - RUS patch
Creada por r-c.b
Перевод мода - Training swords (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в порядке загрузки) -- Оружие для тренировок, которое наносит 0 урона. Используйте с пойманными бандитами для обучения вашего отряда. Создается в оружейной кузне, после исследов...
Training swords
Creada por Gariba
Craftable swords for training that deal 0 damage. To be used along with a captured bandit to train your squad. Requires Training Swords research to craft, which is unlocked by Weapon Smithing research. NOTE FOR TRAINING MARTIAL ARTS: Characters using train...
Wooden Dexterity Training Dummy [RUS]
Creada por Cypher
RUS translation by SljusarD Перевод мода Wooden Dexterity Training Dummy на великий и могучий Особенности: - Исследование и сама постройка упакованы в соответствующие категории, мод не дублирует категории - Сохранен ванильный стиль перевода и написания - Н...
Radiant Better Faces & Eyes
Creada por Shirohô This mod reworks most of base eyes and faces in the game with a realistic take and adds few other custom cool faces. Don't judge too fast by the screenshots, those are randomized characters, too lazy to make an army of hands...
Wear your hats with everything.
Creada por August
Makes almost all hats, masks and goggles equipable with each other by making smaller copies of them, which you can put into belt slot. Also adds them for crafting(You need to research it first, does not need any blueprints) and to vendors lists. To make it...
Military Recruitment [RUS]
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Military Recruitment Оригинальный мод не требуется. Поддержать юного моддера/попросить небольшой перевод Набирайте больше рекрутов в свою армию! Караван рекрутеров будет периодически останавливат...
Bounty Hunter Armor
Creada por Azazellz
New bounty hunter armor. 10 new items total. All equipment supports color schemes. New game start with 4 characters in new armor is also available. Armor and recipes for it are distributed throughout the world (can be found where the common mercenary armor...
Faster Stand-Up Animation
Creada por ZombiePotatoSalad
Have you ever been swarmed by bandits, eagerly waiting for you character to arise from unconsciousness, and exact revenge? Patiently you wait and watch as the bandits move away, as your character goes from "Unconscious" to "Playing Dead." You bide your tim...
MegaKick Animation Fix
Creada por wickylinn
This mod fixes one martial arts animation (megakick). Here's an example: Этот мод исправляет одну анимацию боевых искусств (megakick). Вот пример: Vanilla megakick (Visually he kicks twice, but the damage comes only once and too early) Ванильный мегапинок ...
Dustcoat revamp
Creada por UnCheat
Restores shadows and details using drifter's coat texture that is more detailed in vanilla. Same texture size. Does not require import (to update icons find old and remove them from \Kenshi\data\icons and new one will autogenerate) Reshade friendly (does n...
Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety [RUS] patch
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2 Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки) Поддержать юного моддера Этот мод расширяет разнообр...
Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2
Creada por vampirecosmonaut
This mod expands the variety of weapons available from the various weapon manufacturers in Kenshi. This mod also changes the manufacturer’s bonuses on weapons and adds them to the weapon’s description with a color coded tool...
Ninja Clans: Swamp RUS
Creada por 0xc00000007b
Это перевод мода на русский язык от 0xc00000007b aka lakake1. Оригинал мода для установки перевода НЕ нужен. Описание от автора: Ninja Clans: Swamp это первый мод, направленный на переработку контента ниндзя на болотах. Что добавляет/изменяет этот мод: - Н...
Dread's Gear( RUS PATCH )
Что делает мод? Добавляет 2 комплекта доспехов, смоделированные путем комбинирования ранее существовавших частей Пальто и Капюшон Ассасина Плащ без рукавов + Обноски Убийцы Взял статы пальто в качестве базы и добавил статы прироста от обносок, а затем увел...
Escort Mission Rus
Creada por Mythos
Мод добавляет миссии по эскорту торговцев и путников, путешествующих в разных местах, до города. НИПы, которые дают миссии по эскорту Караван гильдии тоговцев Караван торговцев Роя Караван работорговцев Странствующие торговцы Странствующие наемники Скиталь...
Faces Plus -Final State-
Creada por Seelenschwarz
Faces Plus Features: +New combinations of existing facetextures and eyecolors. +New combinations of existing facetextures and new eyecolors. +Scars textures. +Aged with wrinkles textures. +Warpaint textures +unlocks south hive +unlocks all skeleton subrace...
Clean and Speed
Creada por alexliyu
清除天气效果, 清除无用的多余草木.特别适合低端机器使用我的虚空入侵MOD, 注意请把这个MOD放到任何MOD之下, 包括我的虚空入侵MOD,这个MOD和其他优化MOD不一样之处在于,他减小了天气的渲染效果以及地面的杂物与植被, 但是并不影响添加的实际效果.比如酸雨等. 这个MOD主要做三件事情: 1. 清除不必要的地面随机杂物,差不多50% 2. 清除一些地面植被和覆盖物, 大约40%-60% 3. 减少或者削弱天气的渲染效果, 但是请注意, 这并不会影响到天气带来的实际效果. 如果您仍旧觉得优化力度的不...
Bouncing Boobs
Creada por ComplexRobot
Make the boobs bounce for maximum immersion. 😉...
18+ Female Body
Creada por Stumple
Warning this mod is strictly 18+ only. If you are not age 18 or older, please do not use this mod!!! This mod added: . 18+ stuff... visible female top body part... Enjoy!!! ...
Dread Limbs RUS
Перевод мода Dread LImbs на Русский язык Требуется оригинальный мод 2 новых комплекта конечностей. Основные из них - ремикс доступных конечностей, которые мне нравятся, с прозрачной внешней армирующей оболочкой, которая приближает общую форму к человеческо...
Dread Limbs
Creada por MoreDread
EARLY VERSION 2 new complete sets of limbs. the main one is a remix of the available limbs that i liked, with a see through exterior reinforcement cage that brings the overall shape closer to the default human body. the goal is to create a more pleasing hu...
2x Gate Strength
Creada por Gamer3255
Ever feel like the gates to your outpost are a bit flimsy? I have, this mod doubles the strength of every gate, however it does not affect the material cost of the gate. The base strength value for the following gates: Makeshift: 15 Level 2: 30 Level 3: 60...
Empire Banner Retexture
This mod provides an alternative diffuse texture for the Empire banner found on UC buildings. Burlap texture provided by user6695103:
Martial Arts Rebalanced
Creada por Crovvv
If you like this mod don't forgot to Rate/Favorite! Summary This mod aims to completely rebalance Martial Arts in a way to make it more interesting to use but also more balanced. It Puts more focus on speed of attack with mo...
Meitou Recolour: Dust Gold
Creada por Talonn
Basic information Yeah, I like doing this stuff, its fairly simple. This retexture uses marbled black and gold textures for the blade and a modified picture of a table mat for the grip. I generally like my Cross class weapon's to stand out. They're special...
More Plastic Surgeons
Creada por Shidan
Just a simple mod that adds the Plastic Surgeons to all the other bars, instead of just the Holy Nation ones and a few others. Should now guarantee a plastic surgeon in every town, and waystations. No more chance to not have one. If you think I missed a ba...
More Plate Options [Updated]
Creada por blot
I took it upon myself to update Recateks wonderful addition to the game. Check change notes for... changes. Doesn't seem to require import. All cred to the original author. Special thanks oi__io - For allowing me to use his meshes. Check out his amazing wo...
NCE for Make Holy Nation Great Again
Creada por Azazellz
"No Cut Efficiency" patch. Removes "Cut Efficiency" stat from all armors. Potection adjusted accordingly. Main mod required: Патч для "No Cut Efficiency". Убирает показатель "Эффективности с...
New robotic limbs
Creada por Aks
Description: A small mod that adds a little bit of everything. This is a hommage to Malenia, a character from the Elder Ring game, and items related to her. I tried to rework the characters and their equipment as authentic as possible to the spirit of Kens...
Pocket Change (Harsh)
Creada por Vahagn323
A "harsher" version of my Pocket Change mod, adding cats and string of cats to the inventories of practically every NPC in the game. Characters will be holding scraps of loose change compared to the original mod, making it more compatible with any economic...
Scarier Security Spiders
Creada por Peachwolf
Is plundering ancient ruins getting too boring for you? Do you want more danger in your character's lives? Is being eaten alive by fog men not spicy enough for you? Regardless of your answer to any of those questions, this mod is for you. The Butcher spide...
ScarierSpiders - Fix Cannot Shoot
Creada por Necromunger
Fixed a bug with the mod ScarierSpiders that stopped you from being able to shoot them with crossbows.
Faw Beautiful Face
Creada por Vivienn
This is mod to make beautiful face. Add race Jipanglander. Add eyescolor brown red blue. Add brow brown white. Add many morph slider Bat women only. Please do not excessive expectations. --------------------------------- ちょっとだけ美人にするMODです。 ジパングランダーという種族を追加し...
Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique Rus
Что делает этот мод? Этот мод для людей, чья ванильная Кенши стала слишком легкой. Этот мод увеличивает сложность Кенши. Он увеличивает статы фракций и даёт им лучшую броню и оружие. Большинство NPC, если не все, стали намного сильнее. Чем ближе вы к главе...
Legendary of Kenshi - World of Unique
Creada por Johnson
What does this mod do? This mod is for people whose vanilla Kenshi has become too easy. This mod increases Kenshi's difficulty. It reinforces the stats of the factions and makes them use better armor and weapons. Most NPCs if not all, have become much stro...
Attack Slots x3
Creada por Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x3 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to three. so three NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the bot...
Legendary of Kenshi MC and MCA patch
Creada por Johnson
More Combat Animation, Military craft, Animation Overhaul compatibility patch doesn't matter if you're missing the other animation mod....
Legendary of Kenshi - Custom Races Patches
Creada por Johnson
This is a patch that allows the custom races to wear items added for Soldier Drone and Skeleton who have no means to protect their heads. Currently Supported Races - Dark Hive - Robotics Limb Base Skeletons - XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV - Concept Art Skeletons - Mi...
No Cut Efficiency
Creada por Lyston
This is a mod that removes cut efficiency and applies that value towards cut resistance instead. Let me tell you about Kenshi's cut efficiency. In theory, it's a nifty idea to have a certain percent of resisted cut damage to be converted to blunt damage in...
Rebalance Mercenaries (RU)
Creada por Kto-to
Мод добавляет фракцию наемников, которые справляются с задачей защиты лучше чам ванильные, ведь они сильнее. Добавляет 7 новых группы наемников. Каждая из новых групп наемников сильнее ванильных, но дороже. У фракции есть глава, Король Наемников. С ним мож...
Wildlife Diversity - Standalone [RUS]
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Wildlife Diversity - Standalone Оригинальный мод не требуется. Поддержать юного моддера Мод добавляет новые текстуры животных и альфа существ для разнообразия фауны Кенши. Кроме того, для них пре...
Blunt Weapons Reskin
Creada por Dorfs
Just a visual mod. New ingame meshes for all of the blunt weapons, with a bit more detail and some adjusted designs. Inspired by wanting a more sticky iron stick. Jitte and Heavy Jitte now have different models. The inventory icons are set to auto-generate...
Bounties Galore RUS
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода Bounties Galore! от Fleshly Delight Оригинал: требуется оригинал (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в списке загрузки) Этот мод добавляет на игровую карту б...
Bounties Galore!
Creada por Fleshly Delight
Please rate up if you enjoy the mod Preface Have you wanted to play as a bounty hunter, but was quickly saddened by how many bounties were in the game? This mod fixes just that. Mod Description This mod adds over 20+ new unique bounties to the game map. Th...
Gambling - Dice Odds and Evens RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for Gambling | Odds and Evens. All credit goes to Trinity. This patch requires the original mod to function. Place the patch lower than the original in the launcher. Это русский перевод мода Gambling | Odds and Evens. ...
Gambling | Odds and Evens
Creada por Trinity
Adds "Dice Dealer" npcs to most United Cities towns. You are able to talk to him and gamble your life away. Rules: You bet any amount you choose from the list, then bet on "Odds" or "Evens". If the total of the two numbers are that of what you bet on, then...
Radiant Turret Rework
Creada por Shirohô A sort of complexe mod which rework a big chunk of the turret system in Kenshi. More logic upgrade paths that rely on better tech rather than adding a light on turret, all turrets needing crafted ammunitons, some stuff renam...
Iron Fortress Armour Set - Lore Friendly Armor Set
Creada por Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Weapons | Cut Weapon Restoration Pack
Creada por Trinity
This aint do shit - Adds many of the unused weapon meshes found in data/items/weapons/mesh/ as new weapons. They can be found with their similar counterparts. New Weapons: Great Ringed Sabre Previous version of the Ringed Sabre. Updated UV Great Sabre Ring...
Samurai Mask for Belt Slots RUS (Samurai Armor Expanded)
Creada por GCPD Det. G.G.Allin
Это патч-перевод модификации Samurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai Armor Expanded) от The Subarashii One на русский язык. Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки). Мод Samurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai A...
Samurai Mask for Belt Slots (Samurai Armor Expanded)
Creada por The Subarashii One
Just a small mod that adds the mask from my Samurai Armor Expanded mod on the belt slot. :) - All armor peices are craftable after researching Samurai Rags, Medium, Ancient and Non Ancient Samurai Armor Crafting after unlocking Plate Armor Crafting at tech...
Samurai Armour Expanded RUS
Creada por GCPD Det. G.G.Allin
Это патч-перевод модификации Samurai Armor Expanded от The Subarashii One на русский язык. Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки). Описание оригинального мода. «Из залитых кровью земель Баста, которые ви...
Samurai Armor Expanded
Creada por The Subarashii One
"From the bloodstained lands of Bast that has seen the many United Cities Samurai fall and rot on the soil, Scavengers from far across the lands come to collect their armor and partake in the spoils of war." Hello everyone, Suba here with a new mod! This m...
Heavy weapon combat stance
Creada por UnCheat
Adds heavy weapon shoulder resting combat stance for vanilla races If you want to use it with More Combat Stance mod then INSTALL COMPATIBILITY PATCH below order I do recommend to use it with More Combat Stance mod (adds other combat stances without changi...
More Fog
Creada por Crovvv
If you like this mod don't forgot to Rate/Favorite! Summary A mod inspired by Woullak's Fog mods with my own take on it, these locations really do need Fog. Well to be honest the game just needs more fog in general, fog is g...
Scavenger's Morion
Creada por The Mr Shears
Adds the Scavenger's Morion, a medium helmer worn by beggers and bandits alike. Provides better protection than most other medium helmets but less reliably...
No Human Female Muscle Definition, but THICC Shek Ladies are fine
Creada por SCARaw
This mod travel beyond time and space to deliver what we all need and deserve, Thiccness to our Shek Female ladies: Hot, Bulky and Sexy. at the same time it prevent our biggest fear from raise to power: Infection that caused our regular ladies to lost thei...
Creada por KOZ
このMODは旧バージョンです。 今後、更新は以下の新バージョンに対してのみ行います。 (旧バージョンを継続で使いたい方向けにこのMODは残します) This mod is an older version. In the future, updates will only be made to the following new versions: (I will keep this mod for those who want to keep the old version.) https://steam...
Creada por KOZ
This MOD adds roads. このMODは道路を追加します。 (Can be used alone, but is an extension of the CMKillingTime series) (単体で使用できますが、CMKillingTimeシリーズの拡張です) The main additional equipment by this MOD is as follows このMODによる主な追加設備は以下になります ・CMRD_Road_Stone(Link) a road made ...
sideways wall ramp
Creada por Lucius
Add ramps for Defensive Wall II, III, and IV. Unlocked by the research of the Defensive Wall. This mod adds a ramp for Defensive Wall V as well, but Defensive Wall V is incomplete. Therefore, I created addons for Forgotten Buildings and more buildings. For...
Racial Diversity (Formerly Multirace Bandits)
Creada por Shidan
A mod to increase the diversity of races across the world of Kenshi. Allowing many factions to spawn with more races than they normally would. Generally any faction can have any of the main races, with the chances based on the distance from their homeland ...
Patch Dread Gear and Armour Variations
Creada por timor1234
Patch Dread Gear and Armour Variations This is a patch to make new pants from Armour variations use slim meshes when used with coats from Dread gear. This will remove clipping between them. Both mods are required Links: Dread Gear
Armour Variations
Creada por timor1234
Armour Variations What this mod does: This mod introduces new variations to some existing armour. New armour: Pants: Plated drifter’s leather pants with plates on both sides, Plated cargo pants. Both Pants have alternative meshes to remove/reduce clipping ...
Gusoku Armor Set
Creada por Dilbert
For all that want to make the armor less bulky, check out this addon below: Made an armour variant that follows up as close as possible with the game's overall aesthetic/style, the purpose f...
Add Shek Hair
Creada por Jo Junk
このMODは、バニラの人間用髪型をシェク族に適用しただけの、シンプルなものです。 髪型をシェク族の為に最適化している訳ではないので、髪と角が干渉しています。 プレイヤーはシェク族の髪型と髪色を選択できます。 また、NPCのシェク族にも髪型が適用されますが、 セーブデータに適用させる場合は、インポートが必要です。 This mod is simply a simple application of Vanilla Green Lander Hairstyle to Shek. The hair and the...
General Balance Fixes
Creada por FG
Balance tweaks: All animals with flesh now give raw meat on loot Beds healing you up 25% faster (Skeleton repair bed 35% faster) Martial Artists dodge animations are 40% faster More random bounties on enemy squad leaders (high chance) and their squad mates...
OMO'S ARMOUR for the World Rus
Creada por WolfGunt
Перевод мода OMO'S ARMOUR for the World by OMOCHI Понравился мод? Оцените оригинал Оригинал не требуется Описание мода Этот мод раздает несколько доспехов и аксессуаров NPC по всему миру. Бо...
Free the Hair
Creada por minusthedrifter
A simple mod that "frees" the hair from hats and helmets that otherwise gives you a visible buzz cut. This does introduce some clipping, depending on what hair style your character has, but ignoring that it goes a long way towards making sure each characte...
Impaler Armor Set
Creada por 3DConductor The second set of armor that I have managed to create for this game, it's a plated medium type, I tried at the best of my ability to translate kenshi's current raider style, a little bit of the drifter's and some metal plating...
Japanese Style Walls
Creada por Fakri
This mod adds japanese style walls and gates. To be able to build them you need to research Japanese Style Walls tech and for better walls research Better Japanese Style Walls. Added: - Japanese Wall (same stats with Makeshift Wall) - Japanese Gate (same s...
Katana and Wakazashi (Daisho)
Creada por Saffa
This mod adds a new type of weapon, the Katana and Wakazashi. the wakazashi is not usable it is just a visual improvement. The mesh that is used is from the base game, the weapons is exactly the same as the katana and has the same stats etc. The weapon can...
Slightly Better Lanterns
Creada por Kjulo
I have always had a bit of a disappointment from the first time I finally got my hands on a lantern. The icon seems oddly out of place, the light is incredibly sterile and kind of blinding (turns out it is jus a recycled light source from packbeasts), and ...
No Despawning - Weapons
Creada por Teirdalin
So anyways, I finally made an actual upgrade that works to my FCS, and here is one of the results of my minor upgrades to it. The No Despawning Weapons mod. Don't you hate it when you've gotta run away from that army of beak things and your weapon weighs 8...
Native Stylise
Creada por Bob
Guide: Fog, Dust and Water Fix Native shader port to achieve various stylised effects within the OGRE3D graphics engine of Kenshi. The main purpose of this mod is to apply stylised effects directly within the game engine while preserving UI elements, which...
The Dust King
Creada por Stupendous Man
Small Armor change for the Dust King. His Equipment is now Master Gear :) He wears Samurai Armour, Samurai Legplates, Samurai Boots and a Skeleton Mask. Changed the color of his Equipment to look weathered and dustier. Skeleton Mask doesnt cover the hair. ...
Black Dragon Ninja Armour
Creada por Stupendous Man
This mod gives a complete retextured set of armour to the leaders Dimak and Buzan of the Black Dragon Ninjas. Both of them have a Ninja Sword forged by Buzan (Edgewalkers grade). Buzan wears the sword named "Death" and Dimak has the sword named "Murder" :)...
Combat Boots
Creada por ONJOY
Add 3 kinds (light, medium, heavy) boots. Leather Combatr Boots (Leather Armor Crafting) Plated Leather Boots (Plate Armour Crafting) Iron Greaves (Plate Armour Crafting) The boots and the blue prints will be sold in the major city. Importing is unnecessar...
Minor Mesh Fixes - Alternative
Creada por oi__io
ABOUT THIS MOD This mod provides alternate version of Skeleton Mask as requested by some. No more eye holes. Intended to be used alongside Minor Mesh Fixes mod. ...
Martial Arts : Always Attack
Creada por ( * )
Martial Artists' attacking moves depend on the distance, between you and your enemy. In Vanilla, there are ranges where your character has No attack assigned, so he'll just wait there or slowly move towards an attacking enemy. Not anymore. Jump Knee (obtai...
New Towns: Root
Creada por Diogenes of Sinope
Muck and Mud Not too deep in the fetid wetland lies the charming hamlet of Root, an eclectic whereabouts that's mostly free of deadly predators. Travelers will enjoy a genuine dining experience at Root's oldest tavern, The Sake Pump, celebrated for its let...
omo items
Creada por OMOCHI
________________________________________________ Notes: I'm already away from Kenshi and there is no update. ________________________________________________ This Mod adds Japanese style items in the game. You can buy it at a special shop added to Port Nor...
Storage Amount Doubled
Creada por sEver
Every storage furniture building has its stack amount doubled. # Reasoning Created so I don't have a base consisting mostly of storage boxes while still maintaining the feel between industrial facilities and domestic areas. (Serious industry will still req...
Красивая русская карта от Рентуро (Дороги, области, названия, сетка)
Creada por RINETTI
Йо Приглашаю вас опробовать мой мод на изменённую карту Кенши. Английская версия зашла иностранцам, теперь русскую версию, надеюсь, снгшники тоже заценят. Если есть ошибки - пишите. Удачи! Английская версия (там скрины) -
Hack Stopper Helmet
Creada por Forks
Are you sick and tired of seeing Reaver Ironclads with their goofy little Masked Helmets that totally clash with the rest of their armor? Well no longer shall your crippling OCD and desire for proper apocalyptic fashion burden your precious soul now that y...
Creada por Asur
Перевод мода LORE FRIENDLY WEAPONS - VOLUME 1 от автора John™ на Русский язык. Оригинал мода не нужен. Что добавляет мод? 5 новых оружий дружественных к лору игры. Оружие добавлено разным NPC и торговцам в продажу (включая и рецепты) Список добавленного ор...
Creada por Asur
Перевод мода LORE FRIENDLY WEAPONS - VOLUME 2 от автора John™ на Русский язык. Оригинал мода не нужен. Что добавляет мод? 5 новых оружий дружественных к лору игры. Оружие добавлено разным NPC и торговцам в продажу (включая и рецепты) Список добавленного ор...
Creada por Asur
Перевод мода LORE FRIENDLY WEAPONS - VOLUME 3 от автора John™ на Русский язык. Оригинал мода не нужен. Что добавляет мод? 8 новых оружий дружественных к лору игры. Оружие добавлено разным NPC и торговцам в продажу (включая и рецепты) Список добавленного ор...
Creada por DateConchi
Mask imitating Oni. Wearing this is said to gain Oni's power. It was set to not change the hair style when equipped. Sale clothes and blueprints adventure shop, Thieves Guild, hats vender ronin and Scrap house. P.S. Adjusted its performance. 鬼を模した仮面。 これを身に...
Player Town Settlers Rus
Creada por WolfGunt
Перевод мода Player Town Settlers by Nanogiraffe Оригинальный мод не требуется Зайдите и оцените на страницу мода, если понравился мод. Оригинальный мод - Описание мода Обновления см. В замет...
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue [RUS] patch
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue (pls read description) Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки) Причиной создания этого патча стало то, чт...
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue (pls read description)
Creada por Nanogiraffe
Hi, welcome to Recruitable Prisoners! Workshop icon render kindly provided by Schris. Find his twitter here! This mod gives you the ability to recruit captured prisoners that you disarm. You can try as many times as you like...
Samurai Captain Armor
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
An rich variant of your traditional samurai plate. Something the nobles would probably wear if they were ever forced onto a battlefield. Has stronger stats than the regular version and the chest piece provides some acid protection. Downside is that the set...
Creada por Arkhiel
Simply adds 4 new sandals, 3 new models, for you and people around :) . -Straw sandals, with and without socks, inspired from asia -Leather sandals, raw leather and black, inspired from greek/roman sandals. They can be crafted, straw ones at clothing bench...
Scroll Backpack
Creada por Xandeada
Scroll backpack inspired by the Naruto series. Includes both a Senju version and a Sage version for all races. The items are sold in the same location as the Theives Backpack. Any suggestions, bugs, etc. feel free to comment....
Weight Bench - Strength Training
Creada por Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: Well, I finally got tired of training ever...
[WIP] Fur and hide sets
Creada por Arkhiel
Adds a few armors, for now in leather bench (free search after leather crafting). Later could have it's own bench and use raw skins instead of leather. 2 armors, one with fur , other one a patchwork of leathers. 1 pants model with 5 variations. 2 shoes, 1 ...
Fur set(RUS PATCH)
Что делает мод? Добавляет несколько доспехов, в верстак кожевника (исследуется автоматически после изучения самого верстака ). 2 доспеха, один с мехом, другой с лоскутками из кожи. 1 модель брюк с 5 вариантами. 2 ботинок, 1 - сапоги из меха, другое - с обм...
RUS Bandit Camps: Dust Bandits MERGED
Creada por Gwyn
Мод добавляет 9 лагерей бандитов, раскиданных в разных местах, а также боссов в каждом из них. Русская версия мода - Оригинал не требуется. Приоритет: Загружать до мо...
Player Prostesis Rus
Перевод на русский мода на новые протезы. Протезы нельзя найти в мире, вам нужно самим производить их. Они обладают почти лучшими показателями, фактически объедения несколько разных протезов воедино. Нога MkI (левая) Мы изучили анатомию ног роя, выяснили к...
Player Prostesis ALPHA
Creada por metalboss4000
Welcome! This mod is a personal project that I wanted to share with the world. it's a mod that does what it says on the tin, adds a series of research and items to produce new prostheses (in which in the future there will also be customized models) in addi...
Please Okran! RUS
Вам никогда не казалось странным, что Святая Нация не взывает к своему Богу, когда их пытают до смерти? Этот мод добавляет несколько новых диалогов с представителями Святой Нации, когда их разрывает на части шелушильница. Наслаждайтесь!...
Please Okran!
Creada por prop11
Ever thought it was weird that the holy nation wouldn't call out to their God when being tortured to death? No more! This mod adds several new dialogue lines to members of the holy nation when being torn apart by the peeler. Enjoy! For a more satirical ton...
Plated Drifter's Leather Pants PRO RUS
Перевод мода на улучшенную версию латных штанов скитальца. Они отличаются 100%-м покрытием ног и выглядят слегка иначе. Латные штаны скитальца ПРО Устали от того что ваши толстые человеческие ноги защищает слабая кожа? Используя передовые исследовательские...
Plated Drifter's Leather Pants PRO
Creada por RO RO RO RO RO RO
An additional piece of equipment has been added, an extended version of Plated Drifter's Leather Pants Instead of deleting or modifying the original Plated Drifter's Leather Pants, a new pair of pants has been added to the game. which can be purchased in c...
Patchwork Armour Rus
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода Patchwork Armour от OMOCHI Оригинал: Оригинал НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ Новая одежда и доспехи, которые продаются только в специализированном магазине между Скуином, Хабом и ульем. В...
Crucifixion rus
Creada por Necrotor
Перевод мода на добавление креста, на котором вы можете с гордостью распять тех, кого пожелаете, вплоть до их кончины... Ссылка на оригинальный мод: Постройка > Интерьер Технология "Лишение ...
Ashigaru Armour Rus
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода Ashigaru Armour от Miliika Оригинал: требуется оригинал (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в списке загрузки) Этот мод добавляет новую нагрудную броню в спи...
Ashigaru Armour
Creada por Miliika
This mod adds a new chest armour to vendors and NPC equipment lists. It's a medium-heavy chest piece for UC soldiers and mercenaries, more in line with a peasant soldier/conscript look. The armour is added to UC territory and some neutral vendor lists as w...
Outland Coin Purses
Creada por Vahagn323
Adds cats and string of cats to almost every character in the game, from Holy Nation Paladins to Empire Samurai, as well as Bandits, Swampers, Tech Hunters, Deadcats, Sheks, and many more. Also adds food to certain characters inventories, like farmers and ...
Forgotten Buildings - Reduced Texture Size
Creada por Mechanica
Smaller versions of all Forgotten Buildings textures, for users of Compressed Textures Project or Texture Options. Most textures have had their dimensions reduced by half. Texture quality is set to high in the images above. This mod must be below Forgotten...
Forgotten Buildings
Creada por Mechanica
The largest collection of buildings and furniture from older versions of Kenshi and non-player towns. Over 400 new buildings and furniture pieces to construct, plus another 300 copies of buildings, walls and furniture using alternative textures. Forgotten ...
Vanilla Aesthetic Content - Sneaky Chain Monk Robes
Creada por UCHIDA
Sneaky Chain Monk Robes. New item + Added to the world + Craftable + Sold in shops + Worn by new wondering NPC faction For all your Drifting Ronin desires - selection of Monk Robes, with Sneaky Chain. The Robes can be bought from all of the shops that alre...
No Farming Research Costs
Creada por Bloxxxi
A mod created to get rid of the research costs of: *Cactus Farming *Cotton Farming *Hemp Farming *Riceweed Farming *Wheatstraw Farming *Increased the research time by 2 hours each, so it's a bit more balanced. But let's be honest. Searching for 8 Fruits/Ma...
The Metalheads: Bast Edition
Creada por Cox Maddox
Now even more metal! A KENSHI FACTION MOD: Something is stalking the homeless and downtrodden of the wastes. You have been hearing strange tales of whole groups going missing, vanishing from their homes and being taken from the roads without a trace. Who i...
Rag Scarf
Creada por MARH
This mod adds a simple scarf and its dyeable variant as belt equipment. You can craft both scarves at "Clothing Bench" after researching ”Clothing Manufacture.” Scarves are unavailable in stores, for I prefer not to change existing vendor lists. Importing ...
Hive NPCs Equip Shirts
Creada por clione
In vanilla, most hives don't equip shirt slot with anything. This MOD equips vanilla Hive NPCs with hiver shirts. And contains other changes (e.g. fixing issues in vanilla) that related to equipments for hives. Details Hive NPCs equip A, if Non-hive NPCs e...
Talkative Kenshi [RU]
Creada por GY5e3
Краткое описание: По моему мнению, на данный момент - это лучший диалоговый мод для Kenshi. Мод наполняет игру фоновым шумом с кучей рандомных реплик в духе: "Как же жопа чешется", "Смотри, куда прёшь! Не видишь, я здесь иду!...", "Как же мне охота выпить....
Talkative Kenshi | An Ambient Dialogue Overhaul
Creada por Milk
Talkative Kenshi is a mod aimed to make Kenshi more immersive and lively. Talkative Kenshi uses INTERACTIONS PLUS by NEO as a framework to overhaul Kenshi's ambient dialogue system. Most NPC's will now be intractable with dynamic dialogue and squad members...
Interesting Recruits! [RU]
Creada por GY5e3
Относительно небольшой мод, добавляющий множество уникальных рекрутов, у каждого из которых будет свой собственный уникальный диалог и пакет ситуативных реплик, что сделает ваш отряд более разношерстным и добавит щепотку уникальности в каждый забег. Мод до...
Interesting Recruits!
Creada por Josef Senpai
Lofigames Official Forums Page: Nexus Mod Page: A relatively low-key mod that adds in a multitude of Unique followers who will each have...
RU Modified samurai armor/Модифицированная броня самурая
Creada por N'sane
Оригинальный мод - Наличие китайской версии не нужно. Перевод новых элементов брони. Доспехи можно купить в магазине или сделать самому. Создаются на верстаке тяжелой брони....
New Towns: Root [RU]
Creada por GY5e3
Гниль и грязь Не слишком глубоко в зловонных водно-болотных угодьях находится очаровательная деревушка Рут, эклектичное местечко, в котором по большей части нет смертельно опасных хищников. Путешественники смогут насладиться настоящим ужином в старейшей та...
Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion [RU]
Creada por GY5e3
Краткое описание Мод привносит существенные изменения в жизненные процессы, протекающие на восточном побережье. Теперь здесь расположились несколько крупных пиратских группировок, а также мирные монахи, ищущие просветление. Вам предлагается поучаствовать в...
Swish Mods : The East Coast Expansion
Creada por Swishos
The East Coast Expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After spending endless hours writing like a pirate its finally in a state im happy to release, my idea for this mod mainly stemmed from the fact that the map has port cities already which would say that naval tra...
Backpack with Light
Creada por MARH
This mod adds a new backpack, "Trader's Lantern Backpack". ------------------------------------ -CAUTION- Manual Installation Required The new items do not light just clicking "Subscribe". The installation process is as follows: 1. Click "Subscribe." A new...
Cat's Clothing Overhaul RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for Cat's Clothing Overhaul. All credit goes to cat. This patch requires the original mod to function. Place the patch lower than the original in the launcher. Это русский перевод для мода Cat's Clothing Overhaul. Все ...
Cat's Clothing Overhaul
Creada por NPC
PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING AN ARTIST I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my patreon to show support. It would be greatly appreciated and show me...
Gusoku Armor Set - RUS patch
Creada por r-c.b
Перевод мода - Gusoku Armor Set (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в порядке загрузки) -- Автор мода создал броню, которая максимально соответствует лору игры, цель мода - увеличить количество доступного снаряжения, и позволить фракции игрока ...
New Town: Resort Island
Creada por RadarTruck
Intro In this world, the gains from robbery and theft are quite generous, while normal trading activities such as reselling, smuggling, and drug dealing have limited profits. Therefore, I built this small town, hoping to bring more choices to business enth...
Free to Assassinate
Creada por RadarTruck
If you find yourself suddenly unable to perform an assassination move for no apparent reason, or the speed of the assassination move becomes very slow (or very fast), or the stun time of the assassinated character becomes very short... Don't waste your pre...
Godsend EXP 2x
Creada por Mitchell Godsend
Check me out on YouTube! ___*DESCRIPTION*___________________________ Global Experience Rate Is Doubled ___________________________________________ ___*FAQ*___________________________________ Q. Does...
Le Big Animation Multi-Patcher: MCA + Great Animations
Creada por Entoco
This is a big work in progress multi-patcher for the Great Animation Mod, MCA and races mods. I will add more mods to the patch as people request for them. Do that in the discussions below. All the races included are listed in a discussion below (which is ...
Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting
Creada por Blubb
06.07.2019: I made my custom race support mod (only jrpg_race for now) public. Feel free to test it, hope it works for everyone (make sure to test with a new game first!): 22.02.2019: No upd...
Squating (crouch pose)
Creada por VELES
This mod changes the animations of a man and a woman when your character enters a stealth state, a squatting pose for women and a knee pose for men Game transfer required Этот мод меняет анимацию мужчины и женщины, когда ваш персонаж входит в состояние скр...
Cuddling and More
Creada por Aoyagubame
The mod allows you cuddle in bed via the "Cuddle Bed" and replaces the creepy sleeping animation on regular beds with something more natural. To avoid having NPC's randomly spooning each other I made it an upgrade to any bed you own at the cost of just one...
Small Wind Generator Upgrade RUS/EN
Creada por Tuvka
Не, ну как такое блин возможно, а? весь такой продвинутый мир, на всякую штуку есть улучшения, а вот на Ветрях забыли додумать! Наверное мозгов не хватило? Чтож, пришлось прийти на помощь тамошним специалистам и указать на их недоработки :) Приятной игры д...
Great Desert wind effect removed
Creada por blot
There's a certain wind effect in the Great Desert that's really headache-inducing and eye straining, that effect that covers the whole screen no matter the zoom level. I removed the effect and decided to share in case someone else was having the same issue...
AI and Science Books Lite Edition
Creada por CloudsInTheSky
Are you bored of exporting and importing just so you can find more science books and ai cores? Well so am I! Now you have a 20% chance Ancient Science Books and 5% chance AI Cores will spawn at Mechanical Vendor Shops. Security Spiders have a 25% AI Core d...
Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment Rus
Creada por WolfGunt
Перевод мода Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment by Hendy Velarius Оригинальный мод не требуется Понравился мод? Зайдите и оцените мод на странице оригинального мода. Оригинальный мод -
Extra Node
Creada por MARH
This mod adds extra turret nodes to vanilla Storm Buildings. The vanilla nodes are unchanged to avoid altering the vanilla turret placements. The following buildings get extra turret nodes: Bughouse Y-house L-house / L-house (Lagoon) Longhouse Stephouse St...
Flipped Buildings
Creada por MARH
This mod adds flipped Storm Buildings. Flipped Buildings are simple mirror images of vanilla buildings, but they are the buildings I have been wanting for 2 years. There are 14 Flipped Buildings:  Small Shack  Storm House  Storm House (Lagoon)  Bughouse  Y...
Extra Node for Flipped Buildings
Creada por MARH
This mod adds extra turret nodes to some Flipped Buildings. The existing nodes of Flipped Buildings are unchanged. Place this mod under Flipped Buildings. Extra Node and this mod are mutually independent. Therefore you can use both or pick either one. The ...
Mist Ghouls Rus
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода Mist Ghouls от Daemonic Spoder Оригинал: требуется оригинал (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в списке загрузки) Легенда о туманном упыре “Сообщения об оме...
Mist Ghouls
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Legend of the Mist Ghoul “ Sightings of hovering ghoulish creatures from the misty caverns west of the Holy Nation plains. The ghouls possess elongated, black frames with long fingers, glowing eyes and a mouth that stretches to the size of a full grown man...
No More Prayer Day If Allied With Holy Nation
Creada por Bookhead
This mod was inspired by me looking over for 30 seconds or doing a quick exercise only to find a holy nation assault on the way for my holy nation playthrough. But what exactly does this mod do? It adds a world state "holy nation ally" and adds that state ...
The Holy Nation Female Friendly
Creada por Harald Rejoice holy sisters! You can also now participate in talks with everyone, even deliver bounties and become the hero Holy Nation deserves! Just make sure you are human of course. Load order: Preferably below any mods that ch...
Authorized Holy Limbs for Allies
Creada por Roulce
So, the Holy Nation. Love them, hate them; You ain't them. Unless you're an Ally! Comes with all the perks of being a Holy Nation citizen except... Wait, what do you MEAN you can't talk with shopkeepers despite missing a leg and wearing a bucket as a foot!...
Holy Lord Phoenix
Creada por NPC
PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING AN ARTIST I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my patreon to show support. It would be greatly appreciated and show me...
Make Holy Nation Great Again + Holy Lord Phoenix Patch
Creada por Faust
If you play with Make Holy Nation Great Again and Holy Lord Phoenix(golden armours) mods, you might notice that Phoenix spawns with mismatched armour, while the Protector of the Flame spawns with the default armour from MHNGA. This patch corrects the issue...
Cat's Dust Bandit Overhaul RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for . All credit goes to cat. This patch requires the original mod to function. Place the patch lower than the original in the launcher. Это русский перевод мода Cat's Dust Bandit Overhaul. Все права на оригинальный мо...
Cat's Dust Bandit Overhaul
Creada por NPC
PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING AN ARTIST I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my patreon to show support. It would be greatly appreciated and show me...
Cat's Merc Armour Bundle RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for Cat's Merc Armour Bundle. All credit goes to cat. This patch requires the original mod to function. Place the patch lower than the original in the launcher. Это русский перевод мода Cat's Merc Armour Bundle. Все пр...
Merc Armour Bundle
Creada por NPC
PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING AN ARTIST I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my patreon to show support. It would be greatly appreciated and show me...
More Plate Options Rus
Creada por maks052
Это русификация мода More Plate Options от recatek Оригинал: требуется оригинал (Патч должен находиться ниже оригинального мода в списке загрузки) Добавляет в игру два новых предмета брони (...
Creada por Davelgo
Оригинал мода Оригинал мода НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ, но надо обязательно зайти по ссылке и нажать “оценить”. Пленные (те которые сидят в клетке это пленные) и БЕЗОРУЖНЫЕ (очень часто забывают забрать о...
Radiant Faces & Eyes - Animations Patch
Creada por Desu!
I'm away from Kenshi for the time being Thus I'm not accepting request to add another animation mods Description There are patches that add GAM and AO, MCA to radiant faces, but no patch for IN-CA, so instead of creating separate patch for IN-CA I compiled...
Radiant Faces & Eyes - Animations Patch (AO, MCA, MC)
Creada por Yn
Adds Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting, More Combat Animation and Military craft (New attacking moves) to skeleton races added by Radiant Faces & Eyes....
Forgotten Buildings - Stackable Storage
Creada por Mechanica
Please read the description before subscribing! This mod removes usage nodes from all Vanilla/Forgotten Buildings barrels and crates, allowing you to stack them without using the editor. Without nodes, containers cannot be opened automatically from certain...
Forgotten Buildings RUS
Creada por Azazellz
Русский перевод для Forgotten Buildings. Требует наличия оригинального мода....
The Arachnids - Faction and Armor RUS
Creada por 0xc00000007b
Для установки перевода оригинал мода НЕ нужен. Перевод на русский язык от 0xc00000007b aka lakeka1 Описание от автора мода: Добавляет в игру Арахнидов как **враждебную** фракцию. Они - преступники с любовью к рабству. Фракцию можно будет уничтожить примерн...
Ouroboros Armor and Ouroboros Empire Faction [RUS]
Creada por wickylinn
Это перевод следующей модификации на наш понятный русский -- Ouroboros Armor and Ouroboros Empire Faction Оригинальный мод не требуется. Поддержать юного моддера Этот мод добавляет броню, оружие в научно-фантастическом стиле, новую фракцию и старт новой иг...
OuroTech Guardian animation patch (optional)
Creada por Kitya
Animation patch for the OuroTech Guardian droid (MCA, Military Craft, Power up battle by skill)....
Ouroboros Armor and Ouroboros Empire Faction
Creada por Kitya
Adds sci-fi themed armor and weapons, a new faction and a new game start. There's a new waystation in Sonorous Dark set up by the Ouroboros Empire. The armblades are belt slot items and increase martial arts. (Mod requires import!!) Animation patch for the...
OuroTech Robots
Creada por Kitya
Standalone patch for the OuroTech robots from my Ouroboros Empire mod. Required for the Vanguards, Carriers and Walkers! You can order the robots from a merchant that appears in Waystation bars and in some of the larger cities. They'll go to your base....
Blue Flame
Creada por MARH
This mod adds blue flame effects and lighting fixtures use them. There are 7 blue lighting fixtures : Blast Tube Street Light (Blue) Campfire (Blue) Holy Sinner Torch (Blue) Holy Street Torch (Blue) Blue Torch Post Blue Torch Post (Large) Table Lantern (Bl...
Skeleton armor slots unlocked
Creada por ShadowAngel
This mod unlock all armor slots for all skeletons. I did not like how skeletons are hard to maintain at the beginning of the game and when endgame finally arrives they completely lose to Sheks in all fights. I made this mode for my own skeleton only playth...
Skeleton Empire Rebuilt
Creada por Bobfinfur
THIS MOD REQUIRES AN IMPORT! Looking for a place to discuss Kenshi or Kenshi modding? Feel free to join the Kenshi Community Discord We're always welcome to new faces. :) Ever want to build a real faction in kenshi? Do you want to see that lost Second Empi...
Power up battle by skill (add battle animations)
Creada por love-tea
This mod adds new combat motions, change the speed of battle motion and characterize weapons by the skill level. If you wanna know in detail, please watch at a movie and "
Settlers of the Wastes RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for The Mr Shears' Settlers of the Wastes. All credit goes to The Mr Shears. This translation requires the original mod. The translation have to be placed below it in the launcher....
Settlers of the Wastes
Creada por The Mr Shears
This mod is an overhaul of the outland regions of Kenshi, areas which reside on the edge of civilisation but aren't entirely empty. New settlements and factions have been added to these borderlands, as well as revamping some of the old villages that were a...
Lively Bars Fix
Creada por Pers
Adjust the Lively Bars created by rxwr with the following contents. ■MOD Contents Lively Bars are also applied to Swamp Dome type Bars except Dancing skeleton. *If you cannot get in, please refer to the images on this mod page to make adjustments. Animatio...
Faces Plus Addon 1 ~Hives eyecolor texturepack~
Creada por Seelenschwarz
Version 2: Adds all Dead Hive eyecolors to all Hive and Southern Hive facetextures. Adds all Hive eyecolors to all Dead Hive facetextures. Files & Folders changed, you need to start a new game. To unlock Dead Hive & Southern Hives you need Face Plus (Mainm...
Gusoku Armor yaknm patch
Creada por ketz
Patch to make this armor compatible with my "yet another kenshi nude mod". changes: - leg pieces hide the orange male part (genitals) My other mods: Apachii Skyhair for Kenshi Yundao HDT Hair for Kenshi ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi More Male Hairst...
Minor Faction Pacifiers - RW Compatibility Patch
Creada por Shidan
Simple compatibility patch for Reactive World, making sure the new pacifiers still spawn under the new town overrides. Requires both of the mods below. Minor Faction Pacifiers Reactive World Looking for a place to discuss Kenshi or Kenshi modding? Feel fre...
Mist Ghouls MC and MCA patch
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Use either one, doesn't matter if you're missing the other....
Mist Ghouls Playable and Recruitable Prisoners patch
Creada por Daemonic Spoder
Patch to enable the ghouls to be playable with Recruitable Prisoners support. Update: New recruitment dialogue. No longer requires Recruitable Prisoners and is standalone (though i highly recommend)...
NCE - Unholy Headgear - Heavy Hachigane and Bucket Zukin
Creada por Anrhaa
No cut efficiency patch for Unholy Headgear - Heavy Hachigane and Bucket Zukin Load Order: - Unholy Headgear.mod - This patch Credits to Spong, author of Unholy Headgear - Heavy Hachigane and Bucket Zukin, and Lyston, creator of NCE....
RP & RW Compatibility Patch
Creada por Shidan
A compatibility patch for Reactive World and Recruitable Prisoners. Adding the recruitable dialogs to many of the characters added from Reactive World. You WILL likely experience many issues with world states if you recruit important unique characters, jus...
Unholy Headgear - Heavy Hachigane and Bucket Zukin
Creada por spong
Very small mod that just adds unholy variants of the Bucket Zukin and Paladin's Heavy Hachigane, and introduces them to the world. Shops that would normally sell the Unholy Chestplate now have a chance to sell the Unholy Heavy Hachigane or the Unholy Bucke...
Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape
Creada por UCHIDA
A patch for Acord's Nomad Cape mod. New Textures + Added to the world + Fixed Icons This patch replaces the textures of the original mod with three hand painted textures that are dirtier, more worn and in a colour pallet the fits closer to the Vanilla Kens...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Radiant Better Faces X More Combat Animation
Creada por Shirohô A simple patch that will make Burn, Agnu and Sadneil exclusive skeleton races ready to execute MCA moves ! (More Combat Animations Mod). Last updated on 7/12/2021
Prosthetic Skeleton Limb Storage
Creada por Crazy Ivan
An automated Prosthetic limb storage mod, cabinet and metal chest for your crafted limbs on: No more micromanaging one by one your crafted limbs. Your crafters will automatically store them. (It doesn't sort by legs or arms) The storage's are available aft...
Maimed World
Creada por Crazy Ivan
The world of Kenshi is a brutal, merciless and mostly lawless world, where savage beasts roam the land, and hoards of cannibals stalk for the flesh of the weak. Lack of doctors and medical attention have lead to the use of old and new medical devices to re...
Bounties Galore! Recruitable Prisoners Patch
Creada por Fleshly Delight
Description This is a patch for the Bounties Galore! mod to add the bounties as recruitable when they are prisoners within cages. !!IMPORTANT!! Put this mod below other mods. Do not download this without having the other two mods downloaded. Both mods are ...
CM Killing Time - Shower Idle Patch
Creada por Red Cloud
This mod does one thing. - Sets the two showers in the CMKilling Time mod from BF_Training to BF_Chair. This means that your characters will use the showers when ilding, like the rest of the items added by the Killing Time mod. This requires the Killing Ti...
Милые шомоточки "Cute stuff" (RUS)
Creada por Mauser_NATO
Что тут есть! Набор рюкзаков, одежды и брони. На данный момент: - 23 вид рюкзаков и сумок. - Больше 60 видов брони и одежды . - Переодета вся фракция рабов и работорговцев. - добавлена броня в спавн листы других фракций. - Рюкзаки и броня распиханы по мага...
"Cute stuff" stats fix & rebalance patch
Creada por nyaobu
Mauser_NATO's mod "Cute stuff" required. Fix stats for items in Cute stuff mod. The language is not changed. Only stats. -For example- ・Fixed armor with 0% cut resistance efficiency. (Cut damag...
Legendary of Kenshi MCA Extended patch
Creada por Johnson
Legendary of Kenshi - More Combat Animation Extended Edition compatibility patch Let me know if it doesn't work normally ...
Cat's Wonderful World NCE Patch
Creada por NPC Even Just a Little Helps I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my Ko-fi to show support. It would be greatly appreci...
Esata the Stone Golem
Creada por NPC Even Just a Little Helps I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my Ko-fi to show support. It would be greatly appreci...
Creada por NPC
PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING AN ARTIST I do all of my work for free and from scratch. These models take a lot of time and effort, if you like them, please consider donating if you can to my patreon to show support. It would be greatly appreciated and show me...
NCE for Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape
Creada por Stupid kid
A patch for Uchida's mod so you can use nomads cape without cut efficiency ...
Unholy Headgear - Bucket Dispersal Patch
Creada por spong
Small patch for Unholy Headgear, which can be found here: Place this mod after it in your load order. Both are required. Import isn't required but is highly recommended. All this does is ma...
Nomad Cape Fixes
Creada por spacefiddle
The Nomad Cape looks amazing, but the mod itself had a lot of broken bits. Now they are fixed bits. Requires the original mod. Here's what was fixed: The big blank icons for the body-slot capes are fixed, but you will need to go into Kenshi\data\icons\ and...
Armour King has more items
Creada por Dryhand
a mod that makes armour king has about 4-6 times more armour any more will probably make the game crash. this will probably ruin you experience with the game if you just steal from him and then import and repeat so use the mod at your own risk. list of ite...
Crusaders Armor for Holy Nation | RUS
Creada por Asur
Перевод модификации Crusaders Armor for Holy Nation от автора ♠UnderagedEmoGirl♣, оригинал не нужен. Все права на мод принадлежат автору мода, я лишь перевел эту модификацию. Помимо перевода, от себя я добавил незначительные описания экипировки, для улучше...
Bolts : 5X more charges
Creada por ( * )
All Bolt ammo packs have 5X more charges. Tired of micro managing your 255 crossbow users, checking every fight if they still have ammo? Worry no more, with this mod, every bolt pack contains 5X more ammo, so they'll deplete 5X slower. To balance this, the...
Cat's Clothing Overhaul - Merc Armor Bundle "Free the hair" Patch
Creada por Gojira54
This mod is a patch for Cat's Clothing Overhaul and Cat's Merc Armor Bundle that shows a character's hair while wearing certain hats and helmets. I was inspired by minusthedrifter's "Free the hair" mod which functions the same but for certain vanilla items...
Tengu RUS + patch
Creada por HoneySoul
Tengu - RU/RUS/РУ/РУС Translation + patch Патч-перевод + ребаланс + геймстарт небольшого, но красивого мода Tengu Важно! Так как это патч, то обязательно использование основного мода, этот патч размещаете ниже в списке загрузки. Огромное спасибо автору ори...
General Modifications Rus
Creada por WolfGunt
Перевод мода General Modifications by Seelenschwarz Оригинальный мод не требуется. Понравился мод? Зайдите на страницу оригинала и оцените. Оригинальный мод - Описание мода на русском смотри...
DR's GenMod DLC1 - Slopeless
Creada por DungeonRyu
There is an amazing mod General Modifications (or GenMod) by Seelenschwarz. If there is a mod I can't play without, GenMod is the one. Features Naturally there always are things to fix, polish or improve. So I decided to create several DLC-like mods. DR's ...
GenMod - Military Craft - AOM Crafting - More Combat Animation compatibility
Creada por Seelenschwarz
Just a compatibility patch to add animations to the GenMod uniques. You need this mods: General Modifications: Military Craft: AOM...
GenMod - Better Crop Fences Compatibility (New Version)
Creada por Seelenschwarz
This is a submod and need all mods to work ! Updated Version of the "GenMod Better Crop Fences Patch" compatible to: Soybeans Cabbage Sugarcane Sunflowers Cocoa Mushrooms Raw Corn Poppies Flowers <--- New added Potatoes <---New added And all XS Cropfields ...
GenMod - Simple book crafting & more books at vendor
Creada por Seelenschwarz
This submod changes the process of crafting books, there is only one kind of half-eaten book for the regular books and the ancient science books. Regular Books needs: 3 x Parchment + 2 x Half Eaten Books Ancient Science Books needs: 3 x Parchment + 5 x Hal...
GenMod - No Cut Efficiency
Creada por Seelenschwarz
This SubMod adds No Cut Efficiency Settings to armor and clothing from the vanilla version and GenMod (Colored Clothes/armors, Belt-Slot-Versions, Showing hair hat-versions...) . General Modifications:
GenMod - Hard Mode - Animals
Creada por Seelenschwarz
The second module of the Hard Mode, increases the stats and HP of all animals, also reduces the number of death items and increases their number at some animal squads. Alphas can no longer be carried so they can not be used as a training doll or tamed. Mai...
GenMod - Scarier Security Spiders Compatibility
Creada por Seelenschwarz
This is a submod and need all mods to work ! + Adds craftable Animal bags + Adds a new Start variation of the Skeleton and his machine pet General Modifications: Scarier Security Spiders: https...
Fixed Shield Bridge
Creada por Hoser
The mod adds supports to the side of the bridge where they were missing, closes a few holes in the mesh for the wall part of the bridge and changes the little stick things on the bottom which didnt really seem like they did anything so they look like suppo...
Waystation Ruins Fix
Creada por Momayo
Fixes Waystation Ruins (at Stobe's Garden). Moved the stormhouse ruin so that can enter and loot items. If you already have visited there, need import. If not, no need import. This mod does a different approach than First Village Fix, so separated. ストーブガーデ...
Russian Translation Fix Plus
Creada por Puffin
Данный мод является улучшенной версией мода Russian Translation Fix. Перевод содержит локализацию контента базовой игры. Изменения: - Весь перевод перенесён из "locale/ru_RU/ru_RU.translation" в ".mod" - файл. Перенос файлов локализации устраняет конфликт ...
Fix for Walking Through Walls
Creada por Lawh
This mod fixes people walking through walls that are placed far from the center of your town. It increases the area of player made bases. If it doesn't work, you will likely have to edit this mod and increase the base size even more. I can also do this if ...
Compressed Textures Project
Creada por FG
This mod replace textures with "compressed ones". Textures compressed to DXT5 and resize down: for landscape from 2048 to 1024 for some other stuff from 4096 to 2048 Those changes will help to reduce loading time, will reduce stuttering and save some VRAM,...
Viable Hive Soldiers
Creada por fettzwerg
In the current state of the game (0.99.1) Hivers are the weakest fighters of all races. Seemingly Princes and Workers make up for it by excelling in certain areas. Soldiers are terrible laborers and are clearly bred for combat only roles. So why are they e...
Bull's Lantern
Creada por MARH
This mod adds a new backpack for Bull. -CAUTION- Manual Installation Required The new items do not light just clicking "Subscribe". The installation procedure is as follows. 1. Click "Subscribe." A new folder "2466416778" is generated in Steam/steamapps/wo...
Short Wall Node
Creada por MARH
This mod adds nodes to the short segments of the vanilla Defensive Wall. The following is the list of changed walls: ・Wall Short* ・Defensive Wall III Short ・Defensive Wall IV Short *Wall Short is the short segment of Defensive Wall II Import is not require...
Deadhive Overrun Rebuildable
Creada por Hiro
You can now buy and rebuild building in Deadhive Overrun, excepted the central one which is own by Fogmen in this town. You need to be neutre or ally with fogmen to buy a building....
Better Crop Fences GenMod Patch
Creada por Wunkay
RU Reactive World
Creada por N'sane
Обновил устаревший перевод мода - Оригинал не нужен. Косяки пишите в обсуждение!...
Better Crop Fences
Creada por Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Faction Furniture RUS
Creada por RevRept
This is the Russian translation patch for CBT Faction Furniture. All credit goes to Cattrina. This patch requires the original mod to function. Place the patch lower than the original in the launcher. Это русский перевод мода CBT Faction Furniture. Все пра...
Faction Furniture
Creada por Cattrina
This mod changes most basic furniture items for all major factions (Holy Nation, Hive, United Cities and the Shek Kingdom) in a distinct furniture style to each faction and a few minor factions have randomized possibilities from the main faction options. A...
Fog Mask Renewed
Creada por UnCheat
Updates the texture of the fog mask so that it is no longer rusty, mostly (it can be crafted, right? So why is it so rusty in vanilla?) (same texture size)...
Vanilla Metalness Maps
Creada por Trinity
Adds custom and vanilla metalness maps to the weapon manufacturers. - Skeleton Smiths - Edgewalkers - Cross - Custom maps based off base textures....
Backpack with Light RUS
Creada por GCPD Det. G.G.Allin
Это патч-перевод модификации Backpack with Light от MARH на русский язык. Требует наличия оригинального мода (Он должен стоять выше данного патча в порядке загрузки). Далее следует описание оригинального мода Backpack with Light. Пункт об установке необход...
Military craft (New attacking moves)
Creada por SprendiX
DONATE If you want to add my mod to another race, watch the video above! To use it on custom races C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\ 1. Find the Military Craft Mod and the...
Particles and foliage fix (performance and FPS boost)
Creada por Maximus
Other my works: Starving bandits fix This mod increases FPS in the game. How it works? This mod reduces the spam of visual effect particles and foliage 3d meshs that overloads the video memo...
Reduce stones and some other foliage.
Creada por timor1234
Reduce stones and some other foliage This mod reduces most of the stones and boulders in game. It also touches upon other foliage I didn’t like. I don’t want my game to feel empty but at the same time I just don’t like some of the foliage in game. So I rem...
Reduced Knockout Timers x10
Creada por Helmotz
What the title says. This applies to both you and the enemies, there is no way to circumvent this with my knowledge of modding. Note that there is still the same thoughness scaling as in vanilla, meaning that you'll get knocked out longer with low thougnes...
Longer Mercenary Contracts
Creada por Shidan
Simple mod that gives extra options for how long the Mercenary Contracts last. Bodyguard contracts go up to 7 days now, and outpost guards can last up to 30. Cost per day stays the same as normal, so it's simply a matter of convenience so you don't have to...
More Combat Stance MIABC+
Creada por AGO
このMODは 「戦闘状態時のダッシュ」 「戦闘状態時の小走り」 「戦闘状態時の立ち姿」 「戦闘状態時、足の負傷による立ち姿の変化」 を各武器種ごと追加し、More Idle Animationと「揺れる」要素を追加したものです。 ※最新のMIABCの編集データが消失していたので、以前のものと多少違うかもしれません。悪しからず。 おまけで隠密のナルト走りを天誅参OP風に変えるデータを入れています。 「run upper stealth」と「run lower stelth」のanim nameを「ninjar...
ACC - Basic - More Combat Animation Compatibility
Creada por Seelenschwarz
This mod adds the new animations of "More Combat Animation" to the new races from ACC-Basic. Affected: Dead Hive Queen Southern Hive Queen Palelander Reddish Shek Screamer MK I - Red, Green & Blue Skeleton - Red, Green & Blue P4 Unit MK I - Red, Green & Bl...
Animation Compatibility Collection [6 Mods Supported]
Creada por Seelenschwarz
It allows to add animations of the 3 known animation mods ( AOM: Crafting, Military Craft & More Combat Animation) to the 6 listed mods. General Modifications: + Albino Shek + Banished Hives + Greenscorcher + Red Rick + Hive Queen South ACC - Basic: + Pale...
MEGA Pathfinding Collection Pack
Creada por Anrhaa
Made in collaboration with SCARaw. The Ultimate Pathfinding Solution. All pathfinding fixed made by SCARaw, applied to as many modded humanoid and animal races as possible. Intended to be used with my Kaizo/UWE+ Modpack and my Kaizo/Vanilla+ Modpack , but ...
MEGA All-In-One Compatibility Pack
Creada por Anrhaa
Summary A single compatibility patch mod for all modded races, animations, (hiver) exclusive items AND animal backpacks. The ultimate solution intended to be used with any and all mod lists. Install and forget. Load it FIRST (check the example of load orde...
Better More Combat Animations
Creada por lds_101
Simply better experience with More Combat Animations. Mod allows high level fighter to take more initiative and not to be caught in constant block animation cycle when outnumbered in 3+ attack slots. --- no attack interruption for block if fighter started ...
Holy Order Redux - Lore Friendly
Creada por NPC
Holy Order Redux What is this mod? Holy Order Redux is a cosmetic overhaul of the Holy Nation's Holy Order. Most commonly seen during Prayer Day when living inside the Holy Nations Borders, these squads roam and pray using the Holy Flame. This mod aims to ...
Holy Order Redux NCE
Creada por The One Who Spooks
First mod because this did not exist earlier. I did not create the models. They are from the original mod. The original is required to use this mod. (The Hessian uniform may look off)...
Old Ironsides - Russian Patch!
Creada por Magnaderra
Перевод на русский язык мода Old Ironsides: Creature Mod. Для правильной работы необходим оригинальный мод. Оригинальный мод: Для правильной работы мода необходимо выполнить перенос сохранен...
Old Ironsides: Creature Mod
Creada por Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...