ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

369 ratings
LC Tent Tier
File Size
57.887 MB
1 Jun, 2017 @ 6:42pm
7 Aug, 2017 @ 8:48am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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LC Tent Tier

LC Tent Tier

**Major Update (July 11 2017). See Discussions for more info.**

All you need to build the tent of your dreams!
Making a large cool-looking tent base is very easy with this very different building mod.
Place torches on the walls. Place anything on the floors.
Server owners should note that large bases made with this mod, are very small in file size and the number of polygons used is very minor, compared to vanilla game building models.
This mod can be complemented by using the LC Camping mod which adds rustic outdoorsy items for role playing.
Tent does not degrade like Scorched Earth tent. Tent durability is that of metal and decay is 40 days.

Selectable materials from radial menu. You can change the look of each wall.
Your choice of:
Military Green
Autumn Digital Camo
Digital Camo
Green Camo
Winter Camo
Winter Digital Camo

Foundations are rectangular rather than square (2x3) so there are long walls and short walls.
The walls have built in screened or opaque windows that can be opened or closed by pressing E.
The walls are either solid, or have door frames.(If you want to put a door on a long wall, use the door casing to do this)
The long sides of the regular-sized tent are sloped so if you join the tents together, you use the tent patches to fill the gaps. There is a roof patcher also to close the gap between the roofs.

Oversized tent floor foundation (approx 2x3 vanilla foundations in size).
Solid long wall with windows that can be opened or closed and also have their opacity turned on/off.
Doorframe long wall with windows.
Short wall.
Doorframe short wall.
Door casing for long wall, for attaching tent door.
Tent door for doorframes and door casing.
Long and short ramps for both sides of the foundation.
Railings for the foundation.

Taller tent version building parts added July 11, 2017:
Short wall
Doorframe short wall
Long wall
Doorframe long wall
Patcher pieces to fill the gaps between the regular sized tents and tall tents, for long side to long side or short side to short side.

Also selectable in radial menu:
Pick up object
Window opacity on/off

Coming very soon:
Camping Lantern that snaps to roof with adjustable colors and brightness.

Clean & 100% Stackable!


Optional settings for Health. The default if you don't change the ini file is 10000 for health, which is the same as steel structures. [LCTentTier] Strength=10000

Spawn Codes:

Tent Floor: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentFloor.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentFloor'" 10 0 0 Tent Front Doorframe (short wall): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentDoorFrameFront.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentDoorframeFront'" 10 0 0 Tent Front Solid (Short wall): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentFront.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentFront'" 10 0 0 Tent Side Long (with Opaque Windows): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideSolid.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideSolid'" 10 0 0 Tent Side Long (with Screened Windows): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSide_Screened.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSide_Screened'" 10 0 0 Tent Side Long (Doorframed with Opaque Windows): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideDoorFrameSolid.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideDoorFrameSolid'" 10 0 0 Tent Side Long (Doorframed with Screened Windows): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideDoorFrameScreened.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideDoorFrameScreened'" 10 0 0 Roof: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentRoof.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentRoof'" 10 0 0 Wall Patcher (for joining walls) cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentWallPatcher.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentWallPatcher'" 10 0 0 Roof Patcher (for joining roofs) cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentRoofPatcher.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentRoofPatcher'" 10 0 0 Tent Door: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCDoor_2.PrimalItemStructure_LCDoor_2'" 10 0 0 Door Casing (for Long Wall Doorframe) cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideDoorCasing.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentSideDoorCasing'" 10 0 0 Long Ramp: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentLongRamp.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentLongRamp'" 10 0 0 Short Ramp: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentShortRamp.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentShortRamp'" 10 0 0 Tall to Small wall patches for filling the gaps between tall and small walls. Patch for Long Side: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentLongSidePatch.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentLongSidePatch'" 10 0 0 Patch for Short Side: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentShortSidePatch.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentShortSidePatch'" 10 0 0 Tall Long Wall: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentLongSideWall.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentLongSideWall'" 10 0 0 Tall Long Doorframe: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentLongSideWallDoorFrame.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentLongSideWallDoorFrame'" 10 0 0 Tall Roof: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentRoof.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentRoof'" 10 0 0 Tall Small Wall: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentShortSideWall.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentShortSideWall'" 10 0 0 Tall Small Doorframe: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentShortSideWallDoorframe.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentShortSideWallDoorframe'" 10 0 0 Tall Door Casing (for attaching door to long side doorframe): cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentSideDoorCasing.PrimalItemStructure_LCTallTentSideDoorCasing'" 10 0 0 Long Railing: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentRailing.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentRailing'" 10 0 0 Short Railing: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/LCTentTier/TallTent/PrimalItemStructure_LCTentLongRailing.PrimalItemStructure_LCTentLongRailing'" 10 0 0

Engrams List:
EngramEntry_LCTentShortRamp_C EngramEntry_LCTentLongRamp_C EngramEntry_WoodRamp_C EngramEntry_LCTentSideSolid_C EngramEntry_LCTentSideDoorFrameSolid_C EngramEntry_LCTentSideDoorFrameScreened_C EngramEntry_LCTentSideDoorCasing_C EngramEntry_LCTentSide_Screened_C EngramEntry_LCTentRoofPatcher_C EngramEntry_LCTentRoof_C EngramEntry_LCTentFront_C EngramEntry_LCTentFloor_C EngramEntry_LCTentDoorframeFront_C EngramEntry_LCTentWallPatcher_C EngramEntry_LCDoor_2_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentLongSidePatch_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentLongSideWall_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentLongSideWallDoorCasing_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentLongSideWallDoorFrame_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentRoof_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentShortSidePatch_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentShortSideWall_C EngramEntry_LCTallTentShortSideWallDoorframe_C EngramEntry_LCTentLongRailing_C EngramEntry_LCTentRailing_C

Made for but not exclusively for Lost Continent PVE servers at
These mods can be used on any servers!

Steam ID: 937731623
Popular Discussions View All (2)
8 Dec, 2019 @ 6:23am
Servers that use this mod
11 Jul, 2017 @ 7:42am
Major Update
Dr.Shadowds 🐉 20 May, 2024 @ 6:09pm 
There won't be an update, he passaway in 2022.
Mike Loeven 23 Mar, 2024 @ 5:44pm 
There is a definite need for a update on this mod. As several people have pointed out it rains inside the tent. This is because a while back there was a Structure Buff added that is applied when under a properly configured roof structure and this is actually what shuts off the rain effect. At the very least updating the tent to apply this properly will resolve the only real issue present other than that it still works just fine and should not require much time or effort to fix
Gooberr 10 Feb, 2023 @ 9:11am 
Nice mod, I love the details on things like the engrams, strength of the structures and how to change it, and the spawn codes.
To Megan With Love B**ch! 27 Aug, 2020 @ 11:38pm 
I hope the author returns, I'll enjoy the mod wile it lasts!
Fortterb 3 Jun, 2019 @ 10:23pm 
I love this mod, unfortunately it doesn't work on Gportal servers as it hasn't been updated since 2017, Would love it to be updated so I can use it.
Chariot 1 Apr, 2019 @ 11:30am 
When your Inside the giant tents, The game will act like you're not inside a structure at all.
Crazy 29 Jun, 2018 @ 5:51pm 
When it rains and you're inside... it still rains....
Altmeister 21 Jun, 2018 @ 1:09pm 
Die Mod ist fehlerhaft. Es gibt Probleme mit den Snappunkten Wand zu Boden. Da ist Verbesserungsbedarf. Nach dem letzten Komentar zu urteilen ist an dieser Mod auch lange nichts mehr gemacht worden. Finde ich sehr schade. Eine Biwaklager hätte etwas.
Solestius 11 Jun, 2018 @ 4:30pm 
The tent pieces do not rotate on grid.
無職 11 Apr, 2018 @ 12:05am 
the TALL looks ugly in my engram.
