The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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Beautiful Screenshots Guide for Skyrim (Console Commands & Tips)
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This guide will help you understand how to use the console to set up screenshots. List of console commands & tips included!
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Helpful Console Commands For Screenshots And How To Use Them

Pressing the tilde key will open the console (depending on your keyboard). This is usually to the left of the 1 key. Other keys which could potentially trigger the console include ` and '

Commands - type these in and press enter:

tfc = Toggles the free camera. This lets you move around the world as a "camera". Press left and right click to adjust height. WSAD controls the movement. Note: if you're trying to take a shot of your character using this method, don't do it in first person. The character goes invisible. Third person is the way to go for character shots.

tfc 1 = Toggles the free camera and also stops time. This is useful for shots with moving objects, such as dragons or butterflies, or if you want to take a shot without being interrupted by NPCs/attackers.

sucsm x = Adjust the speed of the free camera. X = number. For example, sucsm 2 would be a slow speed and sucsm 10 would be a fast speed. Slower speeds are good for making angle adjustments, higher speeds are better for shots that are in the air (such as shots of the sky, or landscapes - this is so you can move around faster) ** Also note that low FOVs such as 40 will feel fast, even if your sucsm value is low.

TM = removes the HUD. Note: this will also remove the console (it's still there, you just can't see it). To activate it again, press tilde (assuming you got out of the console) and type TM. Press enter. This should be the last thing you enter after the other commands.

FOV X = Adjusts the Field of View. X = number. Lower values are better for close up shots. I used FOV 40 for the Iron Helmet shot above. Higher values are better for taking wide angle shots/landscape shots.

set gamehour to X = Sets the time. X = number (24 hour time). So, "15" = 3PM, "18" = 6PM, "21" = 9PM etc... Setting a value higher than 24 will progress on to the next day.

sw <Weather ID> = Sets the weather. Here's a list of weather ID codes[].

csb = Clears the blood effects from your screen - this is useful for mid combat shots.

Example | How to use these commands to take a screenshot:

> Open the console

> tfc 1
> sucsm 2
> fov 40
> tm

> Close console with tilde

> Adjust height with lmb and rmb, adjust position and angle of shot with WSAD

> Press F12

> Open the console (it's invisible because of the "tm" command - you'll get used to this)

> tm (enter) - you can see the console again
> tfc (to disable the free camera)



Of course, using all the commands listed here together is not always appropriate for the shot, but it is up to you which commands you use. Good luck, and have fun!

46 comentarii
DerEider 11 dec. 2021 la 11:23 
BTW, TFC is an excellent high speed scout :Explorer:
DerEider 11 dec. 2021 la 11:20 
I would add 1 extra step BEFORE opening the console to set up for Screenshots ...
3rd Person view

I do this as a matter of habit so PC may be included in my screenies.
DerEider 11 dec. 2021 la 11:16 
@Tristan, set FOV to lower #'s to take "close-up" shots. FOV's above approximately 95 start to show distortions of objects near the visual perimeter, but are good for improved peripheral vision while exploring.

Using VERY low FOV's creates a telescopic ZOOMing effect. You may see distant mountain-scapes for instance. However there may be no trees nor grass showing depending upon how you have set up distance viewing of such objects.
Tåget 15 febr. 2021 la 9:18 
Have u tried selecting the fullscreen option in settings
Tristan 7 aug. 2020 la 12:57 
what is the reason for fov 40 ?
i have 100
Nihasa 19 mai 2020 la 7:22 
i cant run skyrim in full-screen and i have tried every single sol in internet.
plz help
ZAPPAGURI 13 febr. 2020 la 10:57 
I found you can just press T to change the time like normal, but that does mean the time of day is changed after you leave the screenshot mode. Best to autosave (F5) before taking photos!
bazhenov.1949 6 febr. 2019 la 23:34 
помогите сбросить лишние модификации в игре skyrim. загрузил слишком много.игра не загружается
играл более 3000 часов не хочу игру потерять!
Eternie 23 sept. 2018 la 14:50 
Small add when in console using the up arrow brings up the previous commands. So in the case of tm when your console is invisible just using up arrow enter makes sure no other key has been pressed and brings the console back quickly.

You can also step back through commands you have done in that play session, regardless what they are. Handy if your having difficulty retyping an exact name
iG4ntz 13 aug. 2018 la 7:55 
Got to try this out!