Crell Monferaigne monferaigne
Crell Monferaigne monferaigne
5 January, 2022
ABOUT Crell Monferaigne

This Kingdom controls most of the Eastern continent. The citizens have been brainwashed into leading a self-righteous holy war against their neighbours.

Crell Monferaigne is a large fortified city in Northeastern Midgard and one of its most prominent powers. It is featured in Valkyrie Profile, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. The rulers and citizens of Crell Monferaigne are extremely pious, even to the point of fanaticism, which leads them to engage in "holy" wars with neighboring countries.

Crell Monferaigne is an aggressive power to match the might of Villnore. Its strong and disciplined military is made even more obedient by the religious indoctrination every citizen undergoes, and tragic stories such as Llewelyn's are a common occurrence. The highest court officials are unscrupulous and manipulative. They employ the services of assassins such as Janus, which they have no trouble "removing" as soon as they deem them threatening. The king benefits from the services of a court magician named Magnus, who appears to be versed in demonic lore. Although it is never explicitly stated how, Magnus' methods earn him some dislike among the knights, notably from Jayle and her commander, Fahn. Both die while attempting to overthrow him as when he summons a powerful female demon, Genevieve; however, she soon overpowers Magnus himself and only an intervention by Lenneth is able to rout her.

Llewelyn, Janus and Jayle can be recruited in Crell Monferaigne.
In addition, Janus can be encountered in his house if you visit Crell Monferaigne before recruiting him (Chapter 2 at the earliest, Chapter 4 at the latest). Jayle and Fahn can be encountered at the tavern if you visit before recruiting Jayle (Chapter 5 at the earliest, Chapter 6 at the latest).
After recruiting Llewelyn, revisit the woods on the outskirts of town to obtain a Goddess Pendant.
After recruiting Janus, revisit his house to obtain a Raven Slayer.

Crell Monferaigne's history is a mix of tragedy (the suicide of Queen Lylia in 752 C.C. and the subsequent murder of her daughter Lydia in 769 C.C.) and aggressive expansionism, as witnessed by its repeated assaults on Kalstad. At the beginning of the game, it is temporarily held in check by the influence of Dipan. However, when the latter falls and chaos starts escalating on Midgard because of the removal of the Dragon Orb, Crell Monferaigne resumes its bellicose tendencies.

The Japanese transliteration of Crell Monferaigne reads "Clairmonferan", which is very similar in pronunciation to Clermont-Ferrand, an actual city in France.
Vashyron 25 Dec, 2023 @ 8:57pm 
Merry Christmas! :rofmuscle: