Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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SC-7 Jet
Type: Blueprint
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655.364 KB
21 Dec, 2015 @ 2:36pm
28 Dec, 2015 @ 5:06am
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SC-7 Jet

In 1 collection by kris220b
Asgardian Navy Danish Contingent
14 items
This was an earlier attempt at making a light fighter for atmospheric combat, under the command of the asgardian navy.
But with most admirals looking for something with more firepower, smaller changes where made so it could function as a scout craft and for training new pilots.

the SC-7 ( SCout-7 jet ) is a lightly armed jet that is made in such a way that if you leave it pointing up
it will stay locked at that angle, and it will also slowly raise it self to a certain max angel
making this craft pretty much auto-piloted as long as you need to travel in a straight line

2 x 23mm guns
4 x 3x3 wheels for landing offroad
1 x antenna
2 x main engines
1 x oxygen tanks
1 x oxygen generator
3 x conveyor airvents for checking atmosphere and o2 intake

cockpit controls:
1: 23mm guns
2: main engine on / off
3: lower main engine trust
4: increase main engine thrust
5: antenna on / off
6: connector on / off
7: handbrake on / off
8: lower wheels
9: raise wheels
( makes it easier to use the connector )