Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Desert Strike - Paint-able War Paint
File Size
3.053 MB
11 Feb, 2018 @ 12:27pm
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In 1 collection by FailBucket
Paint-able War Paints
4 items
This is the third installment in the Paintable War Paints Collection!

The Big Idea
It's a simple concept, painting something once just isn't enough! We are pleased to introduce the first ever paintable war paint collection! Making use of all 29 in-game paints, These war paints will have full support of the paint feature within TF2. Like any item that can be painted within TF2, these war paints will feature a default appearance, and if the player wishes, they may paint them with any of their rightfully owned paints! This will allow the player to customize there weapons even further!

Do you want paintable war paint? Let us know in the comments, we are eager to hear what others think!

Looking for a non-paintable variant of this skin? Find it here!