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Shadow's Defines [Stellaris 1.4]
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11 Jun, 2016 @ 6:45pm
6 Feb, 2017 @ 12:17am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Shadow's Defines [Stellaris 1.4]

If you are looking for the version which works with Utopia, look here:

This is a strong collection of Define changes and some assorted changes to support the Defines changes. I made it for my own use, but decided to release it into the wild. A great many things change when you install this modification!

[UPDATE] 6 February 2017
Back again by popular request, Shadow's Defines has been updated to work with the latest version of Stellaris.

# Interface Changes #

* The anomaly risk colors have been changed to have a better sense of rizq. The colors are now more accepting of a 1-tier scientist gap, showing green if the failure chance is 17% or less, but are now more averse of larger changes, showing red if the risk of failure is larger than 36%.
* The amount of credits moved per click has changed in the trade interface: A control-click now moves 50 credits, and a shift-click moves 500.
* Increased the length of permissible names. Limiting Henrik Eklund's imagination does not concern me.

# Gameplay Changes #

# Colonization #
You may now colonize a planet with a minimum of zero habitability. If you want to read from the Codex Retardes and do this, on your head it be.

# Strategic Movement #
Nebulae now apply a gargantuan 80% speed penalty, waaay up from 30. Nebulae are now natural strategic barriers, not those things you barely notice. Going around will probably be faster.

# Species Generation #
You now have 5 Ethic points to start with, up from 3. You MUST pick at least one Fanatic ethic to devote your empire to.
Species now have 4 points to start with, instead of 2.

# Economy #
* Outposts:
** Cost twice as much Minerals to build.
** Have twice the monthly EC income requirement.
** Generate 0.5 Influence/month, rather than costing 1. Having Outposts now increases your Influence instead of draining it.

* Pity Income
** You now gain a free income of 2 minerals and 3 energy per month, effectively giving the empire one free Mining Network I and one free Power Plant I. Large empires will not notice this, but small ones/starting ones/ones that have recently had the ♥♥♥♥ kicked out of them will.
* Trade Deals may now run for as few as five years, and as many as one century.
** I had to add a language file to give this a name.

# Galaxy Generation #
Number of clusters of special resources in the galaxy doubled.

# Ground Combat #
Armies now cost 1/5th the maintenance they used to cost. They still cost the same to recruit/reinforce, however!
Armies now have up to four attachment points, which you can use by gaining them experience.
In deference to how little combat armies tend to see (and how much less they tend to *survive,* the experience Armies require to level has been drastically reduced. Practically any combat experience at all will turn them Experienced, whilst Veteran can be reached as easily as Experienced used to be, and Elite can be reached relatively quickly.

# Political Changes #

## defines.lua ##

# Affairs of State #
* Core sector planet cap has been raised from 5 to 500 - Sectors are now a strictly-optional facet of gameplay.
* You may now integrate up to three subjects at once, should you be a REAL overachiever!
* It costs you precisely 0 Influence to decline a peace offer, to prevent ludicrous situations where the AI isn't in your territory and you can't reach theirs, they blew up some of your stuff before your kicked their fleet's butt, and now they're spamming you with one-sided peace offers wherein you bend over and give up your homeworld to them, draining your influence dry.

# Leaders and Rulers #
* Leader Pool now bases at 4 leaders instead of 3.
* Leader pool refreshes every 3 years
* Leader Base Cap raised to 50; up from 25 as of the previous iteration of this mod, because of the requirement for planetary governor upon planetary governor thanks to my having made sectors purely optional.

* Dynastic Leader Heirs can take over starting age 14
* Dynastic Heir-Apparent can also be as old as 80.
** No, your rules of succession do not take into account what is best for the empire, or you'd be selecting your leaders by merit, not by whose spawning pool they were hatched from.
* Normal leaders can be as young as 16, accounting for prodigies.
** They can also be as old as 70, accounting for very veteran leaders with experience, but weak flesh.
** I really wish there was a way to make older leaders inherently more skilled than young ones.
* Special Projects and Deep Scans take waaaay more time than an anomaly lookie-loo. They now grant way more experience, too. If nothing else, this means that all that debris floating around after your wars is good for grinding XP for your scientists.

# Influence #
* Alliances now GIVE you 24 Influence/year, instead of sucking down 24 Influence/year. United you stand.
* Defensive pacts cost 0 influence to maintain. Seriously, WTF? Saying "you protect me and I'll protect you" makes i


[Note] This is not a "cheat" mod. Not that there is anything wrong with cheat mods, but the changes introduced in this file are global, and apply as much to the AI and other players as they do to the player.

[NOTICE:] No permissions, real or implied, exist for anybody to copy and paste my work and reupload it to the Workshop or to other modding sites under their name, without my explicit prior approval. If you want to modify my mod for your personal use alone, you are welcome to do so. If you wish to open up my mod to see how I made my mod to get an idea for how to make yours, you are welcome to do so.

Under no circumstances are you welcome to copy and paste the contents of my mods, change some variables, and reupload it to the Workshop. I have a specific vision for how my mods are to be, and I do not wish to see that vision subverted. If you dislike the way I make my mods, make an original mod that does what you want it to do.
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 12 Apr, 2017 @ 8:54pm 
Shadow's Defines for 1.5.1 is now out:
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 12 Apr, 2017 @ 3:47am 
I will update this, now that they've unbroken defines overrides. Probably today, but almost definitely not anytime in the next eight or so hours, and probably not within twelve.
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 7 Apr, 2017 @ 12:17am 
Okay, updating this for 1.5 is going to be really, REALLY hard, since apparently someone at PDX has a real hateboner for lua scripting. 00_defines.lua is now 00_defines.txt and no longer supports lua key replacement the way it used to.

I can refactor this motherlover, but it will not be FAST, and it will be a full file replacer. I'm going to fork the mod and leave this one here permanently as the 1.4 version, and wait a bit and see if PDX is going to unshrek what they shrekt.
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 6 Apr, 2017 @ 4:07pm 
Yes, I will be updating this for 1.5. This is a non-trivial task, and Stellar Energy comes ahead of it in the queue.
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 2 Apr, 2017 @ 4:23pm 
Please read the VERY LAST THING above the "user comments" heading. If you're editing it for personal use, that's one thing, but do not upload it to the workshop. If you ARE editing for personal use, then you shouldn't need to change the mod author.
Demiurge 2 Apr, 2017 @ 1:36pm 
I copy pasted your mod so I could do some changes of my own. I've run into a snag though, how do I change the mod author?
WatcherCCG 9 Feb, 2017 @ 5:12pm 
Well, we'll see how it plays with the rest of my mods. You should look into checking the rest of your works, if you have the time and ability. The planet size thing looked very promising.
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 6 Feb, 2017 @ 5:32pm 
Please let me know if anything actually breaks the game with ShaDefs, in a way that makes gameplay absurd or impossible. Not "I disagree with this rebalance choice," but "this is making the game hilariously stupid," like if it becomes impossible to kill ships or something.
WatcherCCG 6 Feb, 2017 @ 2:43pm 
Cheers, Shadow. :)
ShadowDragon8685  [author] 6 Feb, 2017 @ 5:45am 
I already updated this one.