Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Starflux Red 1 - Small scout-fighter
Blueprint: Small Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tags: Blueprint
File Size
467.563 KB
10 Apr, 2021 @ 8:28am
11 Apr, 2021 @ 1:59am
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Starflux Red 1 - Small scout-fighter

In 1 collection by BatCat3000
Starflux small scout-fighter - All paint jobs collection
16 items
Size class 1, unlock level 12 and CPU tier 3.

Inspired by ships from old video games and cartoons, the Starflux is a is a very small, lightweight and agile micro scout-fighter that packs a lot of punch for its small size There are cosmetically different versions available in a collection on this page, with a few paint job options. More options will follow soon.

You'll be protected by a hull shield and an armoured cockpit. The Starflux is armed with four gattling guns and four rocket launchers. It's also equipped with an armour locker, cargo space, fridge and O2 tanks for survival. Despite all the extras, it's still super agile.

This small vessel is size class one, unlock level 12 and CPU tier three. It works really well with my Orca Mk3 Battle Carrier capital ship, Orca R9 Capital Ship or any of my Anaxyrus capital ships, apart from the MX variant.

Lights and HUD

There are flashing lights that I like, but can be switched off if that's not your kind of thing. Spotlights help to light stuff up at night. It also has a custom HUD.

Custom shortcuts, signals and circuits

I’ve set up a few custom shortcuts and signals for the convenience of switching various things on and off and to save energy/fuel.

Thrusters have custom modes set up to save fuel. These need to be selected by switching the following custom signals on and off in the main control panel:

HoverMode - Deactivates/activates all thrusters apart from bottom thrusters. To hover in atmosphere.
CruiseSpace - Deactivates/activates all thrusters apart from rear thrusters. To cruise while in space.
CruiseAtmos - Deactivates/activates all thrusters apart from rear and bottom thrusters. To cruise while in atmosphere.
AllThrustOff - Turns all thrusters and RCSs on/off.

Other custom signals and shortcuts are:

WhiteFlashLights - Turns external white flashing lights on/off