Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Farseeker's Don't starve
“Anger as soon as fed is dead- 'Tis starving makes it fat. ” “I hunger for filling in a world that is starved.” “How starved they seemed for ordinary kindness” “She writes like she’s starving and reads like she’s feasting.”
Items (6)
Status Announcements
Created by rezecib
How it works ALT(+SHIFT)+click parts of the HUD to announce their status ("I'm wounded!", "I have 2 twigs.", "We need more drying racks."). For controllers, the announce buttons show up on the HUD when in Inventory or Crafting mode. (SHIFT is needed for in...
Gesture Wheel
Created by rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Lightning Rod Range Indicator
Created by BakaSchwarz ---- NEW: Controller support! This mod shows you the range of your lightning rod when you build it, when you click on it (for 30 seconds) and when you place something or use the pitchfork. ---- This mod works client side and...
Combined Status
Created by rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Created by Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...