The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

37 ratings
Throat of the World House
Category: Houses, Landscape
File Size
276.402 KB
14 Feb, 2012 @ 5:12pm
20 May, 2012 @ 11:29am
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Throat of the World House

If you like this mod, don't forget to rate and comment. =)

A house at the highest point of the world, usable by the Dovahkiin. After certain point of the story dragon(s) will circle the house.

To access the house, you'll first have to find the key hidden nearby. I'll tell the location in the end of this description if you don't want to spend time looking.

- Two floors + basement + storage area
- Eight mannequins total
- Plenty of weapon racks and display cases
- Every kind of crafting station
- Plenty of bookshelves (more will be added in the next update)

<<To do>>

- Add a merchant
- Finish the storage area
- Navmeshes


Drop TotWHouse.esp into the Skyrim data folder. To uninstall just delete or deactivate it.

<Known issues and compatibility>>

- Navmeshes are unfinished

I tried to stay clear of the most important areas where the main questline takes place. Some minor glitches may occur with NPC's in the area but there shouldn't be any game-breaking issues. Other mods will work fine unless they modify the same area.

Should you find any issues, don't hesitate to report them either here or Nexus. However, I'm new to modding so please be patient while I figure everything out.

v. 1.0 (5/20/2012)
- Added a new floor containing more mannequins, weapon racks etc...
- Improvements to exterior
- This is the pretty much the final version but I will be doing one more small update with improvements to the storage area. If you'd like to suggest something, now is the time.

v. 0.2.1 (3/4/2012)
- Extended basement
- Added music

v. 0.2 (02/25/2012)
- Finalized interior layout
- Lighting fixes
- Fixed some minor issues

v. 0.11 (02/17/2012)
- Added ambience
- Fixed bookshelves
- Removed 3 broken mannequins and added 1 working one
- A few tweaks here and there

v. 0.1 (02/15/2012)
- Initial release

The house key can be found behind the Nordic wall nearby (the one you learn the shouts from). There's a chest in which you'll find the key.
The basement key is between the upstairs bed and the wall.
penywise591 10 Nov, 2019 @ 11:14am 
how bout a small stable for a horse
Brandon Broseph 20 Jan, 2014 @ 1:35pm 
i wish someone would do something simlar and make a castle in this location
IkiS1000 30 Jul, 2013 @ 1:15pm 
..In the house! Great mod anyway!
IkiS1000 30 Jul, 2013 @ 1:14pm 
Update this mod that you can adopt children and let your wife live there!
Jonki  [author] 2 May, 2013 @ 2:42pm 
I've pretty much dropped the development of this mod already, so any updates are unlikely. Thanks for the suggestions though. =)
d u c c 18 Oct, 2012 @ 5:42pm 
Paarthurnax is my bouncer. I'm sure most people will have to worry about him before entering club aurelius. ALL MY FWEINDS R INVITED!
Bokken Boy 7 Sep, 2012 @ 2:20am 
its hardcore. thats all that matters.
Jonki  [author] 26 May, 2012 @ 5:36am 
@Kimak I would seriously like to do something like that, but I'm afraid my modding skills are (still) very limited. I am, however, trying to constantly learn how to do things with the tools as I try new things. I've had a lot of ambitious ideas but we'll see if I ever get to the point of actually making them come true. =)
Brandon Broseph 25 May, 2012 @ 5:19pm 
i'm seirously in love with this mod!! its simple but epic! not to over done like some castle mods. i use it to store all my stuff and pretty much use it as my main house. I think for future references in case your modding skills ever improved, what i would think would make this legendary is if you expanded this by alot. not player space but i think it would be awesome if there was like a dungen or like a mine, at the bottom of throat of the world and you would have to fight your way up inside the mountain, to unlock the house add like a deep story and some amazing dwemer ruins! after the player finishes the quest he can have the option to buy all the upgrades to the house! its alot to ask for but i seirously think this mod as alot of potentional!
Vintook 24 Mar, 2012 @ 4:09pm 
Oh,and thanks for all the mead!