Pummel Party

Pummel Party

9,284 ratings
Mod Type: Board
Board Theme: City, Colourful, Industrial
Board Size: Large
File Size
60.327 MB
3 Aug, 2023 @ 9:00am
15 Oct @ 2:47am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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In 2 collections by Nitryle
Nitryle's Mods
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Nitryle's Pummel Playset
43 items
Ladies, gentlemen, and all in between, welcome to the final of the 69th Pummel Party championship.
Our contestants have fought hard in the previous rounds and today the champion will finally be crowned in the arena of Pummelplex.
Let the fight begin!

Pummelplex is a medium/large size board set in a cinema, but it will also lead to different movie sets with many special events. It features a variety of special spaces. Some of them could change the round drastically.
The board has three areas which all lead to a portal at the end which teleports the player to the cinema.
As always, I tried to decrease the key inflation by using spaces that take keys from the player as well as exchanging the normal key spaces with custom ones which only give five keys instead of 6 to the player.

The space in front of the elevator will lead you in a special area with the following spaces:
  • Keys of all players will be set to 34
  • All players will get damage, the player landing on the space will be healed
  • All players will be healed, the player landing on the space will be executed
  • All players will lose 10 Keys, the player landing on the space will get 30 Keys
  • All players will get 5 Keys, the player landing on the space will lose 25 Keys
  • Player landing on the space will get a free trophy
After the space action is played, the player will be placed at the start (except for random position)

  • Fake chest mode is supposed to be completely random. I might change it in future if many wish so.

This map was the hardest I have created yet so please cosider a positive rating and maybe also add it to your favourites.

Thank you and good luck!

If you want to create your own mods, this guide might help.

Nitryle  [author] 9 Mar @ 7:10am 
Thank you so much for the feedback. I have addressed most of the points you made and included that in the latest update. Sorry that it took so long, but in the last few months I couldn't work on mods that much.
Lykrast 7 Dec, 2023 @ 5:44am 
Really cool map!! Great visuals and the layout felt alright (I'll need to play more to get a good sense for it).
A few feedback:
-would be nice for the junctions to have more visibles arrows like directly on their space, to make it easier to navigate the first time without needing to memorize it
-when you exit the shop the character stays in place instead of physically going back to the junction, it's a bit weird (junction still works)
-when you go to the shop's second page to check it there's no way to go back to page 1 (lost a shopping this way)
-the overview on this page is not up to date (like it's missing the start/graveyard area and a path in the cinema room), but that's minor
Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin 24 Nov, 2023 @ 1:29pm 
very good
Feuertatze 1 Oct, 2023 @ 5:40am 
Richtig geile Map macht echt Bock zu zocken
Nitryle  [author] 11 Sep, 2023 @ 11:52am 
Danke, ich werde demnächst mal schauen, ob ich etwas passenderes finde.
Rapi88 10 Sep, 2023 @ 2:09am 
Du kannst auch zuerst einen Trial Monat nehmen, da kannst du dir dann in Ruhe ganz viel runterladen.
Rapi88 10 Sep, 2023 @ 2:03am 
Ich lade mir die Musik immer bei https://www.epidemicsound.com runter. Dafür muss man aber 10 Euro im Monat bezahlen. Da es eh sowas wie ein Hobby geworden ist, hier Mods zu bauen, finde ich 10 Euro im Monat jetzt nicht so schlimm.
Nitryle  [author] 10 Sep, 2023 @ 1:35am 
Erstmal danke und ja die Musik ist immer so der wunde Punkt meiner Mods. Hättest du vllt Vorschläge für besser passende Musik oder wo ich diese suchen kann? Gerade in Hinblick auf Copyright bin ich da etwas vorsichtig.
Rapi88 9 Sep, 2023 @ 3:37pm 
Also, du gibst dir hier so viel Mühe bei der Map. Die hast du wirklich gut gemacht 👌 Aber WARUM hast du diese unerträgliche Standard Musik gewählt? 😅
Nitryle  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 5:33pm 
Sorry about that. But was it on the updated version 1.1? Just a few hours ago I had released a update which implemented new features of the game itself (Update 1.12.0) and with that I had deleted the old shop system. Now there shouldn't even be a path that the bunny could get stuck.
Or it might be a bug within the game after the update, but I couldn't figure out how that happened.