Another Brick in The Mall

Another Brick in The Mall

Summer stuff
Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Update: 16 Nov, 2018 @ 1:39pm

- Added Travel Package that can be placed on a pallet. Once stock clerk fills the "pallet" it turns into a rollup & broschure display. At the moment the display will have some visual bugs.

- Changed Sale: men's clothing into Sale: men's fashion.

Update: 16 Nov, 2018 @ 1:35pm

Change note (edit me!)

Update: 13 Nov, 2018 @ 3:57pm

Support for 0.18.4 (added codename tag)

Added a product: bicycle. This product is sold from a pallet. It's a high price product that's quite easy to sell, but requires a lot of restocking.

Update: 10 Nov, 2018 @ 1:43pm

Added a new product Sale: Men's clothing, which is displayed on a table. This is a high demand product that sells out fast from the table, but yields only a minor profit.

Update: 9 Nov, 2018 @ 3:31pm

Added beach towels.

Update: 7 Nov, 2018 @ 12:28pm

Made sunscreen graphics fit the shelf sizes better.

Update: 7 Nov, 2018 @ 11:43am

Fixed missing capsule image.