Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Auto Stack and Pick Up
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13 Jul, 2019 @ 9:31pm
25 May, 2023 @ 10:44am
28 Change Notes ( view )

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Auto Stack and Pick Up

This mod gives you MANY settings for automatically stacking or picking up newly spawned and manually dropped stackable items. By 'automatically stacking' I mean that if an item is spawned (e.g., loot from monsters or workables, like trees) or it is manually dropped on the ground by the player, it looks for other stacks on the ground to merge with. All features can be enabled individually.

You can also individually enable that if the player is within range, they will automatically pick up ANY stackable item spawned near them. You can also set whether the player MUST have one of the item in their inventory already for the auto pickup to happen. Useful in order to avoid cluttering your inventory with useless things!

The mod can coincidentally improve FPS (or rather, performance) because it reduces the amount of separate items on the map. You can toggle whether everything spawned on the ground during world generation / load should be auto stacked with similar things close by, which should improve FPS for everyone on your server.

Credit: This mod was inspired by the mod AntiStun for DST, but was rewritten to add more features and options.

Settings Information
---== General Settings ==---
Puff On Stack: Toggle whether auto stacking is visualized by playing a smoke puff effect.

---== World Spawn Settings ==---
World Drop Auto Stack: Enable/disable automatically stacking items dropped by the world.
World Gen Auto Stack: Controls whether items being spawned / placed while generating or loading a world should auto stack. Turn this off to keep the aesthetics generated by the world generation algorithm, e.g., a random skeleton might have more than one stack of the same item among the items spread out around it.
World Auto Stack Range: The radius within which a newly spawned item will look for stacks to add itself to.
World Auto Stack In: Setting this to 'Existing' means that new drops are added to surrounding stacks. 'Newest' means surrounding stacks are added to the newest stack.
World Auto Stack Ash: Also auto stack newly spawned ash?
World Auto Stack Poop: Also auto stack newly spawned poop?
World Auto Stack Seeds: Also auto stack newly spawned seeds?

---== Manual Drop Settings ==---
Manual Drop Auto Stack: Enable/disable automatically stacking items dropped by players.
Manual Auto Stack Range: The range within which a manually dropped item looks for a stack to join. You can still have separate stacks on the ground close to each other, if you set this to a low value (e.g., 2 to 5).
Manual Auto Stack In: Setting this to 'Existing' means that manually dropped items are added to surrounding stacks. Setting it to 'Newest' means surrounding stacks are added to the manually dropped stack.
Manual Auto Stack Ash: Also auto stack manually dropped ash?
Manual Auto Stack Poop: Also auto stack manually dropped poop?
Manual Auto Stack Seeds: Also auto stack manually dropped seeds?

---== Auto Pickup Settings ==---
Auto Pickup Items: Enable/disable automatically picking up stackable items dropped by the world.
Auto Pickup Range: The range within which a dropped item looks for a player to get picked up by.
Require Existing Stack?: Whether the player must already have one of that item in their inventory or backpack, in order to automatically pick up an item. Reduces inventory clutter!
Manual Auto Stack Ash: Also auto pick up newly spawned ash?
Manual Auto Stack Poop: Also auto pick up newly spawned poop?
Manual Auto Stack Seeds: Also auto pick up newly spawned seeds?

Usage notes
a. Ignores small livestock and small creatures, like bees, moles, rabbits, spiders, etc., because they start living when dropped.
b. Ignores heavy, carryable objects, like glass/sand-spikes and -castles.
c. This is a server mod.
d. Does NOT require you to make a new world before working. Enabling/disabling this mod should NOT require a server restart.

Link to DS / RoG / SW / Hamlet version

Change log
See the Change Log tab.

Links to my other DST mods (Steam pages)
Blow Darts Any Feather - Allows you to add extra recipes for any blowdart, so you can use any feather to craft them.
Fishing Buddy - Allows you to edit all settings pertaining to fishing.
Long-range Containers - Allows you to change the distance you can move away from containers before they automatically close.
Long-range Research - Lets you set the range from which you can use the research machines, and access recipes from more than one machine at a time!
Metabolizer - Allows you to set the base rate of hunger, from 400% of normal loss, and all the way to 200% gain.
Monster Ash Drop Tuner - Allows you to set a chance for monsters, prey, animals and characters (not players), to NOT replace their loot with ash when they die burning and screaming.
No Wet Items - Removes the possibility of inventory items being wet.
Resurrection Tuner - Tune the resurrection penalties, and starting stats after resurrection, plus crafting-cost of revival-items.
RPG Items (global edition) - Any weapon, armor and helmet has a chance to be imbued with special modifiers when they are generated by the game (by world generation, crafting, drops etc).
Sanity Tuner - Allows you to tune the sanity gain and loss players receive from many things, including moisture and auras!
Sleepy Time - Allows you to set the amount of gain/loss of each stat for each sleep-tick, AND how often sleep-ticks occur, as well as # of uses for tents and siesta huts.
Stat Regen And Degen - A customizable stat regen AND degen system for health, sanity and hunger.
Temperature Tuner - Allows you to tune the rate at which the temperatures of the players rise and fall (separately) using percentages, and change the minimum and maximum temperature caps for the players as well.
Time Your Own Boss - Allows you to set the number of day-cycles before bosses start to arrive.
What am I crafting (fixed) - Shrinks the lock icon that appears on crafting recipes which haven't been prototyped yet, so you can see the silhouette of what you are crafting.
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] 11 Sep @ 9:02am 
@Tojiron: Hi. Not sure what you mean by that. Where are you editing the settings? This is a server mod, so you have to edit the settings for the mod, when you set up or start the server, not from the Main Menu.

I would actually think the the "Don't Starve Alone" mod might break my mod, but if it works, it works. I've tested my mod and am having no problems, so I'm not sure what's going on on your end :steamsad:
Tojiron 11 Sep @ 8:02am 
@Ultroman the Tacoman Thank you for For helping I have all settings turned on. It still doesn't work, but i add don't starve alone mod and playing alone, it works.
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] 10 Sep @ 1:02pm 
@Tojiron: Yes, it does. What seems to be the problem? As the description says, most options are disabled by default, so you have to go into the mod settings and turn them on.
Tojiron 10 Sep @ 8:46am 
Doesn't work
Zizo 5 Sep @ 11:48pm 
Mod Works as of 05.09.2024 :steamhappy:
雪姬猫 1 Sep @ 5:59am 
@Ultroman the Tacoman :Thank you very much for The author's answer, I found that I accidentally picked up The Lazy Forager. Thank you very much for your patient answer, and I am deeply sorry for causing you unnecessary trouble. I think this module is very excellent and has greatly improved my game frame count! I will never uninstall this module in future play! Thanks again for the homework! I like this module very very very much~!!
A friend from China!
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] 31 Aug @ 12:21pm 
@雪姬猫: No, there are no shortcut keys. The option you need to disable to turn off Auto Pick Up is "Auto Pickup Items". Note that this mod ONLY picks up things around you the second the item is spawned. It will NEVER pick up something that's just lying on the ground, so if you're seeing that behavior, then that's another mod doing that.

You may also be mistaking auto-STACKING with auto-PICK-UP. Auto-stacking means that most spawned items will try to find an existing stack on the ground to "join". Those items are not picked up, though it may look like it.

If this information did not help you solve your problem, please describe in detail what you are experiencing. How and when does that auto-pick-up happen, and which item does it happen with, and what was the state of the item when it got picked up?

Best regards, Ultroman the Tacoman
雪姬猫 31 Aug @ 12:54am 
Is there a shortcut key in this module? I don't know which key I pressed. I automatically pick up the items around me, but I didn't turn on the automatic pick in the Settings of the module. I hope the author can answer my question, I can't play normally without solving this problem, thank you very much!:steamthumbsup:
♛Брейк Фейт♛ 1 Aug @ 8:01pm 
Ah, I'm sorry to mention this, but for someone like me who is an English idiot, I really need a Chinese option that can at least help me understand what I am changing. However, thank you for your mod because it did give me an option, as some mods do not detect items with the same name and inventoryitem components.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to you. Have a good day.
Ultroman the Tacoman  [author] 9 Jul @ 5:33pm 
@acemage: The mod already ignores the standard fireflies completely. Has there been added new types of fireflies? What behavior are you seeing?