Rumina G. Dogin
The daughter, heir, and right-hand of Chairman Goldburn, the legendary Casino King who went from rags-to-riches by taking the money he won in a gambling parlor and using it to start an immensely lucrative casino.

Rumina is in the middle of setting up her own business on this unobserved world, completely ignoring Federation laws in the process.
Although she may look cute on the outside, underneath her clothes she is brimming with self-defense weaponry, and has even been referred to as a "walking armory" (Commentary provided by her friend "R"). However, Rumina is a proponent of peaceful solution to conflict and seeks to avoid using her weaponry, if only because ammunition is expensive. Sometimes she breaks the law, and sometimes she ignores it altogether.

Rumina the Tomboy appeared at the scene. Definitely not a 4D Being. Sells the best weapons. Gets angry easily. Automated Defense System!

Rumina the Tomboy: Hey, you! What're you looking so glum for!? You're adult,
ain't yah? So act like adults!

Sophia: Um... Miss...?

Rumina the Tomboy: You know, I have no idea what happened to you, and I don't
wanna know! But you know, you can't do a dang thing about stuff that's already
happened! Stop moping around and start thinking about something else! Some
people... Always feeling sorry for themselves... Man, I tell yah, I can't stand
adults like you who always worry about the past... Drives me crazy! So, what's
your problem? Well!? You got something to say to me? Then just say it!

Ruddle the traveler appeared at the scene.

Ruddle the Traveler: Uh, oh, sorry. Please forgive her. The things kids say...

Rumina the Tomboy: Hey, Ruddle! You stay outta this! There's nothing wrong with
what I said!

Ruddle the Traveler: Rumina, please. A whole lot of people lost their families,
loved ones, and friends in this war. Try thinking a little bit about their
suffering, and their sadness. If you did, you'd never say things like that.

Rumina the Tomboy: Yeah, well, what's cryin' gonna change!? Nothing!!! Cry all
you want, it won't help. Am I wrong?

Ruddle the Traveler: Rumina! Please, please don't talk like that. People who
can't understand the pain of others are the worst people around.

Rumina the Tomboy: Wha-what are you talking about? Ruddle, you...

Sophia: Wait, it's OK. She's right...

Sophia kneels towards Rumina the tomboy.

Sophia: Yeah, you're right. It's exactly like you said. We have to be more
positive. Crying about things won't change anything. Thanks, Rumina. You've
taught me a valuable lesson.

Rumina the Tomboy: Huh? Wha? Err... Well, good. As long as you know what I mean.

The camera views the outside of the Hornet and then the screen faded black.

Sophia: You've got it right. When your very existence is denied, if you accept
that, and don't even try to fight, you might as well be dead. If we don't act
to protect our own selves, then who will do it for us?
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A great ruin found underground between Surferio and Irisa Fields. It still stands, with no hope of repair, after being destroyed in the war between Aquor and Greeton.
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Lain 25 Dec, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
Merry Christmas to all! :Gifted:
Luther 14 Mar, 2023 @ 2:37pm 
部下には恵まれているようだな。わたしの 部下といったら……く、気分が悪くなった。