Guv's Additional Unique Units Mod (Updated 2021-08-22)
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Update: 22 Aug, 2021 @ 4:23am

    Update: 2021-08-22

Unit changes:
The unique units for Shi Xie was intended as a very below mid tier roster. This ended up making certain base units actually better than the uniques. I felt that this made the use of these units shallow, and I want to improve their efficiency slightly.
  • Nanyue Brigade: Increased morale by +2. Reduced upkeep by -10
  • Nanyue Javelin Guards: Increased morale by +2
  • Riders of Ba: Increased morale by +2

Ability: Martial Versatility:
Martial Versatility was an ability that was aimed at working both in Romance and Records. When Fates Divided got released, much better abilities and passives were released that even work in Records. Which feels awkward that this ability had to be so bad. I aim to still keep this ability unique and work interesting.
  • Removed melee interval increase +5%
  • Removed missile reload rate +5%
  • Removed "Disabled if morale is not wavering"
  • Increased Melee evasion from 5% to 9%
  • Added "Ignore forest penalties"
  • Added "Fatigue Resistant"

Update: 12 Mar, 2021 @ 4:09am

    Update: 2021-03-12

Minor fixes:
  • Fixed Liu Biao's Imperial Defenders unit having no unit card in Frontend if you didn't use the imperial defender remake mod.
  • Fixed Heavy qiang raiders from having the "shout" bug in combat.
  • Updated tables to be current.
  • Fixed frontend to add details to the new additions of 200CE and 182CE

Unit changes:
  • Song Royal Guard: Removed melee attack inverval reduction by -10%
  • Song Royal Guard: Reduced melee evasion from 52 to 38 (same as Jian Swordguard)

Update: 7 Oct, 2020 @ 12:18am

Quick Fix:

Fixed Dong Zhou's palace guard of zhou's campaign frontend info still stating that you require rank to recruit.

Update: 7 Oct, 2020 @ 12:12am

Unit changes:
Chen Guardsmen:
Reduced morale by -2

Zhong Honour Guard:
Increased charge bonus by +15

Song Royal Guard:
Changed recruitment level requirement from rank 7 to rank 6
Increased cost by +80
Increased upkeep by +22
Added melee attack inverval reduction by -10%
Reduced morale by -4

Shu Shieldbearers:
Reduced morale by -1

Shu Defenders:
Reduced morale by -1

Xiliang Palace Guard:
Unit named changed from "Xiliang Palace Guard" to "Palace Guard of Zhou".
Changed lvl requirement from lvl 9 to lvl 0
Now requires the Imperial Palace before being able to be recruited.

Reduced cost from 1400 to 1125
Changed MP cost from 1000 to 1125
Reduced upkeep from 380 to 300
Removed Unbreakable
Reduced Charge bonus from 60 to 6
Changed Morale to 54
Changed shield so it's now the correct one (from "large" to "tower")
Formations upgraded from basic to imperial versions. adding 25% speed on phase one to form up.
Increased Melee evasion from 38 to 45

The Xiliang Palace Guard has now undergone a rebalance to better fit in Romance and Records alike. The idea with Unbreakable was good, but the problem was when it came to campaign balance. They were either too good, or too complicated to get so they were redundant.
I want the unique units that are available to actually see some use. So the idea of the Xiliang Palace Guard to be bonkers but see no use was just not the right way to go.

Update: 3 Oct, 2020 @ 1:46pm

Unit changes:

Chen Guardsmen:
Changed the Pike, hollow square and loose formations from basic to imperial version. Increasing speed to form up by 25% on phase 1.
Increased multiplayer cost from 700 to 800
Removed attack interval bonus +10%
Reduced morale by a wopping -1

Increased charge bonus from 90 to 110
Increased melee evasion from 27 to 30
Added missile resistance 25%
Rewritten description

The Chen Royal Guard are a monster in the field of battle.
I felt that the Chen Guardsmen were rather useless in comparission, and being the most expensive two handed spear unit,
they did not live up for the task of comping together with the Royal Guards. They should be the front line defenders to comp with the Royal Guards. Less of a slayer and more of a great defender unit in its own way.
Time to make them a bit better than that!

Shi Xie's uniques:
Ability: Martial Versatility:
Reduced melee evasion bonus from 15% to 5%
Reduced melee attack rate from 20% to 5%
Reduced fire rate bonus from 10% to 5%

Motive: It was dumb of me to increase the melee interval too much. Eventually, this ability became unfriendly for use in Records mode.
I have now made it more friendly. The ability itself is rather useless I think in Romance, but it can benefit high leveld variants and stack along with abilities.

Update: 25 Sep, 2020 @ 5:07am


Wei Swordsmen:
Fixed Typo

Shi Xie's uniques:
Ability: Martial Versatility:
Reduced melee evasion bonus from 15% to 6%
Increased melee interval bonus from 15% to 20%
Reduced fire rate bonus from 10% to 5%

Motive: Althought the ability is actually rather reasonable, it quickly became clear to me that the ability is unbalanced between unit types.
It was good for Brigades, OP for Riders of Ba and Javelins.
For fairness sake, I am aiming to tweak it a bit.

Nanyue Brigade:
Reduced morale by -3

Nanyue Javelins:
Reduced melee evasion from 15% to 10%

Riders of Ba:
Morale reduced from 44 to 38

Update: 25 Sep, 2020 @ 5:06am


Update: 14 Sep, 2020 @ 4:45am


Minor fixes:
Fixed some tooltips not being applied. Fixed missing historical text for nanyue units.

Minor fixes:

Chen Guardsmen:
Changed level requirement form rank 4 to rank 3

Frontend Changes
Lu bu's shared unique units (Xiliang cavalry and Heavy Xiliang cavalry) are now properly being displayed on Lu bu's faction info.
Reorganized some so they're in order of level requirement (ordered by unit type, earliers to latest) There are some exceptions though.

Update: 13 Sep, 2020 @ 4:57pm


Unit Changes:

Dong Zhou's units mixing together with Lu Bu's faction.
Dong Zhou's unique units (Xiliang Warriors and Xiliang Palace Guard) can no longer be recruited by Lu bu's faction.

Heavy Qiang Raiders
campaign rank requirement changed from rank 6 to rank 7

Frontend Changes
Ma Teng's unique Qiang units (Qiang Warriors, Qiang Archers, Qiang Polearms) are now being displayed. No Changes, just properly displayed on the campaign frontend.

Update: 11 Sep, 2020 @ 9:45am


Custom battle
Updated custom battle sets to better mimick the units tier.
For example, liu bei's Shu Defenders could be recruited at skill lvl 1. Now requires lvl 2 liu bei.

Removed Shi Xie's units from custom battle rosters. It just got awkward. Sorry.

Unit Changes:

Archers of Jing
Changed campaign level requirement from rank 3 requirement to rank 4 requirement.

Xiliang Warriors
Swapped weapon key from militia axes to regular axes. Now they deal slightly more damage.

Foe Slayers
Reduced cost from 1250 to 1125 (campaign 1150)
Reduced upkeep from 345 to 305
Reduced morale by -4
Increased melee evasion by a wopping +1%
Added a splash damange multiplier of 33%. (Reduces the splash damage to a third)
Rewrote unit description.