The Real Ellis From L4D2
Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
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Have i ever told you about my friend, Keith?

He is "This year (2004)" my boss got him a real hamster.

Well, its not like the rest of us have ever had one, you know.

I mean, why would you want one of those?

They are smelly little balls of fur with no way of life... and I don't mean any disrespect to little fur balls, it is just that thats how they are.

Anyways, he named his hamster, "The hamster of Wrath."

He named him that because when he came out of the cage he went straight for hims dad and bit him in the butt.

It was a complete accident, but needless to say, Keith and his dad had a whole lot to say to each other.

"You little rascal," is what Keith said to the hamster when he walked into his room, and the hamster just looked at him like he was crazy.

"When are you going to learn to watch where you are going?" was the common phrase used whenever he had to step on the hamster again.

That week was terrible!

Every morning Keith would come into work with blood shot eyes and pinched off faces.

He would always say "Good morning," and hand me his list to make my weekly check.

Then he would proceed to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

I hated watching him walk away and then hear him scream and cuss the hamster out.

I felt so bad for the poor little guy.

He was always so scared when he came out of the cage, but his dad and I would talk to him and he would act all tough and ignore him.

Well on this particular morning Keith came in with tears....
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CowMan 4 Aug @ 9:11pm 
The Real Ellis From L4D2 29 Jul @ 6:54pm 
Significant Clog 29 Jul @ 5:24pm 
This isn't helpful - downvoted
Kritical Kayd A.K.A Cr4b L3g5 22 May, 2023 @ 9:22am 
hey ♥♥♥♥ you man!
The Real Ellis From L4D2 22 May, 2023 @ 9:20am 
more like Gayd amiright?
Kritical Kayd A.K.A Cr4b L3g5 22 May, 2023 @ 7:03am