Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

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ONI - EVERLAST FOOD Advanced Kitchen (Fully automated)
By GnAEstudios
With this guide i like to provide an advanced kitchen construction pattern, with automatic connection to the dehydrated food canteen, with an infinite storage capacity and no losses due to food decay.
>>DONT WANT TO READ? JUST OVERLAYS? Straight to the end QUICK SUMMARY you will find Overlays.<<

This guide includes the construction pattern that I use in the advanced phases of the game, achieving a compact kitchen, without gas or liquid leaks and as automated as possible to avoid as much as possible the work of the dupes.

I encourage you to read it all, especially the requirements part, as this construction pattern is advanced, and we are going to need several systems set up to have enough materials to make it work.

I hope you find it helpful and like the design!

If you are like me, a lazy person who already knows how to play and you are not too interested in knowing exactly all the dynamics, I recommend you to go directly to the Quick Summary section, where I have directly put the overlays and the settings of the different stations and the automatic control system.

Minimum Requirements
Before you start building this design, please note that you must have the following prerequisites in place:

1- Well established water source: by dehydrating the food and packaging it we will get some water, but we are going to need more quantity to rehydrate it later.

2- Stable gas source: you will need a stable gas source to be able to use the Gas Range and the Dehidrator to produce advanced cooking recipes.

3- Stable plastic production: you are going to need a good amount of plastic to be able to package so much food.

4- Farms: Peluda, Pincha Pepper, Meat and Pacu i used in my game.( I give you a picture as an example of the ones I have).





It is also advisable to have a good production of refined metal, as we will require a good quantity for the transport of ingredients and automation.
How does it work?
The system is simple: have a kitchen where the ingredients for the recipes arrive automatically, they are automatically stored, loaded in the cooking stations, and once the dishes are cooked, they are dehydrated and automatically sent to the infinite storage at the entrance of the canteen, which includes the rehydrators, so that when the dupes go to eat, we can optimise the time to the maximum.

The entry of the kitchen ingredients is produced by the left lane, which comes from a Conveyor Loader that is in my single BASE GENERAL INFINITE STORAGE where I keep and distribute all the materials, if you do not have such a storage I recommend you to build it, there are many guides that explain it very well. Forget the storage compactors please!


SO Conveyor Chute drops all ingredients and neerest autosweeper will storage in the first freezer from the left, it is reserved for cooking ingredients, BUT Pinchapper, and it will load the first Conveyor Loader from the left, that allows to transport all normal meals, other than the ones we are going to cook at the cooking station, and dehydrated meals, in case some dupe decides to pick some up and throw them away along the way.

Sweeper 1

Also the first autosweeper will load the cooking station so that the following dishes can be cooked:


1- Gristle Berry
2- Barbeque
3- Cooked Sea Food

The Second Sweeper, in the center of the kitschen will store this dishes on the second freezer that only allow to store:

1- Pinchapepper
2- Gristle Berry
3- Barbeque
4- Cooked Sea Food
5- Stuffed Berry (Cooked on Gas Range)
6- Surf 'n' Turf (Cooked on Gas Range)

Second Sweeper

Those last to dishes are our goal for the Dehydrator, ones they are cooked only those will be put in the Dehydrator by the third Sweeper (last one to the right of the kitchen).

Third Sweeper

Once we have our delicious dishes, cooked, dehydrated and packed, they will be loaded to the Convoyer Loader in the center of the kitchen, which connects directly to the Canteen entrance.

At the Canteen entrance there is a conveyor chute that will throw all the selected food onto a pressure plate, so we can get an idea of the calories we have cooked. A package of food weighs 1kg and approximately each one will have between 4400 and 6000 kcal. This is very important since the game will not count this food in the Kcal counter, since as indicated, packaged food will only count as calories when it is rehydrated. Sweeper will load al rehidrators when needed. Fully Automated!

Canteen Entrance

As you can see in the last photo, the pressure plate indicates 754 Kg, which on average may be indicating that we have about 3.77 M Kcal that will never expire, and that it will only cost us a little of clear water. Really amazing, right? :9

Pressure plate

Gas Range and Dehydrator Waste
It must be taken into account that both the Gas Range and the Dehydrator will produce waste that I have managed to alleviate automatically. I explain it to you in this section.

Remember to leave space under these equipment and put a mesh floor on them so that both gases and liquids can pass through.

Dehydrator: as its name suggests, it will extract water from the prepared dishes that we put inside, and that CLEAN WATER will spread right under the machine, for which I have installed a pump that sends the liquid that accumulates in this " "Service room" back to my general clean water circuit of the base.

Gas Range: this will burn Natural Gas to cook food, so as you know it will produce Co2 and will also have natural Gas leaks... you know, a little annoying, but don't worry, everything is solved!

I have installed an air scrubber that is automated with: an atmosphere sensor set to 700g, and a Gas Element sensor configured for Co2, joined by an AND gate (You have everything in the overlays), so when enough Co2 accumulates the air scrubber will turn on. will be responsible for purging it, turning it into dirty water that we will release to our dirty water collection system.

As for natural gas, I have installed a gas pump, which is linked to another Gas Element Sensor that detects natural GAs. In this case, I do not see the need for an atmo sensor because the Co2 will leave quickly and only the natural gas that is heavier than it will remain. oxygen, when that happens the pump will take the rest of the natural gas to our natural gas reserve.

Quick Summary





  • Atmo Sensor: Above 700g
  • Gas Element Senor: Co2

  • Atmo Sensor: I DID NOT USE IT LASTLY
  • Gas Element Senor: Natural Gas


  • Left Entrance for ingredients.
  • Center: returns dehidrated food to Canteen entrance storage.





Presure Plate to count number of kilos and know how many calories do you have packed.
Automation wire to cooking station -> Green Above 500 kg, it dependes on number of dupes and the dishes you packed.

I hope you liked this guide, if you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments and we'll talk.

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EXTRA TIP: Make sure your dupes always have table salt at mealtime, it will offset the -1 morale for eating packaged food.

GnAEstudios  [author] 10 Sep, 2024 @ 2:30am 
Hey! Thanks Impractical_Physics. What i am using is a petroleum boiler (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjraJxxh7lE) using lava boime. And exactly i am using a fully automated salt geiser, with 2 Desalinators for salt , and water for 2 Oil Wells.
GnAEstudios  [author] 10 Sep, 2024 @ 2:01am 
Thanks @Ender's games! :steamhappy:
Ender's games 7 Sep, 2024 @ 11:17pm 
Cool design and cool ideas!
Impractical_Physics 5 Sep, 2024 @ 6:31am 
hey, this is pretty cool. I should definitely expand my kitchen, but I can't burn a lot of plastic at the moment, as my poorly designed refinery setup is already above the boiling point of water and will fail if I use it for much longer. Also, do you have a salt water geyser to provide salt for the tables, or are you just mining away the salt of the world?