Plca de video: AMD 7970
Processador: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.40GHz 3.80GHz
Placa Mãe: FC GIGABYTE Ga-B75M-D3H
Fonte: CX500

Monitor: LG D2342P 60Hz(UM LIXO)

Mouse: Razer DethAdder Blue 3.5G
MousePad: Razer Goliathus
HeadSet: Razer meu fone do celular (iphone)
Teclado: Razer Arctosa

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Sedang Online
Game Favorit
Kigazahn 20 Mei @ 6:26am 
Game battles await us!
Miriam 31 Okt 2019 @ 11:23am 
🏀 ☂ 🥗 ☂ 📀 ☂ 🐳 ☂ 💚 ☂ 🌽 ☂ 🍖 ☂ 👔 ☂ 🚕 ☂ 🔋 ☂ 🌏 ☂ 👹 ☂ 💛 ☂ 🌋
Mulder: OK, it's not yet the finely detailed insanity that
you've come to expect from me, but...
Scully: From a dry skin sample, you're concluding, what? - that
he's some kind of fat-sucking vampire?

"The X-Files: 2SHY"

Mulder: how big can this thing get?
Scully: Mulder, I.. (smiles) sorry, for a second there it felt
like old times.

"The X-Files: The Host"
💙 ☂ 🥗 ☂ 💎 ☂ ⛳ ☂ 🐝 ☂ 🐠 ☂ 🎄 ☂ 🍧 ☂ 😺 ☂ 🚗 ☂ 👃 ☂ 🏓 ☂ 🎽 ☂ 🎍
FredEx 18 Des 2018 @ 8:51am 
Abre um MAPA so pra vc, seu F U D I D O de M E R D A
ZEROUM 7 Des 2018 @ 6:39pm 
fracassado demais, precisa xitar pra ganhar alguma coisa
ZEROUM 6 Des 2018 @ 5:54pm 
xita mesmo pra sair do xerife aí, newbinha de merda
ENNER VALENCIA 16 Agu 2018 @ 12:56pm 
joga muitoooooo carregou 4x5