Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

592 ratings
Small Substation
File Size
1.209 MB
4 Jun, 2018 @ 9:34pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Small Substation

For your remote things that need a bit of juice.

This is a small plop anywhere (on ground) generating station that provides 3 mw of power. Doesn't need to be roadside, so it might be a good thing for you ParkLifers. That was the idea at least. It's been done before - but some of the more popular substations on the workshop are of the European flavour - or they're not small. This is something you'd be more likely to find in North America.

Asset Stats
Main mesh: 934 tris
LoD: 44 tris, or thereabouts.

Textures: 256x512 and 128x128.

Slight variation in the colours. But not enough for it to be a popsicle.

Props: None. Footprint is slightly smaller than 1x1.

No DLCs or downloads required. This is good for any vanilla city.

Cost: 500
Upkeep: 5 per week. I may raise this, now that I look at it.

But - if you think the values I've set here are not to your liking, the easy way to change them in-game is with the Customize it! mod. TPB is doing God's work these days.

I'm working on a few things that will hopefully mesh well with ParkLife. I really like what this expansion has done for the game - but there are no vanilla power stations with it that can be placed freeform, like the new park stuff - unless you want a giant, goose-chopping wind turbine, obviously. I wanted something smaller for myself, because I may need to place a chessboard on a mountaintop. I may need to do that.

It should look as at home in the middle of nowhere as it might in a dense urban area.

Please enjoy - and let me know if it's frigged in any way.
Thanks again.
Atomic Sheep 10 Nov, 2022 @ 10:37pm 
These are the best! I use them for far-away power to pump and wastewater and to jump dead areas or a couple of buildings before there is need for full infrastructure.
Neverminder 5 Jul, 2022 @ 4:05pm 
i love these so much i place them everywhere, they're so fitting
Gator13 (nosound) 8 Mar, 2021 @ 9:21pm 
prrrrrrobably my favorite mod ever
Lielanthris 19 Apr, 2020 @ 7:11pm 
Just fantastic. I love it.
Jaepeg 21 Mar, 2020 @ 12:04pm 
So perfect, thank you so much :ghlol:
Gator13 (nosound) 5 Jan, 2020 @ 10:28am 
jtgibson 21 Apr, 2019 @ 1:23am 
I adore this. I personally use Customize It! to set the upkeep to 80 (under the abstraction that you're importing power from buried cables along the highway, as it generates power out of thin air), and add a small noise generation. That way, it's identical to a wind power plant in cost over time -- technically *more* expensive than wind power per MWh -- but still has advantages in aesthetic, footprint, reduced noise pollution, up front cost, and reliability.

I think the 3 MW is balanced as-is relative to the wishful thinking of Colossal Order's wind power plants (which are at least 33% to 50% more powerful than in reality). If a user wants to rebalance this to be a more realistic 2 MW, then the power generation of wind should also be adjusted to a peak of 4~6 MW instead of 8 MW. So I advocate against changing the power generation in the base stats.
tonycoolbek 5 Feb, 2019 @ 4:44am 
Thank you so much for making this!!! Amazing mod!
Also great for making detailed suburbs!
MajorEnglush 9 Jan, 2019 @ 4:19pm 
This. Is. Game. Changing. It is tiny, doesn't need a road, and has decent power that lets you start neighborhoods without needing to run power lines, or fire up your water and sewage without needing a wind turbine. Just...THANK YOU!!
KoenigseggUpNorth77 6 Aug, 2018 @ 11:36am 
This amazing asset has changed my gameplay. I would have a very difficult time playing Cities Skylines with out it.