Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

1,314 ratings
Reliable Webber
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139.984 KB
27 Jan, 2018 @ 1:15am
2 Apr, 2024 @ 1:45pm
31 Change Notes ( view )

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Reliable Webber

In 1 collection by Беккит
Надежная коллекция / Reliable collection
10 items
Makes Webber much more useful!

+ Starts the game with 10 web

+ Webber no longer loses sanity in the evening and at night

+ Attracts very more spiders to their army

+ Webber spiders no longer eat important things


+ Spiders Webber have become very aggressive to protect the leader with all his might
+ Gets a very lot of cobwebs from the beard
+ Spiders follow the Webber for a very long time. They do not need to be fed all the time
+ Webber spiders do not reduce the sanity of other players

= Mod settings added


If you like this mod, don't forget to hit the button. Thanks

Reliable Wendy

Reliable WX-78

Maxwell with very strong shadows

This mod makes wolfgang less expensive for food

Reliable Woody

Your Skeleton Respawn

Bird Silence

Popular Discussions View All (2)
1 Nov, 2024 @ 8:43am
PINNED: Предложения по улучшению мода / Suggestions for improving the mod
21 Oct, 2024 @ 12:50pm
PINNED: Ошибки / Bugs
Gorilla Corpse 23 Jan @ 1:59pm 
Who ever is playing as Webber will end up crashing while using this mod.
nik.kostin 16 Jan @ 3:59am 
теперь он сразу может сделать цилиндр или палатку с помощью кокона 3-его уровня
nik.kostin 16 Jan @ 3:58am 
мод отличный веббер теперь стал лучше в команде для 6-и человек 2 веббера один я и рандом 1 вигрифрид 1 винона 1 варли и либо вурт либо варли и может быть вормвуд :DSTportal:
Punisher 11 Jan @ 2:29am 
Один начинающий мододел создал мод с лазер очками и капюшоном эхолокатором из хамлет и виделялся его мод тем что в нем было все как в оригинальном из хамлет например эхокапюшон испускал волны а не просто давал ночное зрение кротошляпы как у других мододелов но позже он удалил свой мод и не создает больше вот бы кто то умеющий создал этот мод я был бы так счастлив
Maks_luti_pro 16 Nov, 2024 @ 11:39pm 
rкруто для меня потому что я очень много играю га нём
我真的好爱躺 29 Mar, 2024 @ 8:37am 
You're a very respected engineer, and then I found a bug in a new version, when weibor;met spider,I could not connect the Service.
If you can copy this bug.I am grateful:steamhappy:
CalicoKat2013 17 Feb, 2024 @ 8:10am 
thank you for this and skelton revive!
VtD 24 Dec, 2023 @ 3:02am 
Could you make the spider recruitment number configurable
Johnny Noballs 18 Oct, 2023 @ 12:07am 
Downside the spiders attack Wendy's ghost sister (Abigail) out of nowhere which alot of the time ends poorly for both me and my teammate

But other than that no other complaints
The Reaper Of Memes 26 Sep, 2023 @ 1:30pm 
Would It be possible to update this mod?, I hate to be one of those guys but not being able to craft the Webber Items and not being able to turn off normal spiders getting a jump attack makes this mod both overpower webber and less fun to play because normal spiders jumping makes them Infinitely stronger then they reasonably should be, and not being able to craft his other Items ruins the fun that Klei has Introduced.

This Is an absolutely great mod so spiders don't make your friends go Insane If they want to base with you, and let's you farm meat without the spiders eating It on you, but currently Its not worth using.