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They didn't want to sign my petition
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De mysteriis dom Visciano
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Vittorio = 🤡
Imagine having 3k+ hours on dota and losing vs bots lev intermediate, crying and dropping la-mulana min 7, losing every single argument vs me, playing 3 champs and getting stomped by s4/b1 players every single league game, winning a couple of games on mushy and thinking you are some talented fps player (abuses high graph settings to aim from the distance), scared of join a Long live Santa's lobby (he's afraid of a bunch of 7yrs old kids), not being able to stay more than one night at my grandma's house without getting fever, ragequitting a chess game after I resurrected a dead pawn (the famous post-mortem mind control performed by the ancient egyptian masters)
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EunoMeow ♕ 24 Jan @ 1:17am 
🤍⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌸🌸🤍💮🌸🌸 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀💮
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Wishing you a wonderful day! :NekoShock::NekoPawLeft:
Frullato di ratti 23 Jan @ 2:35pm 
Thanks :3 the one in a sexy pink miniskirt died a couple of years ago and I put him in the dirt. Flowers grow in that spot every year since then
raw maw 23 Jan @ 2:18pm 
Those are some very cute cats! :kclove:

:2017catheart: :2017catheart: :2017catheart:
culicc 25 Aug, 2024 @ 2:40am 
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    /  ヽ   ノ
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That's what she said 6 Dec, 2022 @ 5:33pm 
Parlavo solo della facciata del profilo, non mi avventuro nei meandri della merda della tua libreria sennò potrei vomitare
Frullato di ratti 6 Dec, 2022 @ 5:04pm 
immagina flammarmi senza nominare crush crush