The nameless Commander
Just a person who loves manga and lesser known games.
Artwork Showcase
Shadowrun OC - Martin Schaefer
29 3
Review Showcase
142 Hours played
Get ready to be roped into an exciting adventure!

Gameplay first:
Under the cover and premise of fetish fuel, there's actually a quite challenging RPG game with mechanics not seen in others. The standard formula of "bump into enemies to fight them" is expanded in this game with the possibility of stealth takedowns. They're a much needed option in this game, as the combat always takes a toll on the party. Farming/grinding is ill-advised. Over-relying on stealth takedowns and clever movement to avoid combat however can be just as detrimental, as the player can end up sorely underleveled, soft-locking the progress. A healthy balance between being sneaky and frontal assault is the best. The golden rule of RPGs: save often, save early! Combat can get really challenging and is never a cakewalk after the tutorial sequences.
The combat is largely by the book, characters have access to basic attacks, special skills and some can cast spells. However, female characters (player's and enemy alike) work slightly different. Instead of being incapacitated when their HP reaches zero, they are in a "weakened" state when their HP is below a certain threshold. They can be subdued in that state (also if they're put to sleep or stunned). Based on certain parameters, they can return to combat as long as one of them is still free. Male characters and monsters get incapacitated when their HP is depleted, no second chance for them.

Sometimes however, our party gets in way over their heads and they get captured in spite of best efforts. That's where the escape mini-game kicks in. Through a sequence of directional inputs (part QTE part rhythm game), the player has to help the heroine break free from her restrains. This feature can be leveled up either when captured by certain criminal gangs (you can allow that to happen, can be useful as it restores HP/CP) or escape training which becomes available at a certain point in the story.
Finally: doors and chests are not always opened with just a click, Seles, our main character (far more often than not) has to pick locks for the chests to spill their goods. Similar to the escape game.

The story is quite alright. A few plot-twists but mostly straightforward. The most interesting part is that despite partially falling into the "chosen one" trope, Seles, the main character, often faces odds she cannot overcome and has to make her escape. The characters themselves are pretty likable, each with a different backstory and motivation to tag along.

Visually, there is a lot of eye-candy. Vibrant, lively colors and plenty of nicely drawn CGs. Bear in mind, said CGs often involve "damsels in distress". The game is for a specific audience after all.

The sound component is a pleasant surprise, especially the music.

Edit: the long-awaited content update was a real treat. Fun side-quests, brain-busting puzzles and some delicious eye-candy. The verdict: 9.3/10 Wholeheartedly recommended!
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