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【传奇三国mod】传奇商贩 legendary vendor
Created by bakuman_tt
google translate: Legendary vendors: Event brief introduction: Your adviser advises you to boost business, do you agree? After choosing to agree, there will be 5 rounds of merchants gathering events; The 5 rounds of merchants gathered did not hinder the oc...
【传奇三国mod】初始更多装备(玩家20倍) starting ancillaries 20X
Created by bakuman_tt
初始更多装备;(初始5~8件装备,ai一倍,玩家20倍) 打赢战斗和攻占城池大概率获得装备(50%,75%) ...
【传奇三国mod】解除事件发生的限制 events unrestricted
Created by bakuman_tt
Remove some restrictions on the occurrence of events and increase the probability of occurrence of events This is used in conjunction with my event mod and should solve most of the jumpouts. When I tested myself, A round of events, a legendary trader event...
【传奇三国mod】unique acillary no limit
Created by bakuman_tt
conflict other mod using ceo file conflict other mod using ceo file conflict other mod using ceo file Can be used with my mod that gets master items every 4 rounds. Can also be used with my legendary vendor mod suggest version: 【传奇三国mod】CEO系统大修 ceo system ...
Created by S 'v5
更新日志: (人口增加的收入改为使用人头税标签,避免影响孔融的特殊建筑) 【人口】 公共秩序 正公共秩序+1000、2000、3000人口增长增加至+1500、3000、5000 税收 高税收-3000、6000人口增长,低税收+2000、4000人口增长 人口修正 增加-41%~+25%的所有产值修正和+125%~5000%的人头税产值修正 【建筑】 郡国治所 +50人头税 【行军】 急行军 -50补给 伏击 -30补给 【等级】 增加第11级,9、10、11级+1技能点 【英雄】 ① = 派系范围 ② ...
武将合集 原版立绘风格补全版 《修正历史线》 《已经停止更新,请转新武将合集》
Created by Tak
嗨,大家好, A大在这里. CUI老铁已经得到了我的全面授权. 原因是且由于因为工作原因不能继续制作主MOD, 如果大家玩明日方舟的话, 可以通过我的油管来支持我. 感谢过去几个月中每个人的支持 Hi guys, It's Tak here, due to work related reasons I am unable to mod anymore and has to retire, now I am an Arknights Content Creator, for those interested ...
武将合集 立绘历史版 《修正历史线》停止更新
Created by Tak
嗨,大家好, A大在这里. CUI老铁已经得到了我的全面授权. 原因是且由于因为工作原因不能继续制作主MOD, 如果大家玩第七史詩的话, 并且懂英语的可以通过我的支持我,当能够开始赚钱时会考虑回来Mod. 感谢过去几个月中每个人的支持 YouTube频道 新武将合集版本在这里, 新武将合集版本 7/09更新 原版立绘风格版 在这 武将来投各势力, 大量新事件/AI加入事件, 结婚事件, 修复原版的武将事件加入AI没效 请检查更新历史记录 武将合集 CEO.CDD包含内容 在不影响CA原有称号的前提下,新增了...
郡国名称优化 最终版(已过期)
Created by FlingFish
郡国名称优化(州+郡) 创意工坊中已有地名优化mod,自认为比我的更佳。因此决定不再更新了。多谢大家的支持。 保留长安和洛阳版本: 一个小mod,州名加郡名 参考了《中国历史地图集》 v1, 由于游戏中的郡国没有完全跟汉末及三国时的郡对应就用了点县名 但是依旧保持同样的格式,另外福建的几座城实在不太好找就参考了下维基百科的城市历史 v2, 地名 建宁 改为 益州-建宁郡 (根据蜀...
随从立绘 | Followers Icons
Created by Oo.Xiao
2020.09.07:更新匹配游戏版本。 2020.03.26:更新匹配游戏版本。 2020.01.31:更新天命DLC新增的两个随从。 原版的随从立绘,服饰有唐宋风格,人物刻画相对粗糙,个人不太喜欢,因此拿了其它游戏素材做修改,做了这套立绘。 —— Machine translation —— The original version of the follower's freehand painting, dress style of Tang and Song Dynasty, character p...
2 Turn Reforms 2回合改革
Created by Alex Zhao
Now you can unlock a new reform every two turns after the fist reform for Han factions. Nanman, Bandits, Eight Princes and Yellow Turban's research cost were decreased to 2/5 of the original cost. Also affects AI....
Increased Capture Chance 更高的俘虏几率
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod increases player's capture chance from battle outcomes by 20%. Required new campaign. You can use with this mod to prevent ai execute captured generals:
【黑熊的非官方DLC part1】 -- 全派系解锁 All Factions Playable
English follows, 请阅读说明! 这是一个解锁开局时地图上所有派系的mod,包括全部182,190,194,200, 291 五个剧本。 简介 这一mod分为三个部分, 1. 解锁部分,既当前页面。 第一部分解锁了所有原版势力,并添加了符合原版风格的势力选择界面内容。 其并没有改变游戏内的其他内容,如果你选择原版势力开局,那么你的游戏体验将与原版相同。 2. 主要化部分 我将第二部分作为子mod放在了必须mod里,但实际上你可以选...
DIY faceMOD 1.2 火系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能
Created by William C DIY face MOD 1.2 火系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能。 Face-changing MOD for minor character fireman's. 화 속성 남성 장수 얼굴 변경 MOD 普通の火男が変顔するMOD Homme au feu Gesicht des Feuerwehrmanns verändert رجل النار ...
DIY face MOD 1.2 木系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能
Created by William C DIY face MOD 1.2 木系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能。 Face-changing MOD for minor character woodman's. 목속성 남성 장수 얼굴 변경 MOD 普通の木男が変顔するMOD Homme de bois MOD Mu Man's Gesicht hat sich verändert ไม้ชายเ...
DIY face MOD 1.2 金系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能
Created by William C DIY face MOD 1.2 金系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能。 Face-changing MOD for minor character metalman's. 금속성 남성 장수 얼굴 변경 MOD 普通のメタルマンが変顔するMOD Man Metal MOD Die Gesichtsveränderung für Kleincharakter ...
Character Finder
Created by AlcoholV
There is a performance issue when search character by name. Instead using sorting and scrolling. Feature - It makes all characters searchable in the character browser. Update : Character Browser - Show traits - Show past experiences - Show character backgr...
Big update! [Yellow Turban Overhaul] (old name: Catch 'Em All )
Introduction: Remove the captive and hire limitation between factions of different subculture: •Allow you to hire captive Yellow Turban generals when you are playing Han factions like Liu Bei or Nanman factions. •Vice versa, u can hire captive Han / Nanman...
DIY faceMOD 1.2 水系大众脸男军师外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能
Created by William C DIY face MOD 1.2 水系大众脸男武将外貌替换MOD,保持原版风格,保持换装功能。 Face-changing MOD for minor character water Man's. 수속성 얼굴 변경 모드 MOD 普通の水男が変顔するMOD Aquaman au feu Das Gesicht des Wassermannen ماء الوجه https://...
Natural wonders 自然奇观
Created by liaupt
给游戏里出现的每个自然奇观添加了特性 好好享受吧! 你可以像在文明6里一样抢奇观了! Add features to every natural wonder in the game!have fun!You can grab the wonder as you did in Civilization 6! 自然奇观列表: 都江堰 位于成都 灵渠 位于零陵 郑国渠 位于长安 泰山 位于泰山 衡山 位于长沙 华山 位于长安 九华山 位于新都 龙虎山 位于豫章 青城山 位于成都 石林 位于云南 嵩山 位于颍川 ...
More Unique Units 更多特殊兵种
Created by Alex Zhao
Steam's problem deleted my English description and I don't have any backup. Basically this mod adds 47 unique units to the game. Some units is faction unique units that can be recruit by certain faction, some are character unique units that can be recruit ...
More Skill Points + Quicker Upgrade 更多的技能点+降低升级经验
Created by Alex Zhao
Experiences needed to level up are decreased by 1/3. Characters will also get 2 skill points at level 8 and 9, 10 skill points at level 10, so you can unlock all skills. Lu Bu start at level 9 in 194, so he won't be able to unlock all skills when playing i...
Created by xrx98
只修改了五行的加成与五行上限(上限变为400,加成只写到300) 将领的五行将给部曲和军队提供额外的许多加成,总之强将带强兵。同时本Mod未加强武将,所以某种情况下武将被削弱了(兵强将弱)。 额外加成如下: 木:本部曲矛兵近战闪避和护甲 火:本部曲冲击骑兵护甲和冲锋加成。本部曲所有部队奔跑速度 土:我方军队维护费降低,近战骑兵护甲和杀伤 金:近战步兵近战杀伤,减敌军士气(这个暂时有bug,最好的语句应该是天才的本地县,但ca没开放特性词条) 水:远程杀伤和部队补员(水补员低于100只加成本部曲,高于100加...
Created by xrx98
受够了AI开个强行军在家里到处乱逛了吗?追又追不上,不追又怕被偷城,追了几回合,治安降了好几十。 这个mod使军队在友好领地的移动距离增加了35%,同理,在中立或敌对领地的移动减少25%。 让你能追上并痛打在领地上流窜的敌人了。不过这个MOD对AI也同样生效,所以你跑到敌人的领地上流窜也极有可能被追上痛打。 2020.1.19更新略微加强了本领地上移动距离...
Lower Characters’ Salary 更低的人物工资
Created by Alex Zhao
This is a simple mod that decreases characters’ salary. Didn’t change character’s upkeep when leading army. Should be compatible with everything. Vanilla: Character type Salary AI Salary Court noble 100 50 Governor 200 50 Minister 350 50 Mod: Character typ...
Increase reputation requirements
Created by neyney
Increase reputation requirements to 1800 to 2000.In order to prevent the premature proclamation of emperor....
Zheng Jiang | model retexture
Created by NaraCririn
❤Rate if you like, Favorite if you love. Support if you please CririnPatreon❤ About this mod After "Sun Ren | model retexture" mod. there are another warlord that many people want to see a better looks. Her trailer has even more details than in-game right ...
Sun Ren | face retexture
Created by NaraCririn
❤Rate if you like, Favorite if you love. Support if you please CririnPatreon❤ About this mod Sun Ren one of the four legendary beautiful ladies of Three Kingdoms. But everyone known that model of her is not good enough. And now I fixed it as much as the te...
Created by Ayo
更强的细作!获取更多的隐蔽点与情报网点数,更快的执行间谍行动,更有力的诋毁行动,不跑路不翻车。 可以在有需要的时候开启~ ----------------------------------------------- 20/01/2020 已更新!适用于1.4.0版本 01/11/2019 已更新!适用于1.3.0版本 09/08/2019 已更新!适用于1.2.0版本,以后可能会在新DLC八王之乱的基础上更新新内容。 08/07/2019 更新:现在无论间谍等级,都有更大的“行动视野”了!执行目标为人的行...
Skip Intro 跳过开始游戏动画
Created by Alex Zhao
This mod will skip the intro video when starting the game. If you also want to skip the intro video when starting a new campaign, please also use:
No X
Created by sadness
改善将领之间的关系,即使是仇人也很难出现×,张飞、夏侯惇再讨厌我试试? Improve the relationship between the generals, even if it is an enemy, it is difficult to appear ×...
Realistic Battle Blood
Created by kelstr
This mod drastically increases the blood splatters on the ground. I hated how at 100% blood decal setting, the characters are COVERED in blood, but there wasn't too much on the ground. This mod fixes that. I've increased the size and duration of the ground...
Recruited unique character can use their special units
Created by Alex Zhao
Introduction: This mod allows most unique character can recruit their "original" faction's special units. If I play as Liu Bei and Xiahou Yuan in my function can still recruit Tiger and Leopard cavalry and Heavy Tiger and Leopard cavalry. This is done by a...
Respec Character Skills when they join you
Created by DrunkFlamingo
This is a simple mod. I got annoyed by recruiting characters and seeing that the AI spent all their skill points on weird skills. When you recruit a hero to your faction, their skill points will be reset so you can pick what you want to use them for. That'...