Space Engineers

Space Engineers

26 ratings
"Platinum" universe.
Hello, welcome to "Platinum" universe. The idea of it is universe like in old space ish games.

Some basic rules i try to follow:
-No mods.
-No owerwhelming numbers of weapons. (You need to have many weapons to compete with other ships from workshop, but in the terms of one universe we can limit the number per each category to make it more artistic.)
-No weapons on civil ships. (Well, its clear. Routs are secured by factions. In case faction wars there are no reasons to shoot weaponless ships. If you travel unsafety ways you should hire escort.)
-Exploration ships are still civil but might have ammo-limited weapons (rocket launchers) to deal with asteroids and debris. And outlaw modifications are still a thing. Still not allowed to shoot other ships.
-Jump drive is very-very expensive. And mainly use on large military, scientific or luxory ships.

More rules will be here later. To make this universe more reasonable in way of division of labour.

I hope you enjoy. Thanks for support.
Items (12)
Created by ver.D
Jump gate B_37, is one side of connected gates on the border of the Bravo sector. While jumping hyperdrivers are expensive and their distribution is strictly controlled, such gates serve to provide pathways between sectors for small or simply poor ships. B...
Created by ver.D Aorak is planned as "business jet" type spaceship for diplomats, celebs or simply rich persons. It is civil ship so you should travel by safety routs or in escort. It is not adapted to enter the atmosphere and any transfer b...
Sandrail Lans
Created by ver.D
These are single-driver buggies for wealthy people who want to relax from long flights in the cryopods, furrowing the desolate desert spaces of popular resorts behind the wheel of an obedient and catchy car. Its pretty big car for such small role (thanks t...
Created by ver.D
Nephon is the simplest pirate fighter. Its cheap and deterrent. Its used in swarms or fast hit&run operations. Idea of the ship is vertical orientation for vertical hangars and antediluvian landing_gear connections. It is small ship. It has less gatlings t...
Created by ver.D
No mods. Sparrow is planned as "personal vehicle" type spaceship for company usage or lonely explorers. It continues theme of the universe with a limited amount and complex management of weapons. Its roughly for space travel. Id say its your first ship in ...
Created by ver.D
Virion is militarized analogue of light ships like Sparrow. Its used for duty on larger ships or near stations. You also must have gun license to fly it. So its not available for most adventurers. Again, the idea was make it easy to modify. It is pretty sm...
Drydock "Herc"
Created by ver.D
The shipyard "Herc" is the dock developed by the Tetrus company for service and repair of the small and medium-tonnage ships. Check all screenshots for details ! Main side constructions: 4 blocks of cabins (on 2 from each side). Each block consists of a lo...
Exploration v2
Created by ver.D
5 little warships for explo. Each one has 2 main seats: 1 open view cockpit and 1 safe inside. Medbay, cryo, assembler, oxy tank. Mass ~ 2kt....
Frigate "Arizona"
Created by ver.D
Фрегат "Аризона". Масса ~5 кт. 16 гироскопов. Длина 72 блока. 8 турелей гатлинга и 6 ракетных турелей. 4 ракетные установки. Система конвейров. Frigate "Arizona". Weight ~ 5 kilotons. 16 gyroscopes. Length is 72 blocks. 8 gatling turrets and 6 rocket turre...
Board №6 & board №723.
Created by ver.D
Board number 6 and board number 723 the tourist ships, one of the few remained ships of the private companies since the pre-war period. The alliance demands to use from with extra care in connection with a present situation and even agreed to establish pro...
Tug "Targ"
Created by ver.D
Turg - tug for planet modules. Red - live module (for planets and traveling). Green - cargo. All info in screenshots....
Created by ver.D
-- Industrial machine "w4FD" and miner module "Fossor". "w4FD" are mech-styled craft that i like to use. Reeeeeally old stuff. The red - for assembly. The green - for dismantling. The blue - for drilling. The yellow - drone for drilling. Standard complete ...