Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Shadow Moses Incident
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Update: 15 feb 2022 om 22:29

V 1.3 - Added Working Tombstone, Electric Cherry, WhosWho, PHD Flopper, and Vulture Aid. Gun Sounds Fixed. Also, found HarryBo21's sound files for perk jingles.

Implementations / Fixes Still Need:

Fix to safe zone elevator & crawl spaces.
Intro Load Screen.
Custom "Stealth" Pack Camo.
"Buyable Ending" placement.
Slowdown player advancement / Progression ( Add doors or debris or soul chest to open area / turn on elevator.

Radios for Story / MGS lore.
Victory Song if win?
Respawn points.
Boss Enemies?

Update: 14 feb 2022 om 20:56

v 1.2

Buyable Ending at 50,000 infront of 2FL vent. Wi
Added Teleports from 2FL right vent to "secret room" and 2FL left vent to Truck.

Added Doodads to create natural barrier near Bandolier Bandit.
Added Rocks / Models to "pretty" up the map and add obstacle.

Widened stairs to prevent NavMesh from spawning holes, preventing Zombies from going up/down.

Caulked a lot of out of map / non-visible surfaces to improve performance.

Issues with no zombie mapping on elevator. Missile Clips not preventing people from just hiding prone in crawl spaces. BO2 weapons not making sounds.

Update: 12 feb 2022 om 15:30

Thanks to the forums, I was able to add the 2 lines of code the Perk UI to make it rows of 12.
And tweaks to perk scripts to allow BO4 Perks to appear in Wunderfizz properly.

Covered PHD Slider perk machine in more snow so you can accidentally walk over it.

Added models/clips around Stone Cold Stronghold to make it look more like a gas station and to take up some of the massive ammount of open space still left in heliport area.

Added plenty of wall buys from Skye's BO2 weapons release.

Extended clips from helipad rails so players no longer can just jump over them.

Update: 12 feb 2022 om 9:55

Added Madgaz's Perks.
Wunderfizz 2.0 Crashes... probably because I have Harry's Wunderfizz working.
Wunderfizz tends to prefer Madgaz and Base Perks before BO4 perks.

Perk limit set to 33, but current working perk count ~28.

Update: 12 feb 2022 om 2:53

V 1.0

Thanks to the massive mod community (Honestly can't even list you all) F3ARxReaper666 raptroes Joshwoocool Quentin M5_Prodigy DTZxPorter Scobalula NGcaudle DV3 Team Harrybo21, Madgaz and all those who help them.
Was able to add Wunderfizz and their perks
Widows Wine, Etheral Razor, Blaze Phase, Blood Wolf Bite, Dying Wish, PHD Slider, Bandolier Bandit, Timeslip, Stone Cold Stronghold, Victorious Tortoise, Winters Wail, Zombshell

Tombstone, PHD Flopper, Electric Cherry, WhosWho still cause game to crash. Have not attempted to add Banana Colada, Cruisaders Ale, Madgaz Moonshine, Bull Ice Blast or Wunderfizz 2.0.

Cleaned up zombie wall breach collision issues in the Docks.

Update: 9 feb 2022 om 22:26


2F Heliport -> Tank Hangar has been constructed, railings and clips added for stairs.
Zone H5 (aka 2F) coded to now be accessable (no longer death barrier)
Vents added to north west wall and 2f.

Will need to code teleport to spawn on 1f vent and maybe "buyable ending" for the demo in upstairs vent.
Will need to research more perks / guns.
Radios will need to be added
Will have to learn to do custom textures for special "thank you" room.

Still may make "helipad" larger to get rid of some open space.
May break up spawns to increase early round time. May add 5-10 round delay for 1st use elevator.
May shrink Docks to add difficulty.
Need to rehide or add more boxes for Music EE.

May release to public soon. *Fingers Crossed*

Update: 8 feb 2022 om 21:42

v .081 - Nav mesh did not generate with "correct" settings, that has now been correct with this mini-update.

Update: 8 feb 2022 om 21:25

Detailed Buildings more, need to test in-game.

Started constructing Tank Hanger wall / walkway. No active zone yet (aka its currently a death barrier) but it is inaccessible anyways.

Changed some snow textures for accuracy.
Added mountains, will need to add clips.
Much work to do but I thought the Workshop ver. would benefit.

Changed clip in trucks so zombies will just walk through the bottom to get to player. A better fix/ invisible steps may be tested in future.

Update: 6 feb 2022 om 20:30

V.07 NavMesh "fixed" (that was fun waste of 6 hours+ chasing my tail)

Side buildings on heliport have been created.
Heliport Shipping containers added.
Heliport split into 6 "zones", to assist with zombie pathing/spawning.
Heliport guard rails changed to brushes instead of prefab.

Zones: Elevator section (south), Helipad, Helipad East, Helipad North, Helipad West, Tank Hanger Balcony(Coming Soon)

Will need to add bullet clips to prevent player from abusing crawl spaces. :)

Will work on
East: snowy hill side and mountains as barriers,
North: enter-able cargo truck, some floor patches/textures.
West: Too much space?
South: Clean up my noob work.
Tank Hanger Building / Balcony: Needs created after East Completed.
Docks: Might need narrowed to add a semblance of difficulty and accuracy to MGS.

Possible learn to do buyable doors to slow down progression?
Finish and rename this: Shadow Moses Incident: Demo.
Release and begin to move onto full map.

Update: 5 feb 2022 om 23:53

V 0.6 Elevator fixed and changed to new height/floor level.

Fixed some pathing, its acting weird, much more to do / learn.
Started working on Heliport
Much more left to do in this soon to be titled "Demo"