Steam Deck

Steam Deck

Will Steam Deck delivery arrive where i live?
Right now i live in Bulgaria in a low populated village and not sure if my order will arrive if i purchase a Steam Deck. Also i never ordered anything online and i don't know how specific and in which exact format i should provide my information in Shipment address 1 and Shipment address 2 fields in shipping info. Would be very grateful if someone provide an example. There is City field in shipment info. Is it required to live in a city?
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Bulgaria is part of the European Union, which means the Steam Deck is available for you.
Shipment address 1 is for your address and shipment address 2 is for your apartment number if you live in an apartment building or complex.
Shipping address 1 would be: [Home (or apartment building/complex) address] [Your street] (thats how it works in the US at least)
Shipping address 2: [apartment number here]
The "City" field is basically just asking for the name of the place you live in (your village)
Have you never received mail from anywhere? Might wanna check with your local post office if you're unsure how they want addresses to be written if that's the case.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 7.7. klo 10.25
Viestejä: 2