Portal 2

Portal 2

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Szkodnix's Testing Facility #5 - Crash Test

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Szkodnix's Testing Facility #5 - Crash Test

Another test, another pretty uncommon solution.

Update 1.1:
- made pedestal button a little more... uum... annoying?
- minor: lighting improvements.

(mapa z dedykacją dla Pani Aleksandry Banaszak, z życzeniami Wesołych Świąt :))
Kristallator 28 Jan, 2013 @ 5:26pm 
Hey Szkodnix i have made test chamber 3 and 4 of G-test! And if your wondering who i am its that bassgh guy. I just canged my name and you will also have to redownload my maps because i did some editing for them. So its G-test 3-Crushing some Turrets and G-test 4-Rooms. I got the Bee mod for portal and it adds way moar stuff for the portal 2 map maker! You could use it for your test chambers and stufff.