Arma 3
38 ratings
Autonomous Suicide Drones
Data Type: Composition
Meta: Dependency
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8.755 KB
15 Apr, 2021 @ 6:54pm
18 Apr, 2021 @ 1:41pm
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Autonomous Suicide Drones

In 1 collection by NationalDenbt
Denbt Mission Tools
6 items
These drones will fly towards the first enemy they spot then drop out of the sky to deliver your choice of explosive. Can be given waypoints to loiter or patrol around an area which will automatically be broken once a threat is spotted.

For demonstration purposes I have included NATO, CSAT and AAF drones with a different bomb strapped to each, but you can easily swap the payload for different explosives. Simply rename your choice bomb to "bombWest", "bombEast" or "bombInd" depending on the drone you're using.
CheckYourSix 1 Nov, 2024 @ 2:52pm 
Mod works great; for those that need assistance - in the editor, under composition (f2) find the custom tab that is on the far right of side selection bar (bluefor, redfor, guer, etc). There will be a section called autonomous suicide drones. This is how I tested it:

Open up the map editor, put a fireteam of bluefor guys on the map. Put down the autonomous suicide drones from the custom tab onto the map a little distance away from the bluefor team. Delete the green/blue drones so that only the CSAT red one remains. Give the drone a waypoint (shift-right click) towards the bluefor team. Load up the mission, and give the drone a few seconds to start up. It'll lift up, head towards the marker, spot the team and dive down to blow up.

My drone landed a few off from where the team was, but the shrapnel knocked down 1/4 of my guys.
КЕФИРНЫЙ КОМПОТ 16 Sep, 2024 @ 5:17am 
how is it work? Please answer the question. I don't know where is has been this mod.
b0s 10 Aug, 2024 @ 4:15am 
This seems to work. Thank you!
They are in compositions > custom. They tend to blow up on the ground but when flying they seem to be able to find targets
Lone wolf 7 Aug, 2024 @ 7:48am 
Im already subscribed but i cant find this mod on my Arma3 launcher.
Hamburger 21 Apr, 2024 @ 5:51pm 
Having an issue where i cant have multiple drones
Monarch 28 Jan, 2024 @ 12:26pm 
Runs into the issue where if there are multiple instances it dosent carry the bomb probably due to them being named _1 and so on
Muumipiko 27 Aug, 2023 @ 7:48am 
the bombs spawn separate from the drones and the drone flies away without the bomb.
the suicide behavior is also not working they just act like normal drones
Schyuu 22 Jan, 2023 @ 3:45pm 
compositions > custom
Kaung Htet 8 Jan, 2023 @ 8:49am 
Can i play UAV gunner control and drop out of the sky to deliver my choice of explosive?
koresh37 9 Nov, 2022 @ 7:42am 
indeed,someone post something,and there is no explanation of how to use it, nothing. guess for yourself