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Primitive Engineering Vol.1 (OUTDATED)
Av GracefulGal
Primitive Engineering - A mod that expands the game in various ways (OUTDATED)
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Hey, it's been a while.

I haven't been working on the mod since the electricity update came out, as it broke the old modding framework, and my mod. I've also been working on a project of mine ever since, but i've decided to take a break from it, and mod primitier again.

I will have to rewrite the entire mod as it is no longer working and it is quite garbage too. Some of the code was a duct tape solution and some mechanics didnt work 100% of the time, like sharpening.

I have no idea when i'll release a new version, but it shouldn't take long.

Most mechanics will stay, but some will be completely reworked since they aren't realistic/functional enough.

I'll keep you all updated in the discord, and maybe in the steam discussions.
Hey fellas! My name is GracefulGal and i'm the creator of Primitive Engineering.

Primitive Engineering is a mod that expands primitier in various ways, from new materials to new mechanics entirely!

The mod is still very undeveloped but has some working mechanics, and it is split in 5 different updates:

- Primitive Technology (completed)

- Industrial Revolution

- Oil Industry

- Nuclear Engineering

- Archaic Technology

You can find the mod in the primitier official discord.

Before you try the mod however, please be aware that it is unfinished and will have bugs. Please backup your saves and start a new save preferably. If you ever find any bugs, you can tell me in the primitier official discord.

World generation also hasn't been implemented yet, but as soon as i find how to, i will implement it.

Also, this guide isn't meant for new players, since it introduces a lot of new concepts that may be confusing at first. You can check Copper's Guide for advanced techniques or Drischa's Guide for basic techniques.

Now thats out of the way, let me explain you how to use the mod!
Installing Mods
To install any mod in primitier, you'll have to download the Primitier Mod Manager[]

The link has instructions on how to install mods, and some other mods that exist.
List of features
This mod adds a lot of stuff, so let me make a list of what has been implemented in the first update:

- Alloying (basically like crafting but when the materials reach their melting points)

- Coloring (coloring cubes is now possible!)

- Sharpening (using whetstone you can be more precise when crafting blades or small components)

- Drying (certain substances can be wet and can dry over time, turning into something else)

- Special substances for furnaces and charcoal kilns

- Improved baking

These are the main mechanics, however, the mod adds a lot more substances (over 62 substances), and almost every substance is craftable (with the exception of resources and the "industrial revolution" materials)
Using the Spawn Menu
To use the spawn menu, you gotta click the "debug menu" button in the settings menu.

It will open a menu:

Click testing to access the mod's spawn menu:

There's two tabs:

- Primitier (almost all vanilla substances)

- Primitive Engineering (Modded substances)

When you click in the modded substances tab, you'll see this:

There's 5 tabs:

- Resources (world gen materials)

- Metals (metallic substances)

- Components (crafting components)

- Coloring (pigments)

- Materials (crafted substances that have a special purpose or not)
Alloying and Fusing
Alloying is pretty simple: Heat two metals to their melting points, then attach them.

The melting points are almost identical to their real life counterparts, but i will list them here anyways:

- Copper: 1085 ºC

- Tin: 230 ºC

- Zinc: 420 ºC

For now there's only two craftable alloys: Brass and Bronze

1 - Steel
2 - Damascus Steel
3 - Meteoric Iron (uncraftable)
4 - Bronze
5 - Brass
6 - Solder

Metals can be welded together at their melting points (with the exception of the "industrial revolution" materials).

- Nickel: 1455 ºC

- Brass: 930 ºC

- Bronze: 910 ºC

To color an object, grab a pigment and the object you want to paint, then attach the pigment to the cube, and it's now the color you want to!

Here's a list of the available pigments with their respective crafting recipes:

13 - Archaic (Uncraftable)
4 - Black (charcoal + plaster powder)
16 - Blue (lapis lazuli + plaster powder)
8 - Brown (orange + black)
15 - Cyan (green + blue)
3 - Gray (white + black)
12 - Green (yellow + blue)
14 - Light Blue (white + blue)
2 - Light Gray (gray + white)
11 - Lime (white + green)
5 - Magenta (purple + red)
9 - Magmatic (uncraftable)
7 - Orange (red + yellow)
18 - Pink (red + white)
17 - Purple (blue + red)
6 - Red (hematite + plaster powder)
1 - White (niter + plaster powder)
10 - Yellow (sulfur + plaster powder)

They're basically the 16 minecraft colors + 2 extras i added for fun

(Magenta is missing from the image, i'll fix that soon)
Alright so, sharpening is a bit tricky.

Let's do this step by step:

1 - Grab novaculite and break it into a portable amount

2 - Throw it in the water (it will become a whetstone)

3 - Get the material you wanna sharpen (it can't be harder then novaculite, so damascus steel, meteoric steel and tungsten can't be sharpened, for now)

4 - Position the face you wanna sharpen next to another shape of the whetstone (it is recommended to be the largest one), like this:

5 - Attach the material you wanna sharpen to the whetstone, not the whetstone to the material. It won't do anything, but it will detect that face to be sharpened

6 - Repeat again to sharpen

And now you've sharpened exactly 1 cm off the cube!

It's a bit hard at first, but once you get used to it, it becomes pretty easy to do.

Here's a granite stick i made using a whetstone!

Then i attached novaculite to it and made a novaculite knife:

Drying is pretty much just putting stuff in water, and letting it dry.

But that's boring!

So i made the player be able to heat it up to speed the process. However, if you overheat it, it will explode.

I admit it, i was a bit lazy and made the plaster powder and the silica plaster have the same texture, which means i can't tell you which is which in the image, but they're basically the same.

1 - Plaster Powder / Silica Plaster
2 - Novaculite
3 - Dirt

These substances are "Wetable", however salt and pigments are "Wetable" too, but they'll just dissolve.

There's another substance that dries, but it is crafted instead of being thrown into the ocean.

Let me present to you: Fire Clay

But more on it later.

Now, all you gotta do is let it dry or heat it.

Remember though, it will explode if you over heat it.

1 - Plaster
2 - Mud Brick
3 - Novaculite

- Fire Brick
Additive Crafting
Additive crafting is basically using a material to create another, and not losing the "additive material".

There's two types for now: Furnaces and Charcoal Kilns.

To make a charcoal kiln, get a mud brick and attach wood to it (conifer wood works better), then burn it to 600 ºC and wait (conifeer wood is at 400 ºC). This is gonna be the result:

The right side is the result, the left one being what you have at the start (ignore the size difference, charcoal wont get smaller)

As for furnaces, it's basically the same, but you attach coal / charcoal to a fire brick, and it will activate it, making it generate twice as much heat!

It will deactivate if itt's detatched from the fire brick though.

The method itself allows for some pretty boring furnaces, as in just a cube attached to another cube, but you can go wild with the designs!
Improved Baking
Bread making in primitier is pretty much just getting wheat and heating it.

However, with this mod, you can make dough, and shape the bread the way you want!

Gather some wheat and some salt, mix both, then you get dough!

However, it is not gonna be able to be shaped. To shape it, you gotta make it wet. Then you can just shape it like clay, and heat it up, until it eventually becomes bread!

(I forgot to take pictures, i'll fix it soon)
Crafting Recipes
Here's a list of all the crafting recipes:

- Brass: zinc + copper
- Bronze: tin + copper
- Dough: salt + wheat
- Copper: heat malachite to 1085 ºC
- Tin: heat cassiterite to 230 ºC
- Zinc: heat sphlaterite to 420 ºC
- Plaster Powder: heat Gypsum to 400 ºC
- Any Pigment: See Coloring for the recipes
- Whetstone: wet novaculite
- Plaster: dry wet plaster powder
- Mud Brick: dry mud
- Fire Brick: dry fire clay
- Charcoal: additive crafting (mud brick + wood)
- Silica Plaster: Novaculite + Plaster Powder
- Fire Clay: Silica Plaster + Clay
Known Issues
Alright so, this is the part where i point out what i did wrong. I am working to fix these bugs, but these are the ones that haunt me most:

- Coloring breaks when a cube with multiple textures is colored (eg: wood, bread, apples)

- If a colored object is unloaded, it will lose it's color (saving colors dont work. To avoid frustration, wait for this bug to get fixed before making paintings and such)

- Even though i'm 99.99999999999999999% i fixed it, sometimes, crafted objects will inherit the component's substances traits (being moldable, being a component to a crafting recipe)

I have a feeling those are all the bugs i found and couldn't fix.

If you find any bugs at all, or have performance issues, i need to know ASAP.
The End (But it's just the beggining)
That's all for now fellas!

Next update (Industrial Revolution) will focus on adding new mechanics, such as:

- Fluids (Acids, Water, etc...)

- More sharpening objects (sand paper, metal files)

- Expanded electricity (Only when electricity is implemented in-game though)

- Even more Substances

- Plants

- More cooking

- Potions

- Mechanical Components (Springs, Bearing variants)

- Distilleries, Steam engines, Pipes, and so much more!

I'll make a separate guide for the next update.

I hope you enjoy my mod fellas!

21 kommentarer
三鷹アサ 13. juli kl. 6.51 
where to find the mod?
NotDem0nic 22. juni kl. 0.14 
i cant seem to find the mod download any guidance?
Milk_Bottle12 1. okt. 2023 kl. 8.44 
hey! i was trying to change my avatar as well but i couldnt find any websites for it they were all just vr chat?
Pracownik Bombytermobarycznej 28. aug. 2023 kl. 16.34 
GracefulGal  [skaper] 12. aug. 2023 kl. 5.45 
xgames is the dev of the modding framework
ryangoslinglover306 21. juli 2023 kl. 14.06 
whats xgames
GracefulGal  [skaper] 1. apr. 2023 kl. 17.51 
right now it isnt, but as soon as the new framework is working i will get back to it
Em Trish 1. apr. 2023 kl. 16.43 
So this mod is still being worked on?
GracefulGal  [skaper] 9. mars 2023 kl. 6.32 
i know, we are working on a new framework
Famous5000 9. mars 2023 kl. 2.17 
Seems like Xgames is no longer developing on the project.