Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Penguin Pile-Up
Game Category: Board Games
Number of Players: 1, 2, 3, 4
Tags: 4+
File Size
46.647 KB
8 Apr, 2020 @ 2:19am
8 Apr, 2020 @ 4:33am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Penguin Pile-Up

Classic Penguin Pile-Up balance game

Work in progress. Will be updated soon
Dugglet McNugglet 5 Nov, 2023 @ 1:48am 
I would appreciate if you come back to finish this...this game was a beloved part of my childhood, and I was overjoyed when I accidentally discovered someone had made a TTS version while searching for something entirely different. The work on the iceburg and the penguin figures is fantastic and amazingly accurate, but unfortunately the collision detection doesn't work and the penguins just fall straight through the table if you try to place them. I'm amazed that even the physics of how the iceburg "floats" are 100% accurate to the original game.
nonstore | OVO 25 Oct, 2020 @ 12:54pm 
When comes the working version. That what i can see right now is amazing and i want to play it so baaaad <3 Cant grab any penguin :(
Capt. Schnuuzbart 10 Jul, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
Hello! I would like to play this game. Bud sadly it doesn´t work. It is not possible to grab the penguin figures. Please could somebody check this and fix this?
AirT  [author] 13 Apr, 2020 @ 8:25am 
Hi ROXAZ! Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you appreciate my effort. I had rough idea about overall height of the iceberg but rest just estimated from many google images.
ROXAZ 9 Apr, 2020 @ 10:41am 
Hi! Honestly fkn amazing that you created this mod in particular. May I ask how on earth you managed to scan or include the Iceberg so perfectly?