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[WotC] Weapon Fixes
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[WotC] Weapon Fixes

In 1 collection by Mr. Nice
Mr. Nice's Workshop - War of the Chosen
17 items
This mod fixes a few issues with weapons and their upgrades, especially if you use mods which allow upgrades for (auto)pistols. (eg Primary Secondaries, Pistol Overhaul, Autopistol Overhaul)

Issues addressed
  • When the "Insider Knowledge" order is activated, weapons with an expanded magazine installed do not actually benefit until they have been used on a mission, or their installed upgrades are changed. This leads to them being one round short at the start of the mission.

  • "Saturation Fire" does not apply Ammo Effects (eg burning, poison...) or Weapon Effects (eg "Disruptor Rifle" auto-crit on psionic enemies). The mod will also fix the similar issue with "Face Off" if the standalone Faceoff Ammo Fix is not already enabled.

  • Stock damage on missed shots is not applied for several abilities, notably Rapid Fire, Banish, Dual Strike, Saturation Fire, Kill Zone and Rupture. This mod enables stock damage using a heuristic approach, not a fixed list, including enabling stock damage for pistol abilities, where it does not normally matter since they cannot be upgraded without mods. This also means it may fix issues with abilities from other mods which have forgotten to enable stock damage.

  • The conventional Vektor Rifle has its "typical cost" set to 2 actions not 1! Without mods, this only shows up if you get "Deadeye" as a bonus ability, since the standard Reaper Abilities have their cost hard coded to one action, not checking the "typical cost" for the weapon. With other mods which mean that Vektor Rifles are used with more varied abilities then in base WotC, this fix will stop them costing 2 actions when they should only cost 1 if they use "typical cost".

  • Some abilities which should have the "typical cost" for the weapon used are instead hard coded to cost 1 AP. Note this only becomes an issue with mods, since all abilities which are eligible for cross class use without mods are not affected by this. However it can be a problem with custom classes or weapons. These changes can be reverted with the use of Mod Config Menu.

  • Apply the 'Shredder' ability for primary weapons which aren't normally primary weapons. By default this is only done for pistols, auto-pistols, and sawed off shotguns, but can be changed via MCM to apply to any primary wielded weapons.

This mod changes the "BuildNewGameStateFn" and "BuildVisualizationFn" of "Saturation Fire", but it does apply the existing function first. This means that although this will cause compatability issues with any other mod which also changes these "Saturation Fire" delegates, they may be fixed by making sure they are subscribed to before this mod. If necessary, this fix can be disabled via Mod Config Menu, in the same way that the "Face Off" fix may be enabled.

Special Thanks
Primarily Iridar, who called my bluff by making the mod preview pic to get me to actually publish this mod! Feel free to checkout his awesome mods (after checking out mine of course!).

Other Mods by me:
  • WOTC Compatible (non-WOTC versions also exist if appropriate)
    • Cinematic Rapid Fire, which gives Rapid Fire and Chain Shot their cinematic camera back which was removed in the patch ages ago. Also gives the Reaper Banish ability the same improved look.
    • Variant Power Armour Arms, which unlocks some variant Wraith and Warden armour arms parts which were hidden by Firaxis.
    • Less Overwatch Lock Ups!, which attempts to fix the visualization lockups during complex Overwatch/Reaction fire situations.
    • Better Armory Item Stats, which tweaks the stats display of weapons, utility items and upgrades in the Armoury, including displaying Critical Damage, Armor Pierce and Shred for all appropriate weapons.
    • Chosen Info Controller Support, adds controller support for bringing up the Chosen Information Screen mid mission.
    • Peter's Grenades (and other TLP Fixes), which fixes some loadout, ability progression and UI issues with Legacy Operations.
    • Better Demolishing!, which gives range, weapon and upgrade based aim buffs to the 'Demolition' ability.
    • Better Grappling!, fixes issues with Grappling targeting in certain world geometry.
    • Shaken Scars are Back! The name says it all, but to those who weren't around for the first couple of months of XCom2, a feature was bugged out in a patch and never fixed, which randomly scarred shaken soldiers. This now means some, but not all, gravely wounded soldiers, not the "new" WotC shaken fatigue status.
    • Trainable Sparks (and other Buffs) WotC was one step forward, two steps back for SPARKs. As well as allowing training, also gives them access to breakthroughs for their weapons, an ammo pocket (ammunition only utility slot), and some hack progression.
    • Train from Armoury allows normal soldiers to jump straight to training from the armoury, just as faction soldiers can. The Training Center is still required to be built first of course!
    • Ability Interaction Fixes, which fixes up "Death from Above" and "Serial" not proccing from second shot kills of "Chain Fire"/"Rapid Fire" and some other ability interaction issues.
    • Original High Hit Dodge Behaviour, which restores the pre-patch behaviour where Hit chance over 100 gradually eliminated dodge chance, not immediately made dodges impossible once Hit chance is 100 or more.
    • In conjuction wtih sebkulu,WOTC - Extended Information!, an enhanced, rewritten version of Perfect Information. Includes full list of enemy abilities as well as a stat list, as well as the classic features of the "shot bar" and stats in flyovers.
  • Non-WOTC Only
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Sauron Baggins 28 Jul, 2024 @ 3:53am 
I do not have any pistol mod. I do have highlander and this mod active,

Visual ammo effects like burning are being applied to pistols damage. However, the enemies are not affected, which is correct.

But just saying, and this is a known visual bug?
Roknar 9 Jun, 2024 @ 8:40am 
As far as I can tell, LOWTC only add pistolstandard shot from vanilla, so this mod should fix it by adding the abiltiy to shred.

// Pistols don't have PistolStandardShot because it was originally just an
// ability for Sharpshooters. Add it here if the LWOTC pistol slot is enabled.
if (WeaponTemplate.WeaponCat == 'pistol' && !class'CHItemSlot_PistolSlot_LW'.default.DISABLE_LW_PISTOL_SLOT)
Roknar 9 Jun, 2024 @ 8:34am 
I can't find what would stop it.
In fact, it DOES work, but it seems only with certain abilities.
Light'em Up for example works with pistols and does shred, but not pistolstandardshot.

This happens even without this mod.
RustyDios 9 Jun, 2024 @ 7:04am 
oh.. LWotC.. doesn't that mod have it's own things for making primary pistols NOT do shredding? so you are more inclined to use the pistol slot ....
Roknar 9 Jun, 2024 @ 6:53am 
I forgot to mention it's for LWOTC. I tried again, double-checked in mod config menu that everything was on, but no dice.

Primaries are the right category as far as I can tell: (classdata)
+AllowedWeapons=(SlotType=eInvSlot_PrimaryWeapon, WeaponType="pistol")

Ability too: (randomdeck)
AbilityName="Shredder", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_PrimaryWeapon
It appears in game but in tactical it only shows for the normally allowed weapons.
Not for pistols, and only works for the normal weapons.
RustyDios 8 Jun, 2024 @ 2:18pm 
""" Apply the 'Shredder' ability for primary weapons which aren't normally primary weapons. By default this is only done for pistols, auto-pistols, and sawed off shotguns, """

This has that by default. As an end user there should be nothing you need to do other than having a primary pistol user with the shredder perk.
Roknar 8 Jun, 2024 @ 12:26pm 
I got this specifically to fix shred not working on primary pistols but I can't get it to work.
Even tried adding lines specifially for shredder but it didn't change anything:
+FixAbility = (TemplateName="Shredder")
+PistolFixUp = Shredder

even tried setting "Test" to false:
test = false

what am I missing?
dmc32 3 May, 2024 @ 9:33pm 
wow, thanks for the heads-up on that particular bug. Glad to see the fixes are integrated into beta highlander for now :steamthumbsup:
Dragon32 3 May, 2024 @ 10:29am 
Thanks for the headsup
However, I still recommend unsubscribing from this mod if you speficailly do not need it, as it is known to cause a bug where enemies freeze and remain standing after being killed.
That's this mod?! Surprised Pikachu
Iridar 3 May, 2024 @ 7:49am 
Highlander version v1.28.0 (current BETA Highlander: https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1796402257) integrates most fixes from this mod.

Fixes that are NOT integrated into Highlander:
- Allowing primary secondary weapon to shred.
- Making Faceoff and Fan Fire use typical weapon action cost, which is relevant only if in your mod setup these abilities can somehow end up on weapons that require more than one action point to fire.

All other fixes are integrated into Highlander, and you do not need to use this mod if you do not care about two specific scenarios mentioned above.

But to be clear, the new Highlander does not conflict with this mod in any way, and can peacefully coexist.

However, I still recommend unsubscribing from this mod if you speficailly do not need it, as it is known to cause a bug where enemies freeze and remain standing after being killed.