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FM1A3 Main Battle Tank
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10 Nov, 2015 @ 2:22pm
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FM1A3 Main Battle Tank

This is will be the last variant in the 'Europa' series of tanks. This variant of the Europa has plenty of improvements, including the addition of a smoke grenade counter measure system, developed by Osama Bin Lumbridge. Another improvement includes the redesigned low profile turret, which was inspired by the designs of Wifi


Enter-Drivers perscope
Arrow keys are for steering the tank

K-Gunners perisope
J-Rotate turret left
L-Rotate turret right
Numpad 9- Fire main gun

Numpad 3-Open back door
Numpad 6-Close back door

I-Independent panoramic periscope
O-Turn panoramic periscope left
P-Turn panoramic periscope right

Numpad +-Aim assist

Numpad 0-Smoke Grenade Counter measures.
[PMCN]☭Товарищ Дима 4 Mar, 2021 @ 2:03pm 
Osama Bin Lumbridge XD
Fieldman15  [author] 4 Dec, 2015 @ 7:51pm 
@Knaxajaxxen I should probably call it something else. It's really just a laser targeter.
eee 2 Dec, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
Great tank, what does the aim assist do?