Jump King
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1.157 MB
12 mars à 3h42
29 avr. à 8h40
3 notes de changement ( voir )

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This mod allows map makers to customize their King's hitbox to something bigger or smaller, based on your preference, by simply putting flags on your level!

Available flags
To add/remove a flag, navigate to the Item details page in Worldsmith, find Level flags under the category Level details. Add the flags you want using the input to write and the button to add it on the flag list.

Flag name
This sets the King's hitbox width to 10 (default: 18)
This sets the King's hitbox width to 14 (default: 26)

Flags heads-up
  • The hitbox sizes are integers, flags with commas and periods.
  • Using the same flag more than once will negate the first flag, making it useless. Remember to keep only the flags that you actually need.
  • if you only want to change the width, there's no need to include the height change flag. And same viceversa.
  • If your custom width corresponds to 18, you can remove it since JK's default hitbox width is 18.
  • If your custom height corresponds to 26, you can remove it since JK's default hitbox height is 26.