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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Platinum Wars Boards
Collection by IronMan9904
Boards to be used in Platinum Wars Platinum Wars Guide:
Platinum Wars Default Units
Collection by IronMan9904
A collection of basic units to be used in Platinum Wars Platinum Wars Guide:
Small Grid Decorations
Collection by IronMan9904
Because large grids suck.
The Iron Trashcan
Collection by IronMan9904
This is where I throw all of my miscellaneas blueprints I make that belong on the workshop. There's no running theme here, just random bits and pieces i picked out of the landfill that is my blueprint list.
Ironware Robots
Collection by IronMan9904
A collection of all of my autonymous machines that are good enough to be published. Most of them focus on using gyroscopes and sensors to operate, bypassing the need for mods or programming (I have no idea how to do programs) Some older robots may be outda
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