Plca de video: AMD 7970
Processador: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.40GHz 3.80GHz
Placa Mãe: FC GIGABYTE Ga-B75M-D3H
Fonte: CX500

Monitor: LG D2342P 60Hz(UM LIXO)

Mouse: Razer DethAdder Blue 3.5G
MousePad: Razer Goliathus
HeadSet: Razer meu fone do celular (iphone)
Teclado: Razer Arctosa

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Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Kigazahn 20.5. klo 6.26 
Game battles await us!
Miriam 31.10.2019 klo 11.23 
🏀 ☂ 🥗 ☂ 📀 ☂ 🐳 ☂ 💚 ☂ 🌽 ☂ 🍖 ☂ 👔 ☂ 🚕 ☂ 🔋 ☂ 🌏 ☂ 👹 ☂ 💛 ☂ 🌋
Mulder: OK, it's not yet the finely detailed insanity that
you've come to expect from me, but...
Scully: From a dry skin sample, you're concluding, what? - that
he's some kind of fat-sucking vampire?

"The X-Files: 2SHY"

Mulder: how big can this thing get?
Scully: Mulder, I.. (smiles) sorry, for a second there it felt
like old times.

"The X-Files: The Host"
💙 ☂ 🥗 ☂ 💎 ☂ ⛳ ☂ 🐝 ☂ 🐠 ☂ 🎄 ☂ 🍧 ☂ 😺 ☂ 🚗 ☂ 👃 ☂ 🏓 ☂ 🎽 ☂ 🎍
FredEx 18.12.2018 klo 8.51 
Abre um MAPA so pra vc, seu F U D I D O de M E R D A
ZEROUM 7.12.2018 klo 18.39 
fracassado demais, precisa xitar pra ganhar alguma coisa
ZEROUM 6.12.2018 klo 17.54 
xita mesmo pra sair do xerife aí, newbinha de merda
ENNER VALENCIA 16.8.2018 klo 12.56 
joga muitoooooo carregou 4x5