Invisible, Inc.

Invisible, Inc.

Decker: Light Skeletal Frame
25 comentários
[Ghost182] 15 jan. 2018 às 0:16 
Hey, I FOUND it.

One of the 2 item mods were causing the problem. It seems it also messes up Archive Shalem's portrait in the character select menu when it's installed, but not enabled as well.

I suggest that people just check to confirm if this is the issue for them as well.
[Ghost182] 14 jan. 2018 às 20:48 
Hey, I'm experiencing some issues too, but the Olivia one seems to be working fine, which seems very strage to me, considering that these mods have both likely been made the same way ...

What seems even stranger is that this mod doesn't seem to work even without any other mods installed ... I wonder what the problem could be ....

I'm subscribing to this board, if you manage to find out the problem, then please do let us know.

Thanks very much for designing this mod =]
Green Raven 8 jan. 2018 às 21:15 
Thank you thank you thank you!
Colonel_S  [autor] 8 jan. 2018 às 20:45 
I have posted the Olivia Subdermal PDA one as a separate workshop file.
@glass_pencil: I have noticed some compatibility issues with other mods but I haven't been able to pin it down to a specific mod. If someone else happens to find compatibility issues, let me know and I'll see if it's reasonable to fix.
glass_pencil 6 jan. 2018 às 17:02 
Has anyone had trouble getting this to work? When I turn it on in-game, the mod no longer works. It used to in the past.
Green Raven 21 dez. 2017 às 15:20 
Thank you!
Colonel_S  [autor] 21 dez. 2017 às 15:19 
I'm on vacation now, but I'll do it when I get back
Green Raven 18 dez. 2017 às 11:14 
Hey Col.
Would you please re upload your Olivia Subdermal PDA mod?
MagneticSpark 10 set. 2017 às 15:02 
Hi Colonel_S , i encounted the same bug Cronstintein was experiencing down below, so I started messing around with the mod files to see if I could fix it.

In your oliviaUpdate.lua file, simply comment out the second "installed=true" statement.

I tested by spawning multiple large nanofabs in a 2 security facility until the Ambient Turbine augment showed up, and this time I could actually buy it! Thanks for making this mod, I actually quite enjoy using Decker now, cheers!
Colonel_S  [autor] 22 abr. 2017 às 21:47 
Please, go for it. You can credit me if you want, but you don't need to.
Have fun!
SteelCrow 22 abr. 2017 às 21:20 
Colonel_S, I am working on a mod tweaking several agents to make their gameplay themes more distinctive. I want to include your augment for Decker. Are you okay with that? I'll credit you.
Deadpwner 12 jan. 2017 às 14:22 
can you set the stat locking augements to off when in non custom games
cuz i would rather have them because i dont see whats wrong with them
Colonel_S  [autor] 9 jan. 2017 às 20:32 
Nope. I was having trouble getting them to work. There are few mods I plan on revisiting, but it probably won't be any time soon. If you have any ideas on how to get it up, it would be awesome to see them on the workshop.
Cronstintein 23 nov. 2016 às 10:26 
Not sure if it's a conflict or what but the turbine augment was greyed out at a deluxe nanofab even though I didn't have one installed. It was grey for all my agents.
The Sinless Assassin 28 jul. 2016 às 11:11 
Hey there's a glitch where Olivia may get the PDA augment, but when you install new augments, it reverts back to her original one that gives you PWR = KO.
Green Raven 3 fev. 2016 às 19:44 
Hi Colonel I have a request... for some reason I cant get 2 mods to play nicely together, if you have some spare time could you package these changes into one single mod?

1. Dereks Tag Scanner Augment from the API Example Mod
2. Your Shalem Mod
3. Your Olivia Subdermal PDA Mod
4. The Remove Stat lock Aug (God bless you for that one!)

and finally,
5. Prism. Prisms On File form has a pathetic mod, while her Archive form has an awesome game changing holodisguise.
IF POSSIBLE, It would be to rescue the Archive version from detention cells rather than the On File version.
IF NOT POSSIBLE, than at least give her On File form a better aug. I was thinking maybe Internationale's Archive Aug might fit with her flavor of turning the enemy against itself.

Thanks a million!
Human_Kirby 23 dez. 2015 às 2:20 
I have seen that you wanted to edit Olivia. It should now be doable with the Sim Constructor including the Sequantial Modloader.
Green Raven 14 dez. 2015 às 10:17 
You could also balance it by making a prepared position strike drain power.
Green Raven 14 dez. 2015 às 10:16 
I like the Prepare Position bonus idea. It fits thematically, and I dont think its overpowered. It means you have to watch the guard patrols carefully, and be in position to a sniper.
Colonel_S  [autor] 13 dez. 2015 às 7:26 
While thematically Shalem is more of a sniper, I worry about giving him more of the same. Getting past armor piercing two is pretty hard, and I'm pretty sure the game is balanced to that standard. If we made it so Shale could get through Armor 3 from the beginning, it would probably be way unfair.
That's when it occurred to me that Shalem's big advantage is in armor piercing in general. Looking at his archive version shows us this, as well. That's why I boosted him as such.
ErlKing 13 dez. 2015 às 7:08 
Its good that Shalem got buffed, but this implementation is not what I would have in mind.

As I see it, Shalem's role is to be sniper and his augment should be about shooting things, there were good ideas proposed over time:

"Hunter's Mark" - additional or multiplicative Range Armor Piercing vs tagget targets
"Long range Scope" - additional Range Armor Piercing depending on range to target
"Prepare position" - additional Range Armor Piercing if Shalem stay in one place for a turn
"Killer" - double Armor Piercing vs living targets
Colonel_S  [autor] 13 dez. 2015 às 6:34 
That was one of many problems. But I learned a lot so I'm pretty excited to make more. I'm working on an agent now, as well.
Human_Kirby 13 dez. 2015 às 1:12 
So the white space was the problem. Glad I could help.
Colonel_S  [autor] 12 dez. 2015 às 10:29 
Yup, it works. You can get weird situations that get him in the negatives, but it works just fine.
ErlKing 12 dez. 2015 às 10:15 
Nice, have you tested Decker augment on activation/deactivation at low AP?