Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Shadow Moses Incident
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Aggiornamento: 21 apr 2022, 8:08

- Started messing with reflection probes. I do not promise that I know what I am doing.
- Rearranged / Strengthened some lighting due to the lighting changes.

- Added a super annoying Shepard's Tone with Chimes to hint at location of Keycard

- Recreated the docks elevator shaft with higher quality textures.

Aggiornamento: 19 apr 2022, 5:17

Updated thumbnail

Aggiornamento: 19 apr 2022, 3:18

Entering the Tank Hangar through the vent system will now trigger the Tank Hangar doors, preventing zombies from being locked out. Also, this saves 3,000 points.

Also, more rat noise testing.

Aggiornamento: 19 apr 2022, 2:10


Added rats in the vents..... yeah... cuz why not.
- still testing weird rat noises

Max Ammo Drops in Lock Down / Tank Boss fight.
- Averages out to every 90 seconds.

Zombie Spawns Stop after lockdown completed until Keycard Lvl2 is picked up.
Zombie Spawns Stop after Tank Boss completed until it starts blowing up real good.

Kerotan Shootable Bonus Points
- at 3 each player gets +1500 points
- at 6 each player gets +3000 points
- at 9 each player gets +3000 points

Aggiornamento: 17 apr 2022, 18:55

Shadow Moses Incident - Demo V1.2

Added Kerotans
- 12 Shootable Kerotans (Listen for their Wakka Wakka's)
Rewards: (3) Perk Limit Increased from 8 to 16
Rewards: (6) Perk Limit Increased from 16 to 24
Rewards: (9) Perk Limit Increased to Max 27 (or 28 if co-op [Tombstone])
Easter Egg Song "Snake Eater (MGS3)" [2:57]
Rewards: (12) 50,000 Points All Players
- 8 Soul Boxes (Free Perk Reward)

"Lockdown" adjusted
- Explosions start from the ceiling, 30 possible locations. Do not know how the FX and sound spam will hinder online play.
- KeyCard Lvl2 will fall from the ceiling after lockdown completed.

Tank Boss
- Cannon is set to do stupid amounts of damage until I learn how to do it better. Do not get hit and expect to live.
- Tank model now flies into the air as it explodes and disappears.
- Perkaholic award script has only worked 1 time..... Need better script / more knowledge

- 21 Boxes, with portals allow players to fast travel. If that area is not opened yet, the portal will not work and is blocked by a fence/cage.
- There is a main hub with 8 portals in it to make up for my lack of planning / logic behind it.

Docks Elevator
- To prevent getting locked out of the map Players are now teleported onto Docks Elevator upon locking. Third person is activated and controls taken away.

Tank Hangar Elevator
- Look at triggers are now working and will hide upon activation of elevator
- Rescripted since the old code was garbage... new code is only a little better...

Tank Hangar Ventilation System
- Vent system has been created to allow for players to enter the Tank Hangar the old fashioned way. It only takes a minute to crawl through to save a measly 3000 points.

- Now a playable area. Players teleported back on if they fall off.

- Extra lights added to perk machines who's lights were not working properly.
- Lights added to spots where Keycards are to make them more visible.
- Box Teleport Signs are now highlighted with flickering lights.

Aggiornamento: 28 mar 2022, 22:00

Codec Script Functioning. Need to gather/record more assets.

Tank Hanger B2 Level 4 Boss door modified to not allow zombies through, needs to be fixed after purchase though with connect path script.

Possible Preview image update.

Spread around perks/wallbuys and filled up empty rooms.

Added Wallbuy for Blundergat, Raygun Mark 3, and Death Machine weapon.

Aggiornamento: 21 mar 2022, 20:09

Updated to Beta!!!!!

Tank Hangar (1F, B1, B2) Built.
Tank Hangar Elevator scripted
Keycards scripted
C4 Scripted
Enough fog on B2 to cause lag.
Sound effects!

Many more improvements will be added:

The Tank Hangar needs populated with junk such as half of the perk machines, wallbuys, a few box/fizz spots, and some shootables/soul boxes.

models will need to be added at c4 locations.
Trigger hint descriptions need fixed for elevator call.
Players need to jump to hit 1F trigger, and sometimes crouch/prone for B2 trigger (may switch to shoot/damage triggers).

Will need to learn how to do boss battles and add the final area to the demo... the tank boss arena.

Aggiornamento: 22 feb 2022, 17:37


Added rubble and clipped in heliport east since Navmesh is broken (near mulekick / Zombshell).
Moved PHD Slider since it was breaking Navmesh on hillside.

Added 3 soul boxes for free perks in Heliport Area.
Soul Boxes now 35~36 Kills.

Still need to fix the damn scope for SVU-as smiper. Added it as a wallbuy.

Fixed spawn water, water bottom got Caulked accidentally which made it solid :'(

Aggiornamento: 21 feb 2022, 4:23


Elevator Requires Soul Box - also rewards free perk

Round Change Sounds have been updated (fade in / fade out / shortened)
Intro Song shortened and reverb.
Spotlights animated and cause alert sound.
Elevator Moving Sound Added, and lights animated.

I've been sitting in front of my computer for 10+ hours so I may have forgetting some changes.
Oh yeah, Changed starting pistol / downed pistol to the Remmington Revolver. Who knows what final choice will be.

Aggiornamento: 19 feb 2022, 21:27

Added Stealth/Green "Pack a Punch Camo" to most if not all weapons / attachments.

Removed base weapons from box / wallbuys.
Added sheild and Grav spikes to box (haven't tested yet)

Added a ton of Lights to Elevator.
Added snow texture to off map area, preventing looking down at docks from heliport.

Fixed missing perks UI, and put in rows of 10.

Attempting to make helipad lights move.

Will need to fix some of the audio files and add more.