Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

230 ratings
Street fine tuning
Track/Street: Street, Street Construction
File Size
80.038 MB
13 Mar, 2020 @ 7:00am
10 Jan @ 6:46am
72 Change Notes ( view )

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Street fine tuning

In 1 collection by lollus
game changers
21 items
This is a collection of tools to fine-tune the road vehicle routing and the streets.

Problem A: inflexible roads
This mod adds a selection of streets with multiple lanes, to allow overtaking, but with the same width, so you can try different road types without destroying your buildings. Some road types reserve the right lane for passenger or cargo vehicles; they carry extra signs on the pavement.
Use the categories to select the right street type, for ease of use.
Problem B: little control destroying pieces of road
This mod adds two slicers to the street construction menu. They split a piece of road in two segments.
- The automatic slicer preserves all buildings, just plop it where you want.
- The manual slicer is a backup. Place it on the roadside and rotate it with <m>, <shift> + <m>, <n> or <shift> + <n>, carefully adjusting its location.
Both slicers destroy themselves after placement, leaving your road split in two segments. Debug mode and AltGr + L will reveal their effect.
After splitting a piece of road, you can alter or delete a small segment only, preserving the rest.
Problem C: trams only run in the rightmost lane
This mod adds a street construction to toggle extra tram tracks. Plop it on a road and it will add or remove extra tram tracks, if there are enough lanes.
Previous iterations exposed roads with many tram tracks in the street menu, but that was ugly.
Problem D: vehicles queue up unnecessarily
The game newly offers lane waypoints: use them.
Solution: use dedicated roads (or switch them off with the new mod setting if you are in a new game and don't want them)
If lane waypoints are not enough, replace the offending road with one of the same width, that reserves the right lane for certain vehicles. Use the standard replace tool (the magic wand), helping yourself with <shift> to select a shorter segment of road. Use the slicer to cut your own segments if you must. Select the new road with the category icon to avoid confusion. Toggle bus lanes on or off as required, using the standard tool. Toggle tram tracks in the middle as required, using the dedicated street construction tool.
Fine-grained solution: split your road into segments
When you build a long enough piece of road, the game splits it into seamless segments. The joints between them allow vehicles to change lanes. The trouble is, these segments are fairly long, and crossings do not allow switching lanes. If you have a shortish stretch of road, then a crossing, then another shortish stretch, then another crossing, chances are, vehicles cannot change lanes for a long while.
You can split a piece of road by adding an intersecting street and deleting it, but this often involves destroying several buildings. To keep the carnage down, use the slicer. Once you have multiple segments, you can change the road in some or all of them, selectively. Try adding an extra lane to the segment with the streetside stop only.
Problem E: little control building roads
This mod adds a "street construction" to build chunks of road with useful parameters. These chunks can be single or multiple, arranged in parallel. Lock them to keep their shape pretty and prevent other roads merging in. Unlock them to treat them like ordinary roads. You cannot relock an unlocked chunk.
Problem F: ugly or impossible merges
This mod adds a "street construction" to build merges. For example, you can merge up to four one-lane streets into a large one, perhaps for a fancy station square arrangement.
Merges can be reconfigured after being placed, if the street layout allows it. If a merge misbehaves after a mod update, change its direction twice (ie reverse and restore) to update it to the latest version.
Problem G: ugly curves
This mod adds a "street construction" to build prettier curves. Lock a curve to keep its shape pretty and prevent other roads merging in. Unlock it to treat it like ordinary roads. You cannot relock an unlocked curve. You can combine two of these to make custom roundabouts.
Problem H: no footpaths
This mod adds some thin footpaths, nearly invisible. You can use them to perform various tricks, eg connecting stations to roads or having people walk across a park. Give them a bus lane to pedestrianise them.
There is also a 1-metre footpath.
Problem I: vehicles make funny turns
Sometimes, vehicles overshoot a crossing, then reverse, then turn where they are meant to.
Use the splitter to make them change lanes where you want - ie at the split.
- To better visualise the lanes, start the game in debug mode and press <AltGr> + <L>.
- Press and hold <shift> to replace a short road segment between two joints.
- Select street - upgrade and right-click a one-way road to reverse its direction.
- Use the categories in the street menu to avoid headaches.
- The construction mover helps adjust constructions after plopping them.

This mod may break your game if you use it and then remove it.
Thanks to Enzojz for luadump!
I would love lorry-only or tram-only lanes, but the game does not allow this for now.
Breaking Change A
The game won't allow changing or removing a piece of road, whose sizes have changed in a mod update.
This affects the "Medium 1-way street with 1 lane and extra narrow pavement" and the "Medium 1-way street with 1 lane", which I shipped before Summer 2020.
To fix this:
- locate the mod in your folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\1066780"
- locate the file "lollo_medium_1_way_1_lane_street.lua"
- set
streetWidth = 3.0, sidewalkWidth = 2.5,
- locate the file "lollo_medium_1_way_1_lane_street_narrow_sidewalk.lua"
- set
streetWidth = 3.0, sidewalkWidth = 0.5,
- start the game
- remove all the instances of these roads
- save the game
- restore the files to their previous state (ie from the latest update)
- reload the game and rebuild the roads you destroyed
Chances are, the new street merger will help you make them nicer anyway.
Breaking Change B
The street merges can be on bridges as of February 2022. This involved an incompatible change. If you want to update an older merge, bulldoze it and rebuild it.
Known problems
A) When you split a road near a modded street station, whose mod was removed, and then apply a modifier, such as add / remove bus lane or change the street type, the game crashes.
This happens with single as well as double-sided stations. You can tell those stations because the game shows a placeholder at their location.
This is a UG problem. To solve it, replace those stations with some others available in your game.
B) The game always draws the tram track on the outer lane(s), even if trams are barred there. Take this as a graphical glitch.
C) The game always expects buses to be allowed in the outer lane(s).
D) Do not use any mods that alter the game default roads.
Popular Discussions View All (6)
24 Sep, 2022 @ 11:24pm
GUI problems for merge connectors
4 Sep, 2022 @ 12:55pm
Missing mergers
1 Apr, 2023 @ 5:11pm
Date for "Toggle tram track in every lane"?
Ragno 27 Jan @ 3:13am 
Proverò grazie :D
lollus  [author] 27 Jan @ 2:59am 
Aprilo con un editor di testo tipo VS Code, aggiungi quelle due righe lì e salva.
La stazione dei camion la copi dal gioco (è un file *.mdl), la apri con VS Code, togli il contenuto di "lods", salvala come parte di un nuovo mod. Per far prima copia da qualche altro mod perché devi rispettare certe regole, tipo avere una directory "res" e un file "mod.lua". Poi salva il tutto dentro la directory "staging_area".
Ragno 27 Jan @ 2:51am 
Thanks, I will try to modify this mod, but I have never modded this game before and don't know the code. :)

Anyway, here is another question not related to your mod (i hope you can respond): Is there a way to make a truck station cargo completely invisible for customization? I want to create an industry with an invisible cargo station inside.
lollus  [author] 26 Jan @ 5:20am 
That mod is buggy but you can fix it yourself:

setPriorityModifier = function (fileName, data)
if data and then -- THIS IS WHAT I ADDED
for prefix, priority in pairs(streetPriorityLookupTable) do
if string.find( , prefix) == 1 then
data.priority = priority

return data

Try fixing it (instead of deactivating) and see if your game starts.
Ragno 26 Jan @ 3:54am 
**Street Fine Tuning version 1.6.7**

Yes, correct there is a conflict with this mod

I tested the game with only Street Fine Tuning activated, and it worked fine.
However, when I activated Asof_'s Small Dirt Roads Pack alongside it, the game crashed with the same error I posted earlier.

Now in my game, unfortunately, even after deactivating this mod and reactivating Street Fine Tuning, the game no longer crashes in the same way but still doesn’t start. Could it be that this save file is no longer recoverable?

Regardless, it seems the issue lies with the mod combination. Thank you for helping me identify the problem!
lollus  [author] 26 Jan @ 3:06am 
What minor version are you playing?
Are you using ?
Can you reproduce your error in a test game with only this mod installed?
Ragno 26 Jan @ 2:15am 
Hello, what type of problem there is here?

Lua exception

Exception type: Lua exception

This error is usually caused by modding. Some game resources contain incorrect data.


Error message: error: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2563512381/mod.lua:52: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
=[C](-1) :?
=[C](-1): find
@F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2563512381/mod.lua(52): v
@res/scripts/mod.lua(102): origApplyModifiers
@F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2267827829/res/scripts/eatglobal/mod.lua(163): ?

File name: F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2021038808/res/config/street/lollo_ultrathin_street.lua

Minidump: D:/STEAM/userdata/467138915/1066780/local/crash_dump/5d02357c-a794-4a3e-9296-1dbc347e76df.dmp

Mod: "Street fine tuning" (*2021038808, 1) (consider removing this mod and contacting the mod author)
Eddie Krueger 9 Nov, 2024 @ 4:11am 
Okay, thanks!
And I just realized I'm blind, because there is a dedicated thread for this in Popular Discussions... Anyway, thanks again!
lollus  [author] 9 Nov, 2024 @ 3:22am 
I think it's available from 1925.
Eddie Krueger 8 Nov, 2024 @ 10:43pm 
Is it possible that it's not available before a certain date? I've got Info, the two Splitters and Flat Foundation only.