Portal 2

Portal 2

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Guilt Guzzler

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Guilt Guzzler

In 1 collection by Aneonen
Aneonen's Modern Puzzles
8 items
You can't have too much of a bad thing.

Guilt Guzzler is a three-cube laser puzzle with a splash of lightbridge. You may need to leave your empathy at the elevator.

Estimated Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard with experience (~7-8/10)
All moves should be deducible and reasonably easy to perform. However, the following should be observed:

Important notes:
  • Single-cube climbing is expected. (But teetering atop a triple tower is not)
  • Grabbing cubes through grating is expected. (That is, holding cubes on the other side of grating, not phasing them through it)
  • There exists at least one timed move in the intended solution. The move(s) is/are bit tight, but should still be easy to perform due to being associated with simple player actions.
  • There exists at least one diagonal-laser-through-portal in the intended solution. The execution of any such move has been made to be casual, and the angle non-absurd, but don't forget about it/them. This is insinuated in the intro room; feel free to check the above spoiler to confirm the validity of a move.

Other notes:
  • This puzzle is long, and thus using F6/F7 is strongly recommended.
  • The relay on the upper floor is connected to a not gate; this means that it will drop the cube, etc., when it is deactivated. In particular, this cube will drop after a 1-second delay.
  • It is not intended for the Companion Cube to land nicely upon the unportal'd surface below its dropper such that a portal can be placed under it later (I had thought that the dropper was deterministic, but it appears that there is a very small chance of this happening)
  • The Dot signage at the beginning exists to give the player a rough starting direction.
  • The Life preserver signage (striped ring) is for anti-trapping. The paths it describes are never necessary to complete the puzzle from start to finish. (The single reset button will only respawn the companion cube.)
  • The Yellow-ish fizzler is like a normal fizzler, but it won't clear portals when passed through.
  • Laser collision is supposed to be off. If it gets turned on again, you may need to disable it via console.

Huge thanks to Nobody No-One, who playtested and gave both solid advice & a second perspective.
Special thanks to lapicidas and 2021.4.30 who pointed out some alternate solutions so I could fix them.

This puzzle was made with BEE2 4.39, with UCPs:
  • Lugia-S Signage, F-Guy/Lugia-S
  • Custom Signage, Libbybapa
  • Protruding Lightbridge, Konclan

The intended solution is linked above, but if you want to ask for hints without looking at it, or think you've found something unintended, let me know!
Aneonen  [author] 31 Aug, 2023 @ 4:59pm 
Thanks for playing, Northman! Haha, that last move is indeed quite mean, especially since I originally included it because I wanted to bring suffering to the Companion Cube one last time.
Eric Northman 31 Aug, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
an exelent map but last move is evil
Aneonen  [author] 13 Apr, 2023 @ 9:14pm 
Thanks jandlml! That one part you mention is definitely the crux
jandlml 12 Apr, 2023 @ 9:38pm 
one of my theories was to use that portal surface to redirect the laser but i couldnt figure out how to get it to the top. and i just couldnt figure out how to get the bridge to the top. you really are a great map maker!
jandlml 12 Apr, 2023 @ 8:14pm 
ahh had to watch the video for the second half. never would have figured it out. another excellent map!!
jandlml 12 Apr, 2023 @ 5:53pm 
hmm ok
Aneonen  [author] 12 Apr, 2023 @ 8:55am 
Hm, the screenshot you sent shows a state which might be... in the realm of something useful? It's hard to say what that means without a heavy spoiler. You are indeed correct that something is going to need to happen in the lower area! There's no way you'll be able to get that delay with all of the cubes above.
jandlml 11 Apr, 2023 @ 8:17pm 
i sm so stuck. i know i need to somehow delay the laser from hitting the relay so i have time to get on the piston to take me to the door. i couldnt find a way to do that with the cubes at the top so i thought i would try something with the area below. but i am not sure what im doing has any merit because i need the laser at the top. so is this something i need to do? https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2961222214
jandlml 8 Apr, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
thats what i figured since there seems to be no way to get to the door from here . ok im trying to think of other ways to get there. hmm
Aneonen  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 8:26pm 
Hi jandlml! I assume your screenshot has been taken shortly after acquiring the third cube. One of the great cruelties of this map is that it seems that the player can reach so close to the exit, with all three cubes and access to the exit, and yet there's one missing extra piece that may take a lot of work to achieve. More directly, see if you can think about what the last move needs to look like in order to get on that rising platform. Where do your portals need to be when this happens, or right before this happens?

By the way, thank you for playing all of my older maps!