Steam Deck

Steam Deck

Will Steam Deck delivery arrive where i live?
Right now i live in Bulgaria in a low populated village and not sure if my order will arrive if i purchase a Steam Deck. Also i never ordered anything online and i don't know how specific and in which exact format i should provide my information in Shipment address 1 and Shipment address 2 fields in shipping info. Would be very grateful if someone provide an example. There is City field in shipment info. Is it required to live in a city?
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Bulgaria is part of the European Union, which means the Steam Deck is available for you.
Shipment address 1 is for your address and shipment address 2 is for your apartment number if you live in an apartment building or complex.
Shipping address 1 would be: [Home (or apartment building/complex) address] [Your street] (thats how it works in the US at least)
Shipping address 2: [apartment number here]
The "City" field is basically just asking for the name of the place you live in (your village)
nicoper 9 Jul @ 1:24am 
Have you never received mail from anywhere? Might wanna check with your local post office if you're unsure how they want addresses to be written if that's the case.
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Date Posted: 7 Jul @ 10:25am
Posts: 2