C4 Alarms
Mission Type: Escape
3.530 KB
2013年10月29日 13時47分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

C4 Alarms

The STUNNING SEQUEL to CAR ALARMS you've all been waiting for! Packed with actions, explosions, a deep plot and an even deeper explosive fetish, C4 Alarms hits all the right chords.

10/10 "Was an experience i'll never forget." - IGN

01/10 "Ears ringing. Volume should be turned down." - Pretty much everyone on Metacritic.

100/10 "Too quiet, highly advised to turn volume up for full experience" - Bellerophon

That's right! Critics are raving about this perfectly customised custom map. Comes with no blinking lights! Automatic roll up windows! Four wheel drive! 40% APR, whatever that is!

Call now, get the deal of a lifetime! If you can name off all the not true things said so far, you'll give you a 200% discount! And 200% of 0 is still 0, so you don't get anything from us!

sideeffects include: the common cold, flu, anxiety, inability to spell words correctly, fever, broken bones, loss of hearing, sudden death, a sudden inexplicable attraction to fictional characters, inability to use words correctly, sudden hernia, increase in prices, crashing the stock market, loss of sight, sudden death of loved ones, sudden death of unloved ones, an usual love for chocolate milk, severe plaque, severe tacky dress choices, schizophrenia, insanity, drug addictions, the cure for cancer, headaches.
4 件のコメント
Toxic Ghost 2014年1月22日 16時12分 
Wen I was reading the description I lost it ther it's just gold in word's you sir.....are funny.
Annexed 2013年10月29日 14時41分 
That's exactly what I'm getting at. This map has been created to be a piece of art. Not functional, but aesthetic. It invites the player to look at what deeper meanings its construction implies. This is especially true during the all important 'pause' moment built into the map - no doubt specifically intended to provide that reflective/contemplative opportunity.
Efflora  [作成者] 2013年10月29日 14時28分 
You're clearly implying that this is a work of art, too perfect to be compared to others. I understand. :trophy:
Annexed 2013年10月29日 14時11分 
I have played many Monaco maps. Some have been good. Some have been not so good. This one...well, let's say it needs a whole new scale all for itself.