Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Hunt Down The Freeman Weapons: Part 1
Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Update: 15 Aug, 2020 @ 3:50pm

-Fixed flares and some weapons on some situations produccing console errors.
-Grenades and the Molotov can now be hold before throwing.

Update: 13 Aug, 2020 @ 3:55pm

Hunt Down The Freeman Weapons: Part 1 - v4.0

This includes most of the changes.


- New "Hunt Down The Freeman" category on the toolmenu section "Utilities". Includes options to change the hands bodygroups, weapons damage, starting ammo, etc.
- Added a Crosshair.
- Added hands variants.
- Added first deploy animations.
- Added empty reload animations.
- Added HDTF particle effects (flare, muzzleflashes, explosions).
- Added an active Claymore on "Entities".
- Added new: "Combine Grenade" on "Entities".
- Added better physics model for the Claymore.

- New CVars:

hdtf_crosshair. (0, 1) // "Enables/Disables HDTF crosshair."

hdtf_muzzleflash. (0, 1) // "Enables/Disables HDTF muzzleflashes."

hdtf_hands_rebel. (0, 1) // "Activates the Rebel hands on weapons which have it."

hdtf_hands_artic. (0, 1) // "Activates the Artic hands on weapons which have it."

hdtf_hand_priority. (0. Rebel, 1. Artic) // "Choose which hand variant do you prefer showing up on the case of a weapon having both variants."

hdtf_start_clips. (0, 15) // "The amount of ammo clips weapons selected from the weapons menu will spawn with."

hdtf_start_alt_ammo. (0, 15) // "The amount of secondary ammo weapons selected from the weapons menu will spawn with."

hdtf_damage_multiplier. (0, 3) // "Multiplies the damage of the weapons by this value."

hdtf_damage_multiplier_melee. (0, 3) // "Multiplies the damage of the melee weapons by this value."

hdtf_flare_effect. (0, 1) // "Enables/Disables HDTF flare particle effects."

hdtf_explosion_effect. (0, 1) // "Enables/Disables HDTF explosion particle effects."

hdtf_combine_grenade_effect. (0, 1) // "Enables/Disables HDTF combine grenade particle effects."


- The scopes now render where the viewmodel is looking at.
- Improved the Nightvision: now it can be used while using other weapons.
- Throwable weapons now remove themself after wasting all the ammo.
- Flares can be grabbed after throwing them.
- Tweaked the shooting on the M16 and MP5.
- The "running" animation can't play until the "deploy" animation finishes.
- Grabbing ammo of a throwable from "Entities" now gives the respective weapon if the player doesn't have it.


- Weapons now may be actually usable on Multiplayer with other players.
- Fixed scoped weapons not changing the FOV properly depending of the player actual FOV.
- Fixed the sensitivity/fov on snipers not restoring sometimes after doing other interactions while zooming (e.g. reloading).
- Fixed Claymores and Molotovs not doing their functions correctly if their owner was in the radius of the entity.
- Fixed the "running" animations on Multiplayer.
- Molotovs no longer work underwater.
- Fixed problems with the nightvision.
- Fixed missing shells on the Revolver reloading.

Update: 13 Aug, 2020 @ 2:33pm

Update: 17 Jun, 2018 @ 9:43pm

None Provided

Update: 5 Apr, 2018 @ 7:17pm

None Provided

Update: 5 Apr, 2018 @ 5:44pm

Fixed a lot of stuff

Update: 4 Apr, 2018 @ 5:34pm

None Provided

Update: 2 Apr, 2018 @ 1:10pm