Caves of Qud

Caves of Qud

Animal Uplifts!!
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Update: 17 Jan @ 6:26am

Update: 16 Jan @ 9:01pm

Update: 16 Jan @ 8:59pm

Update: 20 Sep, 2023 @ 5:57pm

- Added missing negative Arachnids reputation to Uplifted Salthoppers
- Assigned species as "uplift"
- Changed Uplifted Arachnid culture from Animal to Arachnid
- Changed Uplifted Salthopper culture from Animal to Insect
- Excluded all uplifts from dynamic encounters
- Excluded all uplifts from village populations
- Changed Uplifted Arachnid species cybernetic from +5 move speed, +1 move saves to +1 Jump and +2 Charge distance


Arachnid change basis - I mean they get a lot of legs so from a gameplay perspective I thought bonuses that appear on several footwear (and footwear mods) already seemed redundant. If you're being a good RPer and piutting spinerrets on them too they also have immunity to that type of movement effect already. So this version leans more into jumping spider / wolf spider territory

Culture change - basically only affects random naming but best to be thorough

Update: 20 Sep, 2023 @ 5:56pm


Update: 20 Sep, 2023 @ 5:56pm


Update: 19 Sep, 2023 @ 1:55am

v1.0 - Made this shit