Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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Catherine - Diplomacy.scx
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19 Aug, 2015 @ 4:20pm
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Catherine - Diplomacy.scx

Note, there is a small lobby glitch where it'll show player number 2 as blue alongside player 1; However,
It's only in the lobby, and player two will be red in game, so just be aware that you may have to reassure people that it's just a lobby glitch that was triggered somewhere in the editor.

This map is full of resources, and it has a nice balance between land and water.
Note, there are a few packs of wolves, for those looking to conquer the mainland, so be careful when moving in deeper into the wilderness.

Map game type - Diplomacy
Rules - Conquest
It is possible to win alongside teammate/s when using the option you know where and you know how.

You'll start out with 3 transport ships with 14 villagers and a scout. You'll also start out with 2 trade cogs.
The mainland is from the middle up, though the mainland reaches down a bit lower than that.
Islands to the south.

I can't seem to figure out the image upload, so you'll just have to download it and take a look!