X4: Foundations

X4: Foundations

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Rescue Rangers
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2024년 12월 16일 오후 2시 21분
2024년 12월 26일 오전 11시 45분
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Rescue Rangers

Rescue Rangers
This extension allows you to rescue crews' members from the destroyed ships in a designated sector.
Always the closest possible spacesuit will be selected to rescue.

Compatible with X4: Foundations 7.1. At least it written and tested with this version.

General information
Several ships with one order can work in one sector or crossed sectors.
Mimic order in a fleet is fully supported.

Executing the order
You can select the order as any other, "default", from the "Navigation" section of orders.
Please be aware - this order required the ship captain to have at least `one star` in the "Pilot" skill.

There are a several configuration options available. You can see all of them on a screenshot.

Home Sector
This is a sector where the ship will rescue the crew. You can select it from the list of discovered sectors.

Max gate distance to rescue
This is a maximum distance from the Home Sector to the sector where the ship can rescue the crews' members. The ship will not react on ships destructions in the sectors further than this distance.
Default value is 0.

Home Station
This is a station where the ship will be docked and wait for the next order. You can select it from the list of discovered stations in any sector.
The best option is to select a station in the same sector as the Home Sector.

Ship - "Dormitory"
This is a ship where the rescued crew will be placed. You can select it from the list of your ships. The ship should enough capacity to place all rescued crews' members.

Priority by oxygen remained
Disabled by default.
This option allows you to select the priority of the rescue by the oxygen remained in the spacesuit instead of the distance to the ship. If enabled, the ship will try to rescue the crews' members with the lowest oxygen remained in the spacesuit.

Record to logbook
Enabled by default.
If enabled, the ship will record the events to the logbook. I.e. starts, travel to desired sector, flying to the target, attacking the target, destroying the target, etc.

Situation when both ships are full
The ship's captain will periodically call to the player to inform about absence of the order. Additionally, if the Record to logbook is enabled - it will be recorded there as well.

There is a thread on EgoSoft forum - [Mod/AIScript] Order "Rescue Rangers"[forum.egosoft.com]
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2024년 12월 24일 오전 1시 51분
고정됨: Proposals
Chem O`Dun
2024년 12월 20일 오전 2시 13분
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Chem O`Dun
2024년 12월 17일 오후 12시 58분
고정됨: Issues reporting
Chem O`Dun
댓글 6
enterprise1959 2025년 1월 25일 오후 7시 24분 
Distance should be more
enterprise1959 2025년 1월 25일 오후 5시 38분 
I like to ask can you make a mod were you call in a xl ship to pick up abandon ship in x3 someone made a mod like that and you get pay for calling them.
Chem O`Dun  [작성자] 2024년 12월 19일 오전 6시 38분 
Looks like thru the teleport, the function is fully equal to the context menu
Rothank 2024년 12월 18일 오후 11시 28분 
does the rescue ship transfer crew to "dormitory" ship through teleport, like all other crew transfers or will it physically go and land on the "dormitory" ship?
Chem O`Dun  [작성자] 2024년 12월 17일 오후 12시 54분 
From players ships only.
nnn3323 2024년 12월 17일 오전 9시 47분 
This mod work o rescue crew from only player ship or from all distroyed ships (i meen all fractions) in sector?