ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

369 ratings
G.F.A.R. - Re-usable Grapple
Content Types: Weapons
File Size
466.238 KB
5 Apr, 2017 @ 12:01pm
28 Aug, 2017 @ 11:22am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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G.F.A.R. - Re-usable Grapple

Grapple Firing Assembly and Retrieval, or the G.F.A.R. for short,
is a reusable grappling hook permanently attached to a crossbow.

MOD ID: 899068109

Engram is unlocked manually. Requires grappling hook.
Crafted in player inventory. (Previously in vanilla smithy)

Crafting materials:
- 20 Grappling Hooks
- 20 wood
- 70 fiber
- 14 metal ingots

Weight: 15

INI Config Information:

Server Settings can be found under ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini

Single Player Settings can be found under \ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini

None of these will show up unless you add them.
Under the section (defaults listed below):

DurablityUsePerShot can be increased or decreased, total Durability is 100. At default you have 100 shots before repair. Setting it to 2.0 will give you 50 shots before repair. Range 0.1 to 100.

Prevent Durability Loss does exactly as stated when set to True.

Firing Speed decreases rate of fire as the number increases. Think "delay between shots" (in seconds). Too low of a number may result in glitchy animations. (somewhere around 0.5 suggested minimum.)

Firing Range Increases or decreases as the number does.

Projectile Speed Multiplier of base movement speed. Range 0.1x to 5.0x. (Warning, setting not heavily tested yet.)

Please report any issues you run into, I will do my best to fix them.

Known Issues:
  • None Currently.

Upcoming additons:
  • No current plans.

Engram Entry

Admin Spawn Code:
Cheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Roku_GrapGun/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/Roku_GrapGun_PrimalItem_WeaponCrossbow.Roku_GrapGun_PrimalItem_WeaponCrossbow'" 1 0 0

Thanks to NarKotix for the Mod Image and to RedDwarf for suggestions to fix issues.
Popular Discussions View All (13)
21 Apr, 2018 @ 6:47pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
22 Dec, 2017 @ 4:25pm
Suggestion: Rename The Engram?
28 Apr, 2023 @ 12:18am
Server kick when I use G.F.A.R.
Malorn 10 Feb, 2023 @ 9:37pm 
Strange, when I install this the engram shows up, but when I try to learn it it just fills and empties instantly. Maybe I am missing something? It looks like it should be working properly, but for some reason I cannot actually learn the blueprint.
Daloki 18 Oct, 2022 @ 10:44pm 
Just posting to let people know this mod still works great!
If you have issues with the "ini settings" follow the instructions above. (It is very simple)
SirThinkalot 1 Mar, 2021 @ 2:27pm 


Doesn't seam to be working
SirThinkalot 1 Mar, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
Currently installed the mod and for some reason it crashes my game when crafting arrows, or when i have normal grappling hooks and crossbow on the hotbar at the same time i have the G.F.A.R.
TopGun14235 31 Oct, 2020 @ 1:47am 
Hey does it work in boss fights??

Lt. Aldo Raine 7 May, 2020 @ 8:18pm 
FYI, yes these grapples work in Abberation.
Dr.Salt 18 Apr, 2020 @ 10:00am 
Does the GFAR no longer work on tribe members or tribe dinos if you disable friendly fire in a PvP server via bDisableFriendlyFire in the game.ini file?
Monovarelatroll 1 Mar, 2020 @ 4:58pm 
Blackislandtown (Shulebupp) 15 Jan, 2020 @ 5:37am 
does this work for prim+
Planing on wiping all our servers and do primitive but this ones a must, but since crossbows aint craftable on prim+ then can we use it?
Rokuma  [author] 18 Jul, 2019 @ 7:08pm 
I don't have Abberation, can't answer sorry.