Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman is the silent protagonist of the Half-Life video game series, created by Gabe Newell and designed by Marc Laidlaw of Valve. His first appearance is in Half-Life (1998). Gordon Freeman is depicted as a bespectacled white man from Seattle, with brown hair and a signature goatee, who graduated from MIT with a PhD in theoretical physics. He was an employee at the fictional Black Mesa Research Facility. Controlled by the player, Gordon is often tasked with using a wide range of weapons and tools to fight alien creatures such as headcrabs, as well as Combine machines and soldiers. Gordon Freeman's character has been well received by critics and gamers, and various gaming websites often consider him to be one of the greatest video game characters of all time, including UGO and GameSpot.

Favorite Game
Hours played
Gordon Freeman 16 Aug, 2019 @ 9:47pm 

Gordon Freeman 17 Jun, 2019 @ 5:37pm 
azuru8r 24 May, 2019 @ 6:04pm 
azuru8r 24 May, 2019 @ 6:03pm 
Gordon Freeman 13 Jan, 2019 @ 1:54pm 
Gordon Freeman 1 Sep, 2018 @ 2:16pm 
*two thousand wow's later*